I've always been curious if someone has any ideas. Doesn't bother me at all.
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There are many reasons for blacklists as listed in the thread below. Creating this thread is likely to increase this number.
Try to focus on the whitelist instead as its not worth the headache.
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If someone wants to get blacklisted... go and answer that link/topic... Last post 8month old. :)
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Sry, I am on my way to optic...
Yes Started 6y ago.
I just looked last post, even it was deleted, it said 8month.
But yes, last comment 4y ago.
I think we talk about same post!? :D
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Good catch, and yes, it seems like it's actually just that easy to accumulate blacklists.
So far this thread is mission accomplished on finding the many oddities that explain where blacklists come from. Very educational.
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Yeah, never been worried about the blacklist. Like I said, it's extremely low but I'm sure just interacting with the public in any way, especially on the topic itself, is enough to cause a few more to pop up.
I'll read that thread over too. It's a little old but I'm sure there's some overlap.
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All those reasons listed still pretty much apply now. Most people will tick a few of those boxes. Others will tick nearly all of them.
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I've BL'd posters of Hentai-game GAs. It's easier than playing whack-a-mole with every Hentai game title.
And in doing so, I lose all their non-Hentai GAs, and I think that's a fair trade. I'm cutting my nose to spite my face.
I'm not criticizing those users, because I know it's my own hang-up. I'll seek my taste in that kind of thing when I decide to -- I just don't want to stumble across it while doing something else, and I consider gaming to be something else.
I've gotten 5 BLs in my three months here, but in my case I presume they have been from my forum postings.
I guess my advice is to try not to take it personally. Maybe your icon is the spitting image of someone they want to forget.
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Just an update:
With some help, I've gotten ESGST to filter out Hentai.
That person who has deleted his posts was really taken aback by my blacklisting, so I sought another approach.
Now that the filter covers the task, I've cleared out my blacklist.
Now I need a blacklist recruitment thread.
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Makes sense. I thought there was a chance that it was part of some peoples filtering processes.
Good insight.
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The only reason I dont do the same, as i'm morbidly hopeful that i'll eventually come across one of those games that's actually fun to play.
Only couple i've had fun with so far, are the comedic Leisure Suit Larry, and the mobile crad game C*nt Wars as it is also comical, but much more graphic than Larry, so be warned.
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I havnt played either in years, but found them amusing at the time.
Nutaku just hit 100k followers on twitter or something, so has a code for some free bits to buy games with. I discovered this after reading your post, and so was inspired to see the current hyped adult games.
It's just as lame as it has always been. A bunch of simple mobile games, skinned with poorly drawn naked toons. Truly boggles my mind that people buy enough of these garbage games, that it inspires people to make more.
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Yikes. At least now I know how they happen.
Thanks ;)
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I'll assume this is an angry or inappropriate post leading to a +1 blacklister for me.
Cudos good sir/madam.
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People do it for all kinds of reasons. I suspect I got blacklisted once for liking a game someone else might have hated (or it might have been a coincidence and the blacklist was for an older post where I probably said something they didn't like). Either way, it's just the culture here it seems, so it is what it is.
I personally only blacklist some of the winners of my giveaways for convenience. Some winners force me to chase them around after a win being stuck in limbo for too long, and in the end, they don't even say a word about having activated their win to let me know. I hate chasing people around, I don't like adding random people to Steam friends, and I sure don't like sending emails to people I don't know. So I basically save myself the headache and eliminate troublesome winners.
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Yes, he slept a lot today and got tired from it so he decided to take a short nap
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Don't know about your case but I suspect that the reason why I get randomly blacklisted every now and then is a combination of having an ever worsening ratio and the occasional unpopular comment. I can't help myself when it comes to saying stupid things sometimes, I'm thankful that really idiotic shit I said in my adolescence was irl so it's not recorded anywhere to be dug up in the future, I've seen what happens to the people that act dumb online so I'm glad I was just a lurker that never commented anywhere back then.
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I've received very few blacklists so far (I'll probably acquire some just for saying that :P) Most blacklists I've received have been after posting things in discussions. Sometimes people just don't like reading certain things and feel like they have to do something to make themselves feel better :P
I've handed out a lot more blacklists though, but almost all are related to giveaways; mostly for not saying thanks after receiving a won game. A little common courtesy goes a long way.
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I tend to see blacklisting as positive. At least people acknowledge your presence and care enough to react. As blacklisting prevents them to enter your giveaways too it's a convenient instrument to get rid of a crowd you wouldn't have wanted to win one of your giveaways anyway.
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Well, this was a very fruitful endeavor. We laughed. We cried. We learned.
I also received +8 blacklistings, and +10 whitelistings, so in the end, it's a wash fellow gifters. Man is good, kind of.
Until we meet again, carry on wayward sons...
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Genuinely curious as to, aside from someone posting really mean stuff, would someone blacklist you?
For context, I've slowly but surely acquired whitelists over time, usually big spikes when I drop a lot of giveaways.
At the same time, however, I have a much much smaller, but stable and consistent uptick in blacklists. It's like five a year, sporadically, and I don't post anything anywhere.
Are these Russian bots? Do people hate a game so much that they blacklist out of principle? People, who aren't 1/1000 entrants that won and are trying to stick it to you?
I honestly don't understand it. My head hurts...
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