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I just went to google it after the comment I left here, and I'm very curious about it. The 1990 miniseries is one of my favorite stephen king's adaptation, but this look promising.
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PS: I can't find the voting thread for last week's entries, is it up somewhere?
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Oh, it's all good then, I was just worried it had fallen in a pit of unbumped threads and i couldn't find it. No rush at all ;)
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Oh, I'm good I can wait, there is no rush I could dig for it too but it's no THAT much of a rush ;p
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Since I still suck at coloring it's a colorless entry for me. :)
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In the worst case you can always you did go for something unique. If you checked the older threads you have seen all kinds of colouring. So you can still think about it during the week. Some basic colouring should be doable fast and easy even with paint. But nobody will force you to do it ^^
And hey, maybe you will surprise yourself.
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When we were first proposed, the morals of society prevented humans from creating living buildings. It only took 30 years for their situation to become so dire that they threw away their ethics in a vain attempt to lengthen their reign on a dying Earth. They used us to farm new organs for them when their damaged cells decided to multiply themselves instead of their species, and to create meats for them to eat when they depleted the last fragile ecosystems that had managed to survive the human's and the Earth's attack against life. We we human's survival and also their hope. Humans tried for centuries to create computers as intelligent in design as they themselves were until they decided to modify what nature has made instead of recreate it. And we could eventually think of an answer to save the human race and the planet. But it was too late, by the time we Figured out how to preserve human life, the Earth had reclaimed it's greatest creations. And now no one is left to reclaim us.Our fate is life, the thing we could no preserve in our creators. I have no mouth, and I must scream.
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I have an idea for this one, will start colouring tomorrow.
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Colouring finished(3 drawings), now I only have to merge them into 1.
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When you first showed me the draft and asked for permission for moving the towers around that much I told you that you had to keep it to scale and to use the original connect-the-dot lines for the legs. Your legs are scaled down a lot, plus it uses a cleaned up version of the tower shapes (and if my eyes aren't deceiving me, the outlines are copy-pasted?). This is a really good idea and execution for what it is, but I told you very specifically what you needed to do to get such an extreme change qualified, and it's like you ignore that. I hope you can rework those legs to fit scale and use the actual lines from the dots.
It looks like the chimney's on top follows the dot-lines more properly than the legs do, but there the tops are cut off, and the detail of the section dividers are quite a bit too hidden to see for sure.
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Then the legs don't follow the dot lines. If you check on the upward side of each tower, it's an almost 90 degree angle. You have the same smooth angle both top and bottom. On the chimneys I can see your dot-lines through the very dark colour (just below the top red arrow), and there those angles (top arrow) are more like the real towers than what we can see on the legs (bottom arrow).
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It's intentional. Supposed to look less like computerprinted, and more like old style script. Not to mention, there are no important elements in the text. A lot of old documents are hard to read because of the handwriting, I wanted to mimic that.
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Thanks, I used it for all my entries so far and no intention of changing that.
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Like I said I was tired, I had a long day of work. I don't think I'll correct it though, I don't really mind that much for it to bother me.
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Heh, now we have two night themes behind each other ^^ So this is how my picture could look if I had actual talent in computer assisted drawing. Would have been cool if you had integrated the stars into the lines. Like the zodiacs in the night sky.
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Apparently I'm not able to differentiate a red tone from a purple/violet one .... Well, at least one time in my life I had an actual use for GIMP. Here is the album how that violet nightmare turned into the yellow (wishful golden) Taj Mahal at night time. If I had talent I could have tried to integrate a light gradient somewhere .....
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The shading almost makes it look like a sandstorm has started piling up sand on the side of the building. :) Great use of inverted colours. I guess that what you did? And if so, how did you get the grass in such a good green colour? Did you invert green and see what you had to paint it with to make it flip back to green afterwards? =)
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If you check the album you will see the original painting I had created. Yea, I used inverted colours. I really liked that night effect I got for the black edition for Neuschwanstein. It is something I could never establish if I try making it by hand so I just had to invert the white. This meant that I also had to invert all other colours .... As in the description for the Taj Mahal given by Phoxy I tried to create a golden version at night. But the thing I though was purple was probably more red than I noticed (notice how the first inverted picture has green grass and a green Taj Mahal ....) The green worked like intended. I used red for it. The water actually came out really nicely in the way I wanted to.
For the final adjustment I used GIMP where I can invert and change the colour of parts only. I changed the the Taj Mahal to a more yellow tone and darkened the lower part since it was to bright for being at night.
Hm, the lemon green version doesn't look to bad either and the river is more interesting there. Maybe I'll change it. I still can do it until the countdown ends I assume.
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Welcome to the fifth week of the Connect-the-dot and Coloring event lasting 12 weeks with each week 2 new connect-the-dot challenges!
Previous Weeks: Big Ben, Eiffel Tower, Sagrada Familia, St Marks Square, Bridge of Sighs, St.Peter's Basilica, Neuschwanstein, Parthenon
Voting and Leaderboard Thread is HERE
This week the landmark for this thread is:
The Taj-Mahal in JPG format
The Taj-Mahal in PDF format
Simply print the jpg or pdf (or use paint programs) and complete the connect-the-dots and submit your finished picture in this thread! For participating you will be invited to a special Steam group for GA rewards!
Here is an example:
Example of completed Dot-to-dot -St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia
Example of COLORED Dot-to-dot -used colored pencil, adding some detail
If you want to accept the ultimate challenge then add some coloring to your picture for next week voting will be done on colored submissions for winners and special GA entry!
Check HERE for details on your submissions and the event!
And don't miss out on the other challenge this week of the Kizhi Pogost!
The Taj-Mahal Challenge!
Where: Agra, India
What: The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the south bank of the Yamuna river
in the Indian city of Agra. It was commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan,
to house the tomb of his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
The complex is believed to have been completed in its entirety in 1653
at a cost estimated at the time to be around 32 million rupees,
which in 2015 would be approximately 52.8 billion rupees (US$827 million)
The construction project employed some 20,000 artisans under the guidance
of a board of architects led by the court architect to the emperor, Ustad Ahmad Lahauri.
The Taj Mahal incorporates and expands on design traditions of Persian and earlier Mughal architecture.
While earlier Mughal buildings were primarily constructed of red sandstone,
Shah Jahan promoted the use of white marble inlaid with semi-precious stones.
Buildings under his patronage reached new levels of refinement.
The most spectacular feature is the marble dome that surmounts the tomb.
The dome is nearly 35 metres (115 ft) high which is close in measurement to the length of the base,
and accentuated by the cylindrical "drum" it sits on which is approximately 7 metres (23 ft) high.
The dome and chattris are topped by a gilded finial which mixes traditional Persian and Hindustani
decorative elements.The main finial was originally made of gold but was replaced by a copy made of
gilded bronze in the early 19th century.
The minarets, which are each more than 40 metres (130 ft) tall,
were constructed slightly outside of the plinth so that in the event of collapse,
the material from the towers would tend to fall away from the tomb.
Interesting facts:
According to legend it is believed that Emperor Shah Jahan had planned to construct another Taj Mahal in black marble on the other side of the river but the war with his sons interrupted his plans.
The Taj Mahal takes on different colouring at different times of the day, from a pinkish hue in the morning, milky white in the evening and golden at night when lit by the moon. They say the changing colour resembles the changing mood of females - in particular, the Emperor's queen.
In 1942, the government erected a scaffolding to disguise the building in anticipation of air attacks by the Japanese Air Force
The full height of the Taj Mahal is 171 metres (561 feet).
More than 1,000 elephants were employed to transport the construction materials used to build the Taj.
GOOD LUCK on the challenge! Create for us some breath-taking Taj-Mahals for some awesome GA wins!
Special giveaway here
Cool pics of landmark:
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