You can't enter the GA of a game you already have, but because your list is real-time update you could just remove it from the Steam Support tab to bypass and get the game back later. this is likely useless for public GA but may be farmable in exclusive GA group.
Removing the game from the Steam support page is not recommended by SG. (It will be recognized as an infraction.)
The recommended course of action is to "hide" the game from the library.
If the violation occurs in the first stage and the other party is the violator in the stage of handing over the prize to the winner of the SG, it is not necessary to provide the prize. (Subject to reroll)
All you have to do is simply scrutinize the winner in SGtools for violations.
You can also detect users who are doing what you consider "multiple wins".
It would then be possible to exclude such people from participating in the first place.
Steamgifts Tools - Activated Wins
Steamgifts Tools - Multiple Wins
Steamgifts Tools - Giveaways Manager
Please refer to the SG add-ons and tools discussion for more information.
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The OP is talking about removing a game you currently own on your Steam account so SG thinks you don't own it. Then you can enter giveaways for that game here and once you win, reactivate the game you already owned on Steam to make it look like you activated the win. Then you can trade or sell the key you won here.
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Okay, thank you for explaining what I don't understand about what the 💻🔥translator doesn't understand.(o'Θ'))
Anyway, we're talking about the possibility that someone could bring good intentions to naught?
I think at one time there was talk of using farm-related APIs to scrutinize Steam keys.
However, I think it was dropped due to credibility issues (the opinion that the keys would be siphoned off in the name of verification).
I don't recall any progress after that.
I hope there is a better way for the community.
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I could see someone removing a game from their account and then entering giveaways to win that game they already own. Then when they win that game, they can reactivate the game on their Steam account and trade or sell the key they won here, but I'm not sure what you mean when you say it could be "farmable in exclusive GA group". I guess you could cheat by creating fake giveaways, but it would be a hassle. You would need to pick a game that everyone entering already owns and have them all remove the game from their Steam accounts. Then the winner of the fake giveaway would reactivate the game on Steam and mark the giveaway as received.
I have a hard time believing enough people would work together and go through all the effort to make it work.
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Yes that is why I said "likely useless for public GA", but for unlisted/ limited GA for group members this could be exploitable once in a while.
| I have a hard time believing enough people would work together and go through all the effort to make it work |
me too, because I'm trying to prevent people reselling their GA keys, not cheating their level, but it's interesting that you could come up with a scheme like that haha, you're a natural black hat.
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You can't win the same game twice. If you try to enter a giveaway for a game you already own, the enter button will say "Exists in account". If you remove that game from your Steam account, the enter button will say "Previously won".
You would have to wait 7 days and then mark the giveaway as not received to enter more giveaways for that game, but there are issues with that. You need to mark the giveaway as received for the giveaway creator to get CV. Once it is marked as received for 30 days it gets locks and you can only change it to not received by contacting support. If you mark it as not received the giveaway creator loses the CV for the giveaway.
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While it is technically exploitable it seems like too much work for it to become a widespread issue, and it's fix can introduce more complications than what it would theoretically solve. But hey, ultimately CG has the final word on any proposed change.
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Regarding 1, I think SteamGifts already does this by just comparing with the users current library as well as their giveaway wins within SG. If you remove a game in your library, the giveaway win is still there on your account which SteamGifts assumes you have if you mark as received. At most you could do this once for a game you activated outside of SteamGifts.
Also I think the solution in 1 would cause people not to be able to enter a giveaway for a game if they tried it on a free weekend (not sure though).
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Sure, this method works once per game you own, but it's a lot of work and requires that you also bought the game yourself independently. You're not going to make much money on the flip once you subtract out whatever you paid for the copy you're using for the exploit, and that's before you consider the value of the time you spent finding the giveaways, fiddling with your library, and reselling it. Bundled keys just aren't worth that much, so to make it worthwhile, you'd have to be winning a bunch of unbundled AAA games that you also happen to own, and also hope that the GA creator gives you a key instead of a steam gift copy.
I'm sure there's some user in some region with cheap games who made $20 or $30 like this, but if someone is willing to jump through that many hoops for a few bucks, I'm inclined to let them have the money.
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You can't enter the GA of a game you already have, but because your list is real-time update you could just remove it from the Steam Support tab to bypass and get the game back later. this is likely useless for public GA but may be farmable in exclusive GA group.
Another thing is Steamgift can not discriminate key activation with direct Steam purchase, which is partly why (1) is exploitable. shows there're a significant number of users from lower price regions, basically if someone hijacks an Argen/Turkish account they can buy the game from Steam for cheap and profit on the GA key (just an example)
My suggestion for (1) is to use an independent database, you can (+) update the game list but cannot (-) anything, for (2) we can make an extra confirmation step for GA winner, they must send their game review link to the GA host to confirm its key activation and they did play the game, 7 days for a fast review is quite lenient I think?
I did the QA test myself out of job habit haha, it may not be 100% precise so any input is appreciated!
Also support Ukraine but don't spread the hate for Russia, don't be an angry mob🕊️ Happy gaming.
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