Which of the Borderlands do you feel is the best in the series?
TPS for story (since it has one) and writing (since thankfully Anthony Burch was only consulting it, so dialogue is not 70% outdated meme references and 30% witty one-liners). It also has the best theme song and weapon in the Claptastic Voyage DLC.
BL2 if you like farming endlessly in post-post-post-game. Although some charm was lost once they patched the drop rate of the Cobra; it could show how ball-busting insane you were if you had more than one. totallynotlookingatGanza
Also, it has Gaige, and she is awesome. Even if Gearbox had to say she is 18 when she is obviously a 15 or 16 yo girl.
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One thing I'm not really sure I like about part 2 is the Golden Keys feature. I mean yeah it's awesome to open them and get really good gear, but I'm hoping that isn't a sign at how low the drop rate is for normal good drops.
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Depends on what yo are going for. If you want a DPUH like most Salvador players, you can farm a pretty good one usually under an hour from the Torgue DLC's vending machine.
RNG in general is not too busted, as long as you want "something really good that fits this character" If you want something very specific (like a legendary gun with a certain part combination), then it can take up to 40 hours. Or infinite time, with some really crazy ones.
Ganza regularly hosts the Hunt event that is about finding specific items, if you dig up the old ones and the associated Google sheets, you can see how much time people spent on it and what they found. I have witnessed someone farming the same enemy for 17 hours for one drop but also getting seven of them under an hour.
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The weapons from the golden chest are ridiculously overpowered, it's entirely different from normal "good" drops - there are no normal good drops tbh. As long as you can level up every 2-3 levels make previous normal-uncommon weapons obsolate, even legendary ones are outclassed within a few levels, especially in the early game. Now the weapons from the chest usually were 2-5 levels higher than the area I was in, and always purple quality. It's unbeatable by non-legendary drops, at least until you hit max level.
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As somebody with far too many hours in Borderlands 2 I recall that items from the golden chest were always the level of the character - which generally would be of higher level than accessible areas of the game at any given time and the loot that could be farmed there. DLC areas would often be set to the level that you first entered them rather than the fixed levelled areas of the main game though - it was something that could be exploited to grab very good levelled loot if you were careful about the order that did you things.
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That fits my recollection.
Man, I miss BL2 co-op.... That's probably the most fun I've had with a multiplayer game since the Atari 2600 VCS.
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When it comes to exploits and cheating I don't do it. Even if the devs are fine with it, I'm not.
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Sure, that's why you should check orcz. All the keys for golden keys (i know, i know) are there. Active, unactive, from events, etc.
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I'm going through BLTPS right now. I love Athena and the fact that the main characters get more dialogues. Also, I find the antygravity gameplay very fun, on the other hand, I think it doesn't have BL2 charisma.
I don't know if I does make sense to you.
Moreover, unfortunately I'm playing this game in single mode, whereas I played BL and BL in coop, and everybody knows that in coop are more enjoyable.
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TPS's gameplay is more fun imo. Cryo replacing slag and the butt slams we fun but the environment was very dull compared to variety of areas we get to traverse in BL2. Can't blame them though, since we're on a moon for most of the game. Also almost every vault hunter in BL2 was extremely fun to play but for me most of the TPS vault hunters were boring.
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I don't know if I does make sense to you.
It makes sense to me. That's exactly how I feel about the game. Athena was my first pick, too, but I have yet to finish the game. P
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Borderlands 2 is my personal favourite out of the first two as I haven't played the pre-sequel but from what I've hear, its not as good as 2. Playing co-op is a blast and managed to pretty much complete the whole game including raids with 2 people. One class is way overpowered which made even the raids relatively easy. Probably one of my favourite top 3 games I've played and with the very high amount of dlc available the game will be keeping you busy for a LONG time. You wont be disappointed. One of the DLC packs you can get, Tiny Tina is one you should not miss out on if you like BL2.
With regards to the first one, I found it lacking charisma/fun and less streamlined having played it after Borderlands 2. Going back to poorer graphics may also have made the experience more underwhelming and it felt a lot less polished. Overall, it still a very good game but 2 was better in all departments in my opinion. Enjoy the ride FateofOne :D
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Borderlands is a strong title on it's own but has ages slightly. Borderlands 2 took everything from the first and accentuated it for both the best and worst cases. The Pre-Sequel is utter garbage in comparison to either former title but it is a BL game and thus worth at least trying out to form your own opinion... it at least introduced ice weapons to the series...
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Recently started my playthrough of the first game. I finished the story and started the DLC but havent played in a few days. It has aged quite a bit, and the story missions felt very grindy. Some missions were so boring and repetitive. The jokes are mediocre and my character is annoying me with his comments. Aside from these points the game is not bad for being 9 years old. I had to get used to it but had some fun with it. I read a lot about being underpowered compared to your enemies but i havent had that problem. Im not sure i will finish all DLC's though, depends on how good they are :)
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I only have BL and BL2. It's hard to say which is better. I enjoyed BL more because I played it all the way through with two friends. When BL2 came out one of those friends got it also. We started a coop game, but he lost interest early on. I created a new game and played it solo. BL2 was pretty much more of the same with some improvements. I beat it, and later started it again in the new game plus mode (ultimate vault hunter or whatever it's called) with the DLC, but I burned out before finishing it.
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The pre sequel is absolute trash. The guys who made it had no idea what made the previous games good but tried to copy them anyways. The result is a piece of poo.
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Quests that have you going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth, like it's all a joke. They tried copying the humor of previous games but instead just end up treating the player like a dumbass. Difficulty doesn't make any sense - I died way more in this one than in previous games. Enemies were way stronger than they should be and my health drained super fast. No checkpoints in the middle of big areas - quit in the middle of a story quest and when you load, you're teleported to the beginning of the area, and have to walk all the way again. Player classes aren't nearly as fun as previous games, and seem way more unimaginative. No gravity mechanic is just a gimmick that adds nothing good - I wouldn't mind it too much if it was treated as a side thing, but instead is the main point of the game. It's like a water level that never ends. Every indoors place looks exactly the same. Driving cars around was a joke because I kept hitting tiny rocks on the ground that would make the car stop, and end up falling in lava because there was a lot of holes around that you couldn't see until you were on the ledge. That's all I can remember for now - it's been some time since I played it (but couldn't finish it).
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Wow, I just started playing the game and you just described in words every single problem I have with it so far. I want to like it as much as the first two, but those issues are bringing it down for me. I didn't expect someone to nail why I wasn't having as much fun with the pre-sequel
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Wow, I just started playing the game and you just described in words every single problem I have with it so far.
I know, right? Athena is pretty strong, so you might try her. She seems able to get through pretty much anything with the correct approach.
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Yeah I remeber the back and forth problem, and the checkpoint issue was also quite bad. On the subject of difficulity , I didn't find it as hard as you did, actually I died the least out of all the Borderlands games, but that might just be down to the fact that I played with Athena and her shield got me out of a lot of tough situations. Also Athena is by far my favorutie character to play across all BL games, that being said I haven't played with any other characters. It looks like I might be one of the few who loved the low gravity and the oxygen tank mechanichs, it added an extra layer to the game. The car problems didn't seem any worse then in any of the previous BL games, I always thought that driving in these games are quite awful, I just hate when I have to look where I'm going.
Well I understand why would you dislike The Pre-Sequel now, I'm yet to finish BL2 maybe my opinion will be more like yours once I finish it.
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When I think of Borderlands, I think of that DLC. D
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Exactly my thoughts. https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/fwjEb/the-borderlands-series#jXZS3PY
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Borderlands 2 has the best overall with regards to story and game play but has some major issues with gun scaling and some major broken stuff. Your guns you have to keep replacing every few levels because the rate of increase is insane as it goes but at the same time they have a unique weapons that decimate all because their gimmick is so overpowered to the point you have a blue completely outclassing legendary and pearl weapons due to their gimmicks alone then you have Salvador who is like a walking glitch with how his character can be abuse to the point he can stand toe to toe, trading blows with raid bosses and still win. But still the best overall. Majorly dislike how they limited the gun drops in a few areas though compared to the original, no explosive SMGs or sniper-like SMGs. I was Lilith on part one and her SMG game was on point due to how many versions the could have. More variations on Grenades though.
Then Borderlands 1 is great, has a much more balanced setup when it comes to the gun scaling and variety. But the story was very shallow.
Then TPS, honestly, it is garbage. I felt ripped off getting it on sale. Might have been a decent Borderlands 2 DLC, but that is about it. The weapons seem alright, but the whole space thing didn't feel that great and the story and dialect was horrible. I know it was made by an Australian studio, this was Australian to the point they parodied themselves, everyone outside of the main characters all talked like Crocodile Dun Dee and that was just the start of it. If this was done from an American studio, it would have been seen as insulting to their culture. The weapon balance, I guess you could say was alright, but I only played through it enough to beat it on each playthrough once and left it and you wanted to leave your headphones off honestly because the voices was like nails on chalkboard after a while.
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I really love Borderlands franchise but I only have BL2 😟
I hope they bring back Humble Borderlands Bundle.
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I tried Borderlands a while ago and couldn't get into it. Without much of a story, it seemed boring and repetitive. I tried it again with my boyfriend and we had a blast playing it. After beating the first game we moved on to the second and beat that one too. We aren't having as much fun with the pre-sequel though. It isn't terrible, just not as fun.
I think my favorite would have to be Borderlands 2. The first game is very close though because it's also a great co-op game.
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Rage is so underated, eventhough it has a ton of problems its still one of my favourite pc games.
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Borderlands 2 took everything good from the first and greatly improved it. Better story, better gunplay, better weapons, better RNG, better level design, more enemies with different weakpoints and patterns, better character development, less fetch quests, more interesting secondary activities, an actual final boss, better DLCs.
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None of those, I'd vote for Tales from the Borderlands :p
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Borderlands 2 perfected the concepts of the first game and has some of the best DLCs I have played. The third game starts strong, but is full of annoying gimicks and I didn't enjoy the story or gameplay nearly as much as the other games.
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I just recently finished the first Borderlands on PC. I already beat it on console a long time ago but really enjoyed beating it again and I just tried the co-op recently which made me love the game even more. I just started playing part 2 about 2 weeks ago and so far I really love it. I haven't played the Pre-Sequel yet but I own it and I plan on playing it after I beat part 2.
Since there's a poll that up asking which you think is the best in the series I'd like to ask a question that you can respond in a comment to. I'd like to know what did you like and/or dislike about the ones you've played?
Note: I was going to require the game to vote but some of you may own the games somewhere other than Steam.
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