I joined recently (2 years i believe) as a result of leaving consoles and enter the pc world. No regrets :P
I started playing Team Fortress 2 with my friends (old account) but my first game purchased was CS:GO (stopped playing already XD)
I'm now 132 games :D
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I actually started using Steam because of Humble Bundle, saw an amazing bundle that I had to have... so I created an account with Steam and it coincided with the summer sale at the time. Since I started to buy bundles, I was looking for a way to trade my unwanted keys and that's how I found SG, only my trading days didn't last very long once I discovered the GA side of the side and of course the forum...
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Congrats on 12 years of being Gaben's slave! That's quite the benchmark!
My story of joining steam was because I was heavily addicted to Puzzle Pirates at the time and Steam had found its way into the PP community. I noticed that characters connected to Steam didn't get deleted after the 3 month inactivity period, so I joined Steam for that without needing to spend money on doubloons. There was also an achievement for logging into PP through Steam, so I did it for that as well. Yum, achievements.
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i created my steam account because you needed one to pirate HL2: Episode 2 xD, everything changed when i saw a sale.....
And found SG while roaming the internet, tought it was a scam xD, so forgot about it.... then i found it once again and this time decided to give it a try... >:D
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Scanning through the comments i see familiarity about. I was "forced" (aka nicely asked hehe) to get a steam account when i buddies wanted to play CS:S with me. (Coming from the TacticalOps world when seemingly everybody was playing CS1.6)
This never came to fruition the account stayed nevertheless. Gotten myselves CS:GO but my original buddies doesn't seem to play tactical shooters anymore :(
At least i found boardgaming on steam worthwhile too.
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I joined steam 8 years ago, because i get 2 games for free when I buy ATI graphic card. I have only this 2 game for 8 years on steam. :-) Last month I buy new PC and CS:GO on steam. I played CS 1.6 nonsteam previously, because I have old PC. Now I want play new games and this page is perfect for win games for free. I love competitions.
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I am tired for searching CD/DVD for games in my library. Digital is fine. I can reach them whenever i want. This is why i choose Steam. After Steam, one of my frinds told me SteamGifts. Then i joined.
That's all. Happy to be with friends in here..
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i've apparently entered steam almost 4 years ago... but i've no idea why i did that... and now it ownes my life...
and i joined steamgifts a few months ago... in order to try new games i wouldn't buy for myself...
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If I remember right I noticed that someone mentioned this site on some Steam discussion asking if this site could be trusted or something like that. Well being a good little sumo I started to search info about the site (mainly user reviews and stuff) and after some time I tried the site myself. Didn't know if I would stay or not, just to see what kind of people gaveaway games. My first thought was that people would give away free games or games worth of couple bucks but oh boy I was wrong on that.
19 days after joining (would have said 1-2 months if I trusted my memory alone) I made my first giveaway. I mainly did bundle leftovers at first since I had plenty of those. Previously I had just gave my leftover keys to my friends who didn't even use Steam much but after discovering that people really liked those games and wanted them I started to give away them here :) Better to give them to someone who really wants them, right?
Now I have been here over 10 months (not for very long) and I'm close to get to level 7. I still give away bundle keys but I also do some nonbundles (lately LEGOs) for some of the groups I belong. I can't really afford bigger AAA titles since I'm not working atm but maybe someday I will! (Although somehow I think that it is better to make multiple giveaways of cheaper games than one giveaway for higher price game; this way more people will be happy and receive something.) Thanks for the interesting thread, I'll check this later on once we get more stories :) No need to add me to the whitelist, I already own the Blackgate and should complete the game at some point (played it about the halfway through and then got distracted by something... can't remember what).
Edit: Ah, forgot the Steam! I think that I joined the site because of Left 4 Dead. Me and my older brother discovered that pearl of a game and the game couldn't be played without Steam so we both made accounts. Didn't really use the community hub and still don't use it much, I mainly read the discussions, write really rarely.
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DotA was a motive! to tell you the truth, i haven't play DotA foa a year now and I feel a better person now. All that flame, was over the roof! I now enjoy all those indie gems, and Skyrim, a lot of Skyrim :P
I joined SG for fre games lol but now it's more of a community thing. You know, reading the forums and stuff
Happy Gabe Cake-Day (is this a thing? lol)
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I bought Orange Box. But years passed before i actually unpacked it and register my account on Steam.
I hate being slave of Gabe.
If i could i would choose GOG as a main platform...
How did i get here on SG? I don't remember actually. I guess it was by accident while i was searching for a way to obtain games for lower prices :)
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Hm.. I played 1.6 on our shared home computer without my mother noticing it. I was pretty young back then. I must of been 8 or so.
I got my first rig with 11 and somehow could convince my mom to buy CS:S for me. This was back in 2008. Only had CS:S, DoD:S and HL2 DM for about 1.5 years.
Then I got some small games and eventually started getting lots of games in 2013. Had some on/off phases with my consoles but concentrated on my computer again since last year. Backlog Number of games has increased alot ^^ Shitty collector addiction.
Edit : Also gratulations :>
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Friend asked me to join to play Terraria and Payday 2, and more Co-op/Multiplayer game... AND I didn't like physical box, so that was pretty much main reason to join Steam.
Joined Steamgifts cause that friend also were giving away copy of Far Cry 4 :) BUT I wasn't the lucky one :(
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I joined steam when I was doing my erasmus and one night, since I was sick in bed doing nothing, i dediced to check steam out... there you go new addiction (before i was playing only on xbox 360). i joined steamgifts when I saw it somewhere, don't remember where, and I thought "this cannot be true" but yeah it is and I've enjoyed being part of this community :)
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As a DRM-free supported, I was quite wary of Steam in the beginning. I only really joined because a friend got Portal 2, and gifted me Portal, which he already had. For the first year or so, I only used it to store backups of my Humble bundle games, but then slowly it pulled me in. Still wary of it, but some games can't do without steam!
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Well, I've played CS 1.6 and all before I even knew about Steam.
I got to downloading and installing steam back in 2013 for playing Dota. I played a game and deleted Steam forever. I recently downloaded Steam to download Dota again because one of my friend insisted I play... So back in October 2015.. I downloaded Dota 2 and started playing again.. I played for like a week and delete Dota but not Steam, I kept checking Steam for games and added a couple to my wishlist.. and in november, I got an email saying the game I had wishlisted was on sale - Tomb Raider (2013). I purchased it and that was like my first online game purchase :P
I joined SG in December, I found the SG group on Steam on another friends profile..I was first very doubtful about the site and I had purchased a humble bundle and I had one of these games I wasn't interested in..so I gave that away.. and my SG life started. I've given out like 70 games now :D
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I played counter-strike before steam was out and made the transition to steam when 1.6 came out. At that time I was in school and very busy so I took a couple year break from steam/cs. When I finally felt like playing some 1.6, I downloaded steam again and tried logging in but realized I no longer remembered my login info. I couldn't recover the account so I made a new account (this one) and I had a physical copy of a counter-strike bundle with other games like blue shift and opposing force that all had cd keys on there cd sleeves which to my surprise each of the keys (4 or 5 keys) would redeem 3 games 1.6 / Day of Defeat and Condition Zero so right away I was back to some CS. I have regained access to my original account since then but now that this account has almost 500 games and my original has 3 games I only use this one.
For steamgifts I saw a post about it a trading group from someone I traded with and he basically got me interested in it.
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i joiend steam because a friend gave me Gmod and then the addiction started...GAMES GAMES GAMES and playwith friends of course , i joined SG to leech c: , and give away some stuff i get and already have or don't like
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Today I can celebrate 12 years of service for Gabe and I finally reached level 7 at SG (110 on Steam ;) ). Normaly I would decide to make a train, but its so common. Tell my why you joined the steam & steamgift community. Because of friends? You want to play CS 1.6 (oldschool :P) or DotA? What was your reason? I will add everyone who tells me his story to my whitelist and create a giveaway for Batman™: Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition. If you already own it, feel free to tell us your story anyway :) Have a nice day!
edith say: Decided to make a private giveaway because it would took me to much time to whitelist everyone! :D
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