Currently I'm playing Mark of the Ninja Remastered, and I still love how great its controls are - like you are able to change the direction of jump while in the air, multiple times and how fluid it feels compared to the old, rigid systems where you jumped, you jumped - then realizing you were standing too far but couldn't correct the jump's trajectory. Oh wait, but that is how physics work! And of course not many people can jump 2-3 times their height, or even more. Nor doublejump, obviously.
Also, changing magazines in guns doesn't magically keep the bullets in the discarded one - they are lost if just thrown away. But you know, that's how most of the games work - missing 4 bullets out of the clip, changing the clip entirely means you have a fully loaded gun and only 4 bullets are missing from your backpack.

What other logical inconsistencies are widespead and accepted, or even sought-after in your favourite games / genres? Be it navigation, movement, or numbers-based?
(I'm mostly curious about positive things, that we would be missing. Unlike things like survival games where you need to eat every few hours or you just die)

6 years ago

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Good luck carrying 8 guns plus ammo IRL.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I stand corrected

6 years ago

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mythbusters tested that

6 years ago

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The ultimate armour being a bikini... of course!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Learned something new, thank you.
Always assumed silencers affected velocity (and so damage and range), but that seems to be a historical anecdote these days, and modern silencers do not affect the speed of the bullet.
Apparently some ammo types specifically designed to be subsonic do travel slower, but not as a result of the silencer/suppressor.

6 years ago

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Actually what he speaks of are modern silencers available for sale to general public in us.

It is possible to make a silencer that would significantly suppress the noise (not the pfft, but close) but - it will be heavy, bulky, disposable after couple shots and reducing round velocity and accuracy. Thing is, in real world pretty much nobody needs them for anything (lawful)

6 years ago

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IRL we have pillows!

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6 years ago

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I'm not going to shoot mine.

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6 years ago

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Whilst silcencers themselves don't affect projectile velocity, if you don't want to break the sound barrier (thus undermining the point of a silencer) you might want to use subsonic rounds, which have lower velocity.

6 years ago

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There is only one silenced gun that does exactly what it says, Russian Nagant M1895. Everything else is a fantasy and they're still considerably loud even with a silencer.

6 years ago

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The Nagant M1895 wasn't designed to be used with a silencer, it was more of a way to reduce lost energy from the gas that escapes between the cylinder and the barrel in a revolver. Being able to use with a silencer was more of a consequence, and with a revolver there's no much mechanical metal noises going on, which is nice.
Also the Welrod pistol(and its more modern take) is really quiet, more than the nagant revolver. The con is that the silencer loses it's effectiveness after 3-4 shots, and because it's built in(as in, you can't just unscrew and then screw another one). It's only when you are absolutely sure that you need someone dead :P

6 years ago

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Technically, a Suppressor, but you are right.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Technically, the truth ;)
A silencer suppresses the sound of the firearm, hence suppressor.
But that was a new knowledge for me. Thanks for the link!

6 years ago

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In the end, both terms are the same thing :P

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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You can still perform any action perfectly after taking damage or even having 1 hp.

Or the opposite, boss fights with 3 phases, they get stronger the more you beat them up.

6 years ago

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Just as a rare exception - in The Banner Saga your character doesn't have hp and str, they just have a single stat. The more damaged they are, the less damage they do.

6 years ago

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There are a few games like that, but they feel punishing, unfair and not fun. The main obstacle is how well you press the buttons to execute a move properly and gives the feeling that you could do it better if you try. But I suppose that's an understandable mechanic in a turn based game since you have all the time in the world.

6 years ago

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Yes, one of the games / mechanics that makes me a bit more stressed as I should - many unique characters, this weakness-mechanic, "choices matter" in this case means even the named characters can die and you just have to go with it... it's great to have consequences, but when most consequences are based on mistakes and bad things, it really makes me nervous about playing the game and trying to save everyone :D


6 years ago*

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I agree, choices matter is a great way to give the feeling of weight from your actions, but when it feels less about you in control and more about doing the sequence the dev intended to be played it sucks.

6 years ago

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It's a trope called Cycle of Hurting and it demonstrates why it's generally a bad idea to handicap the player when HPs are running low. Basically you get weaker because you are injured and so you will get injured more because you are weaker.

6 years ago

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Yeah, that's where the frustration comes, it's quite annoying to have to make up for your previous failure by doing the right thing this time but also by doing it smarter because you're weaker than when you first started.

6 years ago

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Injured? Health pack! All better!

6 years ago

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Or Max Payne Style: Blood loss from bullet holes? - Eat some Painkillers! More bullet holes? - More Painkillers it is!

6 years ago

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Or food, which you eat not to avoid dying from hunger, but to heal you up after damage.
Or even worse.. You just sit around doing nothing for a minute and you're magically fixed up.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Heh I was actually gonna say "health bar, anyone?" but yours is better. We kinda take it for granted

6 years ago

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There are so many games out there without realistic equine scrotum temperature's shocking.

6 years ago

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I've never wished for a +1 function but now I really did. :p

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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You don't own the Special Edition DLC according to this site - it can lists DLCs as well, while Steam can not do that with others' library. If you get it in the future, you will be still (automatically) eligible for the Remaster (which is a somewhat better looking version, with no gameplay changes compared to the normal, special edition)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Get killed? No problem!
Just respawn and carry on.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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one of the best threads, imho.

also, need more coffee to appreciate at best :P

(double espresso is a very real and consistent idea... i'll start with that)

edit: checkpoints?

6 years ago

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Unrealistic games? Never heard of that one...
But in general try to run around in a RL scenario for several hours without food and drink like you do in every open world game. That's what I love about the realism mode in Fallout...

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6 years ago*

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What's this?
It's amazing!

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6 years ago

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Time skip is a realistic option I want to be featured in real life.

6 years ago

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Many ppl experience it already with enough amount of alcohol. At one time you're at the party, and the next you're somewhere else...

6 years ago

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But in that sense you're still animate, you just don't have much memory of it! (Not that I speak from experience) Closest to true time-skip is probably sleeping, but god damn it, my T button is broken, I can't sleep whenever I try...

6 years ago

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But isn't moving around also the case for timeskip? You just don't see it. Not having memory of it seems very similar to me.

Closest timeskip experience has perhaps my 1,5yr old nephew. Parents put him in the car, he falls asleep and bang, he's at his grandma 200km away :D

After all, timeskip is most useful to skip boring parts :)

6 years ago

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Boob physics sounds like it fits the sought-after category.

6 years ago

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My favourite is when you carry so many guns that they can't show all of them on your person. They just disappear... conveniently...

And don't get me started on inventories. What do you mean I can't carry 100 raw steaks and 5 different medieval weapons without a bag in real life? :o

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Probably health is one of our big compromises. Damage received only matters in cutscenes.

6 years ago

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It can be interesting when they play a bit with the concept of damage though. There was an old Robocop game, where your display would start to turn glitchy after taking damage. I thought that was a neat touch. But in most cases, yeah, having damage negatively effect you is more annoying than immersive.

6 years ago

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Damage in video games basically throws realism out of the window. I have yet to see a game, where truly realistic damage is implemented. I am guessing it would be a terrible system, but there may be a story that could potentially work with that.

6 years ago

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I could see that being added to a hypothetical Counter-Strike 3. Since the rounds are so quick and you die from a few bullets anyway, it seems like it could actually add to the experience.

6 years ago

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Dwarf Fortress attempts to make something relatively realistic with its damage system, but that I think is stepping a bit outside the realm of what you're talking about :P

There are those that make the not entirely unrealistic assumption that if you get hit by a bullet, you're out, and then does not bother with differentiating between too wounded to fight, and dead, as in game terms it would not make a huge difference, like in some mil-sims (although then you have to ask yourself why the soldiers are just leaving their wounded behind).

6 years ago

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Cruel fact of war. Best enemy is wounded enemy - it turns asset to (preferrably long-term) liabilty for the enemy faction.

6 years ago

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Omitting the third dimension. You really don't need 3D to make the game fun to play or beautiful to look at.

As for less general example, dressing as someone in Hitman series. In some games of they made your cover blow in seconds, which is realistic but no fun to play. In Blood Money you can walk unnoticed when dressed up as someone, and it benefits the gameplay

6 years ago

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Someone did call me the literal antichrist for not liking Hitman 2 :D the system where every chef knows every chef ever and knows you are not one really was not fun. (sounds great that blood money changed that feature) Not to mention weird.. bugs? decision? where depending on what did I do (without being noticed) the gameplay turned out different. Like in the first mission, entering the boss' room unnoticed made him not appear there at all - while if you don't enter, they will walk in

6 years ago

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I also hated that in Hitman 2 the chloroform works only for a limited time. After a while, the peson wakes up and starts running in his underwear, alerting the guards. Perhaps it is more realistic this way, but for gameplay purposes they it's better for the sleeping effect to last until the mission's end.

6 years ago

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It depends on the game. I'm fine with double jumps in a platformer, casting magic in RPGs, but I don't like arcady physics in my driving, flying and space games.

6 years ago

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Women in WW2? Truly immersion breaking, most unrealistic thing I've seen in a game where I jumped out of a jet to shoot a rocket at the jet chasing me and then go back into my own jet midair.

6 years ago

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Age of empires players will get it.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Got direct hit with rocket? Just walk through that blue orb and you will be fine unless you will be hit by another rocket
You died? Respawn in couple of seconds. In real life you have to wait at least 3 days.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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that was awesome mini nuke flight

6 years ago

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lucky son of a gun

6 years ago

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Coyote time in platformers, where you walk a little past the edge of the cliff before jumping but still don't fall down.

6 years ago

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Thats because every MC has secret ninja skills

6 years ago

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Can hold my pee in my entire life.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Vehicles aren't very tolerant of poor driving and car accidents are a lot less fun in real life.

6 years ago

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Step 1: Do something, anything.
Step 2: Profit.

(Losing rings in Sonic always frustrated me though.)

6 years ago

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Lightsaber metal weapons cutting through plate armor.

Eye "bleeds" as damage indicators.

Those make no sense, but do make games more enjoyable.

6 years ago

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