get a few dozen hamsters and let them run free in your home. cheaper than a dog so you can probably get a dog's weight in hamsters.
wait no better idea. what would you rather have? a single expensive dog that if he dies due to inexperience you're screwed? or about a thousand mice from a live feed store for the same or cheaper?
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lol. Cruelty? What the hell are you talking about? What kind of cruelty? When he makes his little hissing noise and nips them with his fingertips?
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"Spiked collars, electric shock collars" didn't know about that! 0_0 That sucks balls. Any proof of this anywhere? Any videos or anything, whistle blowers?
"..yanking the leash, forcing them to the ground.." I agree that he sometimes is way too harsh in doing this, but for some aggressive or easily excitable dogs, sometimes forcing them to the ground is the only way to go - dominate them and show them who's boss. Only then can you get them calmer, so you have time and an opening to show and encourage positive behavior. I've seen dobermans that had been mistreated and raised as aggressive guard / attack dogs by ex cons, that basically were an incredibly scary danger and a menace, that had no other way of being rehabilitated than by being physically forced into a submissive role first, before slowly being introduced to a more positive, relaxed, and eventually happy, cuddly and very free way of life.
"..provoking dogs until they react aggressively so he can treat them like shit.." Yeah I agree that sometimes, it appears he's more trying to make good television by creating a situation to solve, rather than doing something useful.
"I want my dog to want to cooperate with me because it's fun and because he likes me, not because he's terrified of what I'll do if he doesn't do what I say" 100% agree here. For any pets. Harmony and love, not dominance and control :)
It's just that sometimes, people criticize things he does that are entirely valid and work, and aren't that harsh or mean at all, like those little nips he gives, hence my comment. The stuff you and the other guy that replied to me, though, is news to me, and makes me instantly go "well fuck dat".
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Watch this
"Cesar Millan's methods are based on flooding and punishment. The results, though immediate, will be only transitory. His methods are misguided, outmoded, in some cases dangerous, and often inhumane. You would not want to be a dog under his sphere of influence. The sad thing is that the public does not recognize the error of his ways. My college thinks it is a travesty. We've written to National Geographic Channel and told them they have put dog training back 20 years."
Dr. Nicholas Dodman - Professor and Head, Section of Animal Behavior, Director of Behavior Clinic, Tufts University - Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
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Also, please see my reply to skanda, too.
So, by "flooding", the professor means flooding of sensory input? Overloading the system, so to speak? Also am curious as to precisely which of his methods are outmoded / dangerous / inhumane (not that I disagree - again, for the reasoning behind my original comment, see my reply to skanda). Could you link me the article you're quoting?
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He meant flooding as a psychological term.
Cesar Millan's methods are outmoded because they are based upon old alpha wolves concept. The notion of the alpha pack leader dominating all other pack members is derived from studies of captive packs of unrelated wolves and thus bears no relationship to the social structure of natural packs. In the wild, the alpha wolves are merely the breeding pair, and the pack is generally comprised of their juvenile offspring and pups.
What happens if 4 different pack lost their hunting ground to "civilization" and "escape" to 5th pack's hunting ground? With unreleated captive wolves every wolf is their own pack, they cant adopt each others to their family. They are member of a group now but they arent a family. They built a system like an unstable kingdom with usurper duchies; When a king fall ill or a duke thinks he is grown strong there will be war. If your dog see you as an nonfamily pack member or scared of you he can attack on any weakness.
I dont know is he ever use spiked collars or electric shock collars but he kicks and chokes them. Humane thing is to let him think you as his grandparent etc. through love, he is practically an orphan after all. But Cesar act as an another lone wolf from a rival pack.
I did read translation/summary of it last summer, i dont have access to original article.
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Play with doge
Feed the doge
Love the doge
x Repeat for infinity love!
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get him dog food, 2-3 chuing toy and a good vet to consult with him/her if what to feed in the start and how to rise him/her properly :) not that hard :) it will chue everything you have from start but its ok :) good luck and hope you two will get along :)
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With all due respect, if you've been wanting a dog for the past 5 years, but haven't managed to find the answers to any of these questions during this half-decade of preparation time, I'm not sure you're ready for this...
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I'm pretty sure that it works just because what happens with cameras off... (Hint: it might hurt)
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I had a miniature poodle that managed to get into a full box of chocolate-covered cherries and ate the whole damn thing, but didn't like the cherries and left them to dry and harden in the shag carpet as a surprise for when we got home. She was fine. This dog had a cast iron stomach. She would eat garbage or anything she could find and she still lived to be 16.5 years old. Even then she wasn't sick or anything. We had to put her down because she tore a ligament in her hip and couldn't move from the pain and wouldn't have survived the surgery.
It's true though, don't feed a dog chocolate. It's bad. Also ibuprofen is extremely toxic to dogs so if you accidentally drop one on the floor, pick it up before they eat it.
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Don't you know? You can read the attached instructions.
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take care of it: feed it, let it go outside to relieve itself, let it back in. take it for walks. use google to find more
don't get it any clothes.. i don't think dogs like wearing sweaters and stuff :/
but you can decide what you want
feed it dog food, and give it some other things sometimes, like some food off your plate.
safety precautions: keep fire, knives out of the dogs reach. if you wear knives in your boots, take them out and put them away when you're not wearing the boots.
love it and it'll love you back.
google to find out more, i guess
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It'd be helpful if you could list the type of things you're looking for in a pooch, what your home is like, your yard size, as well as what your environment is like. Certain breeds won't do well unless they're housed in the right place. I could help you out if I had more info.
I'm gonna need more information if I'm expected to teach poor flow how to doge care. lol
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Don't get a puppy, get a cat instead if you are really going to stay home 9 hours a day. If you want to get a reason to get out of home, then do get a dog, or both.
Dogs need to go out have their walks, in which you must do it yourself (so be prepared to do so once a day).
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I'd think the opposite. cats are for when you spend most of the day away. dogs get sad and mopy and need people to pay attention to them but cats are more "stay go whatever I'm doing my own thing anyway" if hes home 9hrs a day thats plenty of time for a dog(assuming that doesn't include his sleeping hours) the more time you have for the creature the better
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That's also what I think. I agree that dogs need exercice, etc. but some dogs get really sad and depressed when you are away for a long time (my dog, for example, barely eats when I or my mom are away)
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What type of puppy are you looking to get?
all different breeds have different needs
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and where exactly do you think dogs come from? if he gets it from a shelter that just means petshop puppy goes unsold and ends up in a shelter in his place once it outgrows the appealing puppy age.
(assuming it isn't just put to sleep when the store can't afford to keep a fullgrown dog on display) you save nothing. a dog in the pound either way and petshops will always be stocked so long as dogs exist(more or less as a requirement to dog's continued existence since in modern times only breeders breed them (in sufficient numbers to exist as a species))
its like the fad of adopting chinese babies. doesn't make the ready supply of orphans near you go away any quicker so why go that far out of your way.
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As long as people keep buying them yeah, of course shops and breeders will keep selling them. If you can't beat them, join them, right? It is also ridiculous how much a dog costs when you can easily adopt one from a shelter, and believe me, there are lots of pure breed puppies in there.
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...and if people stopped buying them? where would they come from then?
I can see that working for cats(so many wild cats where I live the town poisons them and they just keep coming), but no population of feral dogs to speak of, unintentional breeding fairly low between neutering, (and most importantly as the cat example shows>)leash/fencing laws either restraining or confining them to the owner's property pretty much always and a tendency for most to only own one animal at a time...
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not all, but where else? whens the last time you saw a feral dog? or a neighbor with a cardboard box filled with surprise puppies?
I'm sure they happen but the vast majority directly or more likely indirectly through owners dropping them off at a shelter...
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My father-in-law works at the police station, and they get those cardboard boxes more often than you think, believe me. My girlfriend wanted a dog for a long a time, but he wouldn't allow it, so he told her every time they recieved one of those boxes to make her mad. And I see lots of posters, specially in the vet, of people offering puppies. Also I'm sure that if the demand in shelters were higher (that won't happen as long as they're sold in shops), people wouldn't be so scared of their dogs getting pregnant and not knowing what to do with the puppies afterwards.
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yes, get one from the shelter.
If you are new with dogs, consider getting one that is a little older maybe 1-3 years. I have a 2 year old husky lab mix from the shelter and she was all ready house broken. She also knows basic comands like sit and shake. I think an older dog will work well for you. Good luck=)
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going to get a new puppy
idk how to take care of it
idk what to get it
idk what to feed it
idk what safety precautions to take
idk whatever that has to do with dog caring
plis teach poor flow he been wanting a doggy for 5 years
no hate or report
^ i mean it
thx for help in advance to all of u
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