In case you're new to puzzles, usually the objective is to obtain the unique 5 characters code of a private giveaway:

GAs include The Excavation of Hob's Barrow, Loddlenaut, SATANIC PANIC 666, Heretic's Fork, Edge of Reality, and more.
As always, I will provide hints if nobody gets it, and I will share the solution when the puzzle ends.

Have some music, good luck solving the puzzle!


Stuck in the nose part? Maybe you should ask someone Artificially more Intelligent than you for help.


  • The music link hides a secret: only is part of the real url, the rest is superfluous...
  • The extra bit is encoded using Base64. It's easily identifiable by the final =, but also hinted by the subject of the video I linked: Mario 64
  • VGhlIGFuc3dlciBpcyByaWdodCB1bmRlciB5b3VyIG5vc2UKQTcgejMgYTIgcTYgWjc=
    once decoded becomes
    The answer is right under your nose
    A7 z3 a2 q6 Z7
    This is a code that depends on your keyboard (under your nose).

If you ask an AI chatbot for help on this step, it will probably not gonna be able to solve the puzzle itself, but it should be successful at guessing it has something to do with your keyboard.

  • There's 5 bits to the code, each corresponds to a character of the GA url you're looking for.
    I made sure to create a code that included the letters Q, A and Z for a reason. If you're using a default QWERTY keyboard (the standard keyboard used worldwide, sorry AZERTY bros), you will notice that these are the first letters of each row of letters.
    The number stands for the nth character on that row of letters.
    The capitalization of Q, A, Z indicates the capitalization of the resulting character.
  • A7 = J
    z3 = c
    a2 = s
    q6 = y
    Z7 = M

The code you're looking for is JcsyM

1 month ago*

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The hint helped to guide me into the correct direction.

1 month ago

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View attached image.
1 month ago

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1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Bump for i know what it is but i forgot

1 month ago

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No idea with the nose/AI

1 month ago

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Bump ;)

1 month ago

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Solved bump

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Nose, AI, Nose, AI, Compute, Model, Anatomy, In, Under, Brain, Boogers, Snot...

...GAH! I know less than twenty people have gotten this, but I know I'm still gonna feel so stupid when I wake up tomorrow! What's the connection?!

1 month ago

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Solved bump

1 month ago

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Bump for solved!

1 month ago

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I tried asking the AI, and it's pointing definitely towards one specific direction, but none of the permutations in that direction seem to be bearing any fruit.

1 month ago*

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If I got the answer at some point but misinterpreted one character, ohhhhhh dear. Even then, the AI gave a pretty weak rationale, so this might still just be up in the air, out of reach.

1 month ago

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Hehe, I found this using Gemini

UPD: solved with chatgpt

1 month ago*

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Figured it out 2 hours late, but at least I got it eventually.

1 month ago

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Aww what a shame, good job anyways!

1 month ago

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Oh my god... I was trying to find out what ciphers could be related to "nose" and I got one called the Nostradamus cipher (this seemed too fitting to not be the answer...) It perfectly fit with the code you used since it also uses a letter then a number... It told me the number denotes how many spots to go forwards (or backwards) in the alphabet from that letter... so I was confused how come the answer couldn't possibly be HccwG (For example - A7, would become H) Or a bunch of other variations I tried!

Although when I try to google this cipher it doesn't come up... so maybe the AI was making nonsense up on me

Very creative puzzle :)

1 month ago*

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Ooh that's a cool cipher, I might use it in the future now that I know about it

1 month ago

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Damned inconsistent AI! 😄 Tried several times with several bots, and none of them made the keyboard connection.

In retrospect, it seems they kind of ignored the Q, I guess? Apart from just suggesting a cypher, they repeatedly focused on the fact that A and Z being the beginning and end of the alphabet must have some significance 😅

1 month ago

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I see, makes sense

1 month ago

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The AI kept recommending Caesar’s cipher.

1 month ago

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I think I considered using the keyboard as a guide at one point, but the AI seemed like it was specifically trying to make the idea of it being keyboard related seem ridiculous, because it claimed that "z" is right underneath "3."

1 month ago

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I failed, but it was a great puzzle.


1 month ago

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Cool puzzle. Being one of the unfortunate AZERTY bros, it didn't immediately occur to me to use the keyboard as a reference but it wasn't that oblique that I wouldn't have thought about it eventually I'm sure. I guess a hint in that direction could have helped the AZERTY peeps

1 month ago*

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Dvorak users in shambles

1 month ago

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