Что со мной делать?
sorry for my englist
What English?
If I had to guess, the reason you are getting BLs is that you keep making threads in Russian in a site that as far as I know is primarily English-speaking; and, those of us who it's not our first language, use it so we can understand each other.
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Hello everybody. If you are intresting what I am talking about, just copy this text and use goodlevel translate, i`ll using simple words for more undrestandable my point (sorry for my englist, like always)
So, let's begin. I have long noticed that my black list statistics are growing almost exponentially (the screenshot below), but I do not know how to solve this problem. Sometimes for any message that does not carry any kind of abuse, I just get BL from a random user, which even irritates me very much (pancake). Yes, I read the rules of using the site that you can not beg for WL, or that you are removed from the BL, but if for all the time that I have changed your opinion in BL, remove me from it, thanks
1) In each distribution I will ask a few questions related to the site that are of interest to me (funny gifs as always are present;) I will ask to answer the questions more openly, all users (I also know how to use an interpreter)
2) I hope this topic will not bring me more BL from other users (a screenshot of the new statistics will be in a couple of days in this discussion)
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Does it even matter what language you're speaking? No, I think not. If people are annoyed by your language, then you shouldn't even care about it.
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but, much of them told it`s engl site, and i should be more solidarity, you know
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People are different and it's good to keep it that way. If you're addressing to the people that speak the same language as you, then use your own language. If you're addressing to all steamgifts users though, then you should obviously speak english. But it's your choice obviously.
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Sometimes, for any message that does not carry any oskarbleniya.
What? :c
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Heh if that would be the only reason to dislike them.
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...aaaaand they are really dispicable nation in general.
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I wouldn't generalize :) I can agree that there's a lot trolls and toxic people in gaming for example that are from Russia, but I've met actually russian guys (I don't know official name of person of russian nationality and I don't want to offend by accident :P ) that are reaaally awesome... and russian literature is great :D
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Normally i wouldnt as well ( generalize ) . I'm hardly one to judge people by something else other than how they behave/think but in this case i'm pretty comfortable with this generalization because it's while not 100% mostly applies. I had my fair share of experiences with those people. Outside gaming.
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As I see you're too center/eastern Europe, so maybe it's only up to our luck what people we've met :)
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I dont even know how i forsed u to think something bad about me...
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I don't think it is you specifically. It is a lot more complex and wider thing. Part stereotype, part (sadly) experiences.
Just for a short personal example:
I can, without thinking, name two Russian guys here at any time, who are great people and I am honoured to be in a small group of one of them.
On the other hand, once I could not send out the gifts to the winners for a few hours after the giveaways ended. This is what I saw the next morning: http://i.imgur.com/fgUOTAF.png All 21 people added me to demand their games. Not ask for what happened, or maybe being a bit curious on why no key was added for half a day, but demand it. Three of them directly accused me of cheating and being a fraud. One of those was so aggressive and offensive that I actually could reroll that giveaway for his behaviour.
16 of them were Russian.
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I hate to say it because I don't like to stereotype people either and there are some good eggs, but I have had much the same experiences as yourself. I find it distasteful that their people's most notable contribution to the world seems to be hacking this or hacking that, causing mayhem for others, and engaging in criminal activity such as theft. It paints the impression of a people who have created an incredibly selfish culture with no morals who care only about themselves and have no regard whatsoever to what affect their actions may have on others on this planet. I know the economic situation there sucks, but that's no excuse for it. And I say that as someone who was born in South America in a country where poverty was/is a real problem. Even if I were to ignore that I would have to say that I have found many of them to be rude, arrogant, and just plain obnoxious throughout various dealings and interactions over the years, very much at a disproportionate rate compared to others mind you. I also dated a girl from Poland for some time and the things she told me only served to reinforce my own observations and impressions.
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But not for me :D
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You either rush b cyka blyat or become cyka yourself. Blyat.
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Спасибо за поездку на поезде!
Thank you for the train ride!
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First I added you on my BL when I saw the russian text, but then I've seen the translation in the comments and I change my decision. My only advice is to try writing in english a little or at least translate your russian text into english with google's help. I personally will not put any effort of opening google's translator changing the setting and do the whole work. Good luck with your graph.
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Люди будут блеклистить тебя просто потому что могут. И да, создавая треды на языке, отличном от языка, принятого в сообществе и отправляя всех пользоваться гуглтранслейтом, ты существенно увеличиваешь вероятность улететь в блеклист, в том числе от русскоязычных. Поскольку никто не любит демонстративного пренебрежения этикетными нормами.
Представь, что лакцы или аварцы пришли в твой любимый паблик вконтакте/на двачик и упоенно общаются на своем родном, посылая всех в гугл и ты поймешь, как выглядишь со стороны.
P. S. Беспокойство о количестве блеклистов жалко на таком количестве уровней, что мне даже неловко их перечислять.
TL;DR when in rome do as the romans do @ being concerned about number of blacklists is cringeworthy
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I'm not sure if you're talking about why you're blacklisted this much but I'm pretty sure this is how you get blacklisted.
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раздачи ААА иконок увеличивают шансы быть вынутым из бл и добавленным в вл)
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Как раз нет, какие-либо раздачи не помогут выйти из блэклиста, а наоборот - могут добавить туда, особенно если делать дискуссии и поезда.
Как пояснил мне один создатель очень нужного поезда - он добавил меня в свой блэклист только потому, что мои раздачи в основном залочены по региону, т.е. если он не может войти в мои раздачи, значит и я не должен учавствовать в его раздачах. Он считает это справедливым. Правда то что его доходы превышают наши на порядок (на 1000-2000% больше), а цены в Стиме всего на 30-50% меньше - его это не заинтересовало.
Так что скорее всего причина твоих BL именно в этом.
П.с. Я теперь уже даже боюсь писать "Thanks" или "Bump" в коментариях, ато вдруг автор раздачи проверит мой аккаунт и тоже заблэклистит.)
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Hello everybody
How i said, after a few days i
ll post a new picture stats of my black and white lists ( who is intrested) I
m really thankfull all for yours advice.I`m apreciate your attention, see ya
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