I'm just curious. I understand why this is applied to games that are bundled. However, it is often the case that after a few years games that were previously bundled shoot up in value, sometimes it seems permanently. I have some really old keys from bundles from almost a decade ago. You can't get those games cheap anymore. I don't think it's a huge issue, just that if there is a per-game valuation system in place it makes more sense for these values to be reviewed periodically, even if that may seem like a tall order. You could keep a deduction in place for all games that have been bundled, just have the deduction amount reflect the changes in value.

6 months ago

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people would hold onto keys until they went up in value.
its not a perfect system

6 months ago

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I guess that could be true, in my case I pretty much forgot about my dusty old keys or at other times didn't consider what to do with my duplicates. But if I was actually an active SteamGifts contributor (I used it once over a decade ago and forgot about the site until now) I wouldn't see the point in holding onto duplicates. If I was giving away keys for nothing in return anyway, may as well give them away while they're new(ish) games and more likely to be enjoyed by the recipient. In my experience, when people purposefully hold onto keys it's usually so that they can make more money if they choose to sell the keys later on.

6 months ago

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This couldn't be more wrong if you tried - just because you get a double doesn't mean you give it away straight away and why does if a game is new or old make it good or bad or make it more or less valuable to the winner - also their is a lot of reasons why people (like myself) hold on to keys

6 months ago

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...because AAA or AA games will often excel in (current) graphical fidelity and will be technologically outdated in five or ten years?

6 months ago

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Trust me graphics are not everything

6 months ago

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I play majority indie and sometimes retro, but yet I still appreciate excellent visuals when I see them. So many PC gamers wouldn't be buying high-range graphics cards if they didn't plan on utilising their power. Your argument is based on a personal preference. The fact that you see little value in graphics compared to other factors doesn't mean that others feel the same way.

6 months ago

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...don't feed the troll.

6 months ago

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i'm a troll?

6 months ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

6 months ago

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people could just hold onto them until they go back to full CV is likely a justification.

I would be up for things going back to full/reduced CV from reduced/no if the unused keys from those free sources are confirmed expired/revoked.

6 months ago

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I feel like that doesn't do much but artificially inflate the value and level of users. I'm level 5 and yet I've given away 63 games, a large majority being less than full value. If I were to use this method I'd get to level 10 probably after about as half as many giveaways. I feel that levels have a large impact on blocking off bots, so people could just buy cheap keys and give them away when their value returns and then have either a single, a couple, or an entire botnet of level 10 bot freaks entering all the more restricted giveaways meant for actual contributors. Yes, crazy scenario but my point stands that there'd be no distinction between people who've given away 100-250 FV games and people who've given away 30-40 bundled games (could be 20-30 bucks with the crazy bang-for-buck bundles on Fanatical nowadays) after waiting for their value to reset.

6 months ago*

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Well, you'd need $5000 worth of games to giveaway to get to level 10... and the obvious reason for decreased values is the normal cost of a games when spilt in a cheap bundle.
Early levels are easy to get, the higher levels are a bit more difficult.

6 months ago

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Huh. Still, you get what I mean though, and even moreso with what you said in mind. People could attain level 10 by spending around 5% of that number through buying bundles (even moreso with cheaper bundles, especially when they're able to buy multiple and give away in bulk, 5 each).

6 months ago

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All need to be done manual by the mods with not so great tools.
They aren't able to do it for each game, as you can see each day when you only check the freebies and bundles that are, very good, presented on barter.vg

How did you think would a system go when the mods would need to do, much, more work ?

Besides the fact that cg would need to program something and he isn't very connected with sg, since at least 6 years, which means he nearly don't invest time here.

Alone this are two big things that prevent a new/more work intense system.
Not looked into it deeper to check how many cheaters could abuse/exploit it better as the existing system.

6 months ago

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SG levels above 5 won't give you much advantage as there are next to none public giveaways restricted to higher levels. Despite that many members do their giveaways "strategically" to maximize CV gain thus quality games with ** blemish wont show up in GAs very often if at all. R.I.P. Subnautica

6 months ago

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kinda unrelated, but what happened to Subnautica?

6 months ago

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To spell it out for you ** means no CV for giving away the game. Considering cheapest offer from a store is around 16 euro you won't see a giveaway for Subnautica very often. https://i.imgur.com/R04IH5Y.jpg

6 months ago

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oh. yea, that makes sense. but why is worth 0 CV? was it free at some point?

6 months ago

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