Do you work?
Being able to open Discord from the browser is great
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I've been there, and it really really super sucks.
This kind of 'it's more important to LOOK productive (than maybe it is to actually BE productive)' mindset is really... a myth.
If you REALLY want some shit to do, use this time to write or make spreadsheets for game things or just be comfortable enough in yourself where if anyone gives you shit for it, say 'I've honestly tried my hardest and I'm just ready to work when it comes in'. Document when and just how many times you asked (and who!) to prove that you're trying....
and then fuck around on your phone bc fuck 'em.
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feeling like I should be doing something and continually asking for stuff and then not being given something-
(or else being given something that I need ______ software for and then waiting for IT to give me the software and then a key component of it not working (I was told to help with revit models but the worksharing features arn't working for me so now I have to wait who knows how long for someone to troubleshoot/fix it for me) making me feel like screaming honestly I hate it just give me something even if its busy work that doesn't mean anything I don't care.
also as a co op student your time is worth nothing cause you're real cheap/hr in comparison to say a P-Eng so like if they don't treat my time as worth anything I guess I can just charge to thire project and not care...
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Oh bruh, I GET it. That was one of the reasons why I left my last job!
CO-OPs are great learning experiences, even if what you learn is 'fuck, I don't want to do THIS again!'
Painman and ChessPie's advice below abt learning shit is a great idea
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I feel like if I do something to look productive no one will give me an actual job >_<
"oh he's on excel better find someone else to do something for me"
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I've gone through online tutorials for a bunch of the 3d modeling software installed on my machine so I have a very basic understanding of Plant3D, Advanced Steel, Navisworks Manage, Electdes/Paneldes, Revit etc...
I also played around with learning about shaders and writing stuff in GLSL...which lead to me making this mess of a thing
Shadertoy thingy
And I'm going continue trying to learn stuff and not just twiddle my thumbs its just rough
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nice one! consider getting a certificate on some of those, if it might be worth something in your current (or future) jobs! i'm doing the same, when i have a slow day at work i study towards a certification that will help me in my new current field
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I too have peaks and valleys in workload yet am not salaried and am told to be at work 8 hours a day. Sometimes I just learn about things that interest me such as astrophysics or diet/nutrition. Sometimes I will actually read a book (via a PDF) when I can. It is also frowned on for not doing anything so at least I feel I am being productive even if the one benefiting is myself.
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"I feel I am being productive even if the one benefiting is myself."
That's a spectacular sentiment!
"Boss makes a dollar / I make a dime / That's why I learn shit and benefit myself / On company time."
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I really never managed even to register or understand Reddit unfortunately =( but anyways I've always luckily so many things to do that I'd love to have 50-hours-days xD well, the ups and downs to be born and live in one of Europe's most rich and productive areas.. waking up in the middle of the night if some of your shops' alarms start to break off and make noise and you don't know where they are.. well ok.. apart from this rant too, I wish you all the best =) try to take everything easy, things will eventually sort out fine and most of all, growing up you'll get every week new things and passions to fulfill and do =P (well, as ChessPie wrote above, I have too some valleys in workload during the Summer since I live way far from the sea and tourist's spots so there's less to do, and as he said.. you must find every time new things to do, and trust me.. there's plenty of them!! want something to spend hours into? sign in to XD) thanks <3
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I dont use it much to its full extent and rarely comment/never post anything my reddit experiance is finding a sub like malicious compliance /shitty food porn / programmer humor or something and then scrolling down/sorting by top to read posts for a while before dissapearing into the mist again
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You're going to be happier if you find yourself a better job.
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I need this to graduate and applied to all sorts of things before defaulting to the place I worked last summer when the deadline rolled around.
but yeah I don't think I want to work here when I graduate
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In that case, if I were you, I would find myself a project to do and complete entirely on my own, using all the downtime at work. Like, spot a place you think maybe the company could be making more money by expanding or changing something they do. Create a feasibility study. Turn it in to your boss. Doesn't entirely matter if they use your work. If you do a good job, you'll learn something, and you can put it on your resume under "Accomplishments" at your current position.
Basically do something excellent at work, even if nobody at work is asking you to do it. You'll feel better about yourself, and you can reference it later.
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as much as i love games, i have to fill my time up with little projects throughout the day or else i go mad. but i also have kids so there is always something to clean or homework to help with and whatnot..
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I don't know that I've ever had nothing to do at a job. I could always find something that I could do, and if I did manage to complete my tasks I could find ways to be proactive or would ask my boss if there was anything I could help out with and I'd get something new to work on.
But if you really have nothing to do, and can't help someone else out, take the time to read. Read the news, read something related to your job, read something to prepare you for a new job, read something about a hobby, or read something for pleasure. Rather than wasting time on Reddit, or finding something just to fill the time, use that free time for something productive or entertaining.
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Aurora 4x is a great game that looks like a bunch of forms and spreadsheets!
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I'm sort of there right now. Been there on co-ops too, some companies hire co-ops they don't need (for tax reasons apparently), which sucks if you're that co-op. Right now I'm on a year long contract that isn't anything like how it sounded. I'm so overqualified it's not even funny, so I'm bored even when I have something to do. As much as I'd rather not be another year older, I'm just waiting on the end of the year when I can jump ship and get a better job. All you can really do sometimes.
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I had this sort of job last year, and winter was the worst because all my work was outside so I had a few months of not being able to do anything. Eventually I was just being told to go home early, or work on projects for myself. I ended up making a checkers set out of leftover tile pieces.
Hopefully the project will keep you busy once it starts properly
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Well, reading previous comments you're already doing things right. If there's nothing to do just learn new stuff or prepare yourself for possible stuff coming up next.
Sadly can't give any other advice 'cause it all depends on the industry you work in and your job's role. E.g. as a software tester there's always something to do - even if you just update your testsheets (although it's often more likely there's more work than you can actually handle in the given timeframe).
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Haha! I never had that complaint at work. There was usually too much work for me to do, so that by closing time, I was planning the following morning's jobs from what I didn't get to finish. I'd always at least try to get a first draft out if possible. My computer faced the boss's desk, so no browsing the internet during work hours, unless I was doing work related stuff. XD I wouldn't do that anyway because I'd fall behind in my work.
I'd rather have too much work though. Time passes more quickly.
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It sounds like they don't really care how much you work as long as it isn't too terribly noticeable that you aren't working. If you are able, do something that is productive for you (you are learning something or doing some organizing that will benefit you).
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So I have a Co-Op/Job
and going in you are told to make sure you're always busy. if you run out of work you should ask people for stuff to do. it looks bad if you are just sitting around. And I get that...but I havent been given anything much to do in weeks and regularly either check into boss's office or send emails or ask other people for stuff to do.
part of it is I've been put on a project and its starting out and I need to wait a bit before most of the work appears.
so when I get nothing I feel like I've made an effort to be given work and its not my fault.
if you don't have any work to do how do you cope? cause I hate having nothing to do. Reddits an option but still it makes me feel all guilty inside for not doing work.
also with all this free time I wish I could play stuff on my backlog but can't bring my laptop to work just to play games
anyways for reading my rambling heres a smol train
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