How much did you spend?
I'm sure it is excellent. I haven't played the game but watched the anime (it was at least 15 years ago so cannot say I notably remember it) and I remember is as a great one. I would only expect the game would be better, which is the main source.
Personally I really like 2000s era styles (90s are better). Even if the style is a drawback for you, once you reach the light novel enlightenment, you probably wouldn't mind it. Since there should be a lot to read here. :)
AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES is highly reviewed on Steam and it's from Spike Chunsoft, but I'm currently distant to it because I already have Danganronpa for that genre and I won't look another before finish them. (And I have a bad memory from ChäoS;HEAd anime.)
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Haha I know this very specific genre that the Zero Escape, Danganronpa, Ace Attorney games are in and I have to say that the first AI game is absolutely insane and manages to hit every point of the murder mystery exactly right. If we're talking a singular game and not a series, then AI is probably my favorite storybased game ever. You should make sure to get in sometime in your life at least!
Nirvana initiative is... uh, fine I guess. The mystery is a bit weak and plot holes start appearing if you only think about the mystery just a little. It's still fun to play, and the first game was very hard to top anyway.
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Okay I'm convinced. :)
Adding it to my wishlist. It seems it gets some nice discount on sales, so there is no rush. There is horror tag that makes me hesitate a little but if it's standard murder mystery horror, I'm fine with that.
I hear this genre is kinda dangerous because of addictiveness and they can be played while eating breakfast :P.
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I wouldn't really put AI in the horror genre. It's not scary, it just has some depictions of murders and death. Like Danganronpa.
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Then it's perfect!
It's good to know beforehand, otherwise I can get caught off-guard.
Not talking about exactly horror here but I was once reading a cozy otome and suddenly things started to happen out of nowhere. So it's generally good to know what to expect, for me at least. :)
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Oh I missed out on ai chat I loved that game. one of my favourites ever. But I defo agree with the sequel not being quite a good. I mean if you play the original and then look at just the store page you can easily see one major issue but it was still nice. They really upped the dream parts and unlike danganronpa its better to leave the pet breeding until you finished cuz you can do it all at once rather then lets spend hours walking back and forth, back and forth
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Well, sometimes devs try different things with a sequel and if their first game is already great, people usually don't like the change. I think that's quite natural.
I guess I should've bought AI when the prices were still good here, but I was hesitant (because of horror tag). Though as a person who even refunded a 0.10$ game, I don't like to hoard games. :)
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I straight up didnt realise it had a horror tag until I saw you guys talking about it. Like what do you mean its a horror game? That tag there is definitely there I guess because of the deaths and some scenes are in the dark cuz otherwise I see no other reason for it be classed as that. Its more of a comedy game then anything else
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Oh, I forgot about Tomomo Hell. Ok that makes sense.
Also everyone likes pointing out disney games having insane tags but those old games look like the princesses were on drugs so I think it is all true
Being a disney princess must be tough. :D
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I guess I can recommend these:
G-senjou no Maou
Higurashi bundle alongside with 07th-mod (Applicable to Umineko bundle as well).
I also was gonna write Root Double but you already have that.
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thanks for the suggestions! I didn't have G-senjou on my wishlist, i've seen some recommendations about it but i assumed it's ecchi from the title. How would you describe it?
The Higurashi bundle has been on the top of my wishlis, i haven't gotten it only because it's just really expensive for a kinetic novel that i could theoretically watch on YouTube. But i do get it to an extend based on the massive playtime of each chapter.
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No problem!
While it does have ecchi elemets, it's mostly mystery / thriller. Nothing like a Sakura VN or a LoveKami VN. However I should mention that the game is originally an eroge but the Steam version can be called all-ages version I think. Name can be confusing but G-string here is not lingerie but a guitar string.
By the way I noticed that you have Clannad. Read that first. :)
For Higurashi, yeah it's looks kinda expensive but definitely worth it. You don't have to get all of them at once, they get on sale every couple months. And if you install 07th-mod, you'll get more playreadtime because it also includes voice acting.
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Ooh, then it sounds right up my alley! I didn't know about the name and went by the obvious assumption. I think that was probably the original intention as well, since lesser known Japanese VNs often resort to ecchi elements to grab enough attention. I do have to play Clannad though, I'm just skeptical whether I should buy the side stories or just watch them on youtube. I'd prefer getting the bundle for Higurashi as it's a bit cheaper and im bothered if I don't have the complete packs lol
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Yeah, i get it. I'm personally leaning towards liking the separate SFW and NSFW versions but i'm not a fan of having to pay for the +18 patch if that was the original version. Maybe the cost covers the translated bits, but i'm not sure if it's warranted. I'm personally fine with having the SFW version slightly more expensive it some scenes were added or need some rework, but in cases like Full Metal Daemon Muramasha the SFW version is ridiculously more expensive than the NSFW one, it's a bit messy overall.
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Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition 7.99$
XIII (Remake) 1.99$
Command and Conquer Remastered Collection 1.99$
Command and Conquer Collection 6.00$
Hitman collection missing games 1.67$
Hitman: Codename 47
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman Contracts
Tormented Souls .79$ (last game in Classic Survival Horror Bundle)
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As gifts:
Kenshi - 43,19zł
Metro Exodus - Gold Edition - 16,90zł
Refunct - 3,37zł
Blue Fire - 17,99zł
XCOM 2 - 10,74zł
For myself:
Planet Coaster - 8,09zł
Grand Total: 100,28zł (24.52 USD)
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Excluding gifts bought for friends:
Path of Exile 2 Early Access. It was like $18. ish - Played a bit of this already. Ton of fun co-op, not so much solo. 90gb download is kind of insane for a top-down ARPG though. My curiosity is satisfied though and I'm content to wait for full release to play again.
On Steam:
Emerald City Confidential - $1.99
Canasta 3D Premium - $3.99
Gone Golfing - $1.74
Dustborn - $11.99
Under A Star Long Cold - $1.49
The Long Dark: Tales from the Far Territory - $10.71 - What this adds to the game in general is very cool, and the actual survival challenges are pretty intense. I'm enjoying it so far, 15 hours in with this added content.
Music for The Long Dark -- Volume One - $1.70
Music for The Long Dark -- Volume Two - $1.70
Talisman: Origins - Beyond the Veil - $1.07
Talisman: Origins - The Legend of Pandora's Box - $1.07
Talisman: Origins - The Eternal Conflict - $1.07
JAMs - Extra Drops - $1.17 - The drops are nice. Been idling this for a minute now. It's an anomaly for me inasmuch as I typically despise this genre, but JAMs does things a bit different.
Sword of Fargoal - $1.49 refunded. Lacks any real description of the control scheme and has insane input lag that makes it unbearably slow paced.
Rogue - $1.49 refunded. Much like SoF, it lacks any sort of pdf or tutorial regarding its very complex control scheme. The actual gameplay was superior to SoF though at least.
Rogue Warrior - $1.99 - refunded. Has a weird glitch that minimizes the game screen, and it happens way too often in combat. Which is a shame because it's actually a pretty fun and super cheesy corridor shooter otherwise.
Ruined King: A League of Legends Story™ - $11.99
Ash of Gods: The Way - $3.00
Soul of Savarog - $0.99
Zompiercer - $11.99 - Completed the game and saw most of the content available if not all of it. Quite fun.
American Truck Simulator - Nebraska - $8.63
green ogre gives you terrible life advice and dies - $0.79 - refunded. Broken save system leads to an endless loop on your second playthrough, and the game requires three playthroughs to see everything lol.
Water Delivery - $2.99 - Played through this once. Cool little horror game where the horror happens around you rather than to you. Mostly.
Placid Plastic Desktop - $0.74 - Such a cool, interactive screensaver. Shockingly awesome.
Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - $17.42 - I mostly bought this because it is as cheap as it will be for the foreseeable future and will be getting a base price increase as well; and it leaves early access this coming Spring.
Stars in Shadow - $3.74
Stars in Shadow: Legacies - $1.14
Paranoia: Happiness if Mandatory - $7.49 - Started this one, and it is definitely very true to the tabletop game from a dialogue and game systems standpoint. Haven't decided what I think of the actual game quality yet.
Gin Rummy 3D Premium - $3.99
Stellar Tactics - $9.99
Zipp's Cafe - $1.99
Caves of Lore - $4.99
Night Raider - $4.79
Vendir: Plague of Lies - $9.25
Bread around bread around bread around bread - $0.89 - Completed. This is a cool horror VN, very short, and with a unique gameplay mechanic where it uses literal achievements earned while playing to help tell the story.
You know my name? - $0.89 - Completed. This is a novella and an experience rather than a game. I thought it was cool.
WhereHurt - $0.49 This one is being delisted, but I was curious about it being as how it seems to be a walking sim for the most part.
On Fanatical:
King Arthur: Knight's Tale - $9.61
Havendock - $6.45
Shields of Loyalty, Monsters' Den: Godfall, Fighting Fantasy Legends - $2.84 (Build your own Triple Pack - Fantasy Edition)
On Humble:
Detroit: Become Human - $9.95
Old World - Heroes of the Aegean - $0.82
Received as gifts/won on SG:
Flashback - I've already played a little bit of this. The k/m controls suck. They're legitimately terrible. The gamepad controls OTOH...are perfectly functional. And the game is fun with a heavy cool factor.
Triangle Strategy Deluxe Edition
Fobia - St. Dinifna Hotel
Eden Crafters
Dustland Delivery
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I remember how we both bought the ATS Northwest map pack in a past sale.
This time I bought, so don't forget to keep up. ;)
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I'm missing Nebraska, so you make a compelling argument here. ;)
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State of Decay 2 - $2.99
Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League - $3.49 Better than the last sale I think
Wonder Boy Asha in Monster World - $9.99
And as a gift for a steam friend
Salt and Sanctuary - $4.49
Edit- that friend just gifted me STAR OCEAN™ - THE LAST HOPE -™ 4K & Full HD Remaster
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Same lmao!
I do have a list of games to play though, especially gifted games, so I'll be getting through those. Doesn't mean I didn't give in and buy something in the sale.
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Haha! I loved it. :D
And I'm not even finished it. I completed the final boss of the first part and was like... wait, there's more?
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King Arthur: Legion IX 5,9€ (20€) it's an standalone game on 70% so its a good deal👍🏾
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Я потратив 23$, з Українським регіоном можна багато цікавого купити, ось що мені вдалось взяти за 23$
Hogwarts Legacy |
It Takes Two |
The Forest |
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ |
Frostpunk |
Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition |
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition |
Звісно, я взяв одні з дешевших ігор, бо немає великого Бюджет.. Для ідеальної закупки мені потрібно стільки ж
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I've spent all the year selling cards to see if I would get enough to get The Invincible for xmas sale. But I bought it in october or november in Fanatical, seeing a great price for a game I thought wouldn't get heavier discount on Steam nor get bundled. Wrong. I don't regret it, just... Things happen.
So instead I am searching for something to get with those bucks (€13.85).
For now my choices are:
Boris and the Dark Survival (for the next Bendy: Lone Wolf; got it in the Bendy Bundle to save €0,24) Gifted by a friend!
Grim Dawn (never get around getting it)
This War of Mine: Forget Celebrations Charity DLC (because I want)
For now, the total is €5.48.
Grim Dawn is one of the oldest games in my "most wanted list", and in my wishlist. But, I want to get the whole experience. That's two expansions and one mode DLC more. That's nicely fit into a bundle, but historical lows of the four items in the bundle never align properly. So I am getting the things as they come. First the base game, then I'll see what comes next with a historical low match. Or getting the stuff somewhere else.
I was thinking of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, but removed from cart. That means I'm spending less than half of the wallet. Unless something really catches my attention, I think I might not buy something else. But if I see something for 7-9 bucks that really really talks to me saying "buy me, you're wanting it", I'll go for it. So far I checked +150 games from my wishlist with matching or new historical lows at or over 75% off, and no game talked loud enough. Unlike other years, this sale I'm not so keen of digging more to find something. Backlog is huge, so even if it's in my wishlist, it really hads to add something great to my library. FOMO has little effect on me ATM.
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Grim Dawn base game will probably be good for +/- 60 hours of gameplay for you. Depending on your gaming habits, that could easily take you through until the next Steam sale. And Crucible Mode is in your budget as well. You will at least double your gametime with that DLC.
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I bought Tiny Glade 11,83€
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2 games and that'll be that!
Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition - 3,99€
Know by heart - 5,03€
Total: 9.02 Euro ~9.42 USD
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The Forest
Tormented Souls
RoboCop: Rogue City
Toree 3D
Melbits World
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot The First Cases
An Interesting Journey of Monsieur PAF
No one lives under the lighthouse
Converted from my regional price it came to a little under $25usd, most of the cost came from Robocop and Wayfinder
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Emerald City Confidential - 1,79€
Someday You'll Return: Director's Cut - 1,99€
Supraland - Crash - 6,99€
Supraland Six Inches Under - 7,19€ (Supraland was incredibly good, happy to follow it up)
Slay the Princess - 13,11€
quite a lot on gifts. I may be on a lookout for interesting games, but I likely will just stop at this point :)
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Buying for giveaways
Abi-Dos $0.79
Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition $4
Firewatch $2
South Park: The Stick of Truth $3
Planet Coaster $2.24
The Forest $2
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments $3 x2
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One $6.74
Tormented Souls
Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia
Chasing Tails A Promise in the Snow
Vampires' Melody
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How do I get added to some of these giveaways XD
But in all seriousness, definitely some decent steals you grabbed although the sale felt quite stale in my opinion. Maybe partly due to no trading cards and most games I'm interested in not receiving major discounts
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Group does require you be level 2.
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I bought Gran Turismo 7 on my PS5 since I recently got a wheel for some casual fun! My girlfriend likes driving around randomly so I might buy City Car Driving and BeamNG in the future.
Trying to stop myself from buying any more because I still have 600+ games in my backlog
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for random driving, how about Crazy Taxi? Or has it been delisted?
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I considered Bugsnax but I feel it will go in HB in 2025
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328 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by medion
98 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by jojo1241
16,722 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Vee79
391 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by SeefKroy
29 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by scap
914 Comments - Last post 14 hours ago by wigglenose
37 Comments - Last post 14 hours ago by spodamayn
1,354 Comments - Last post 7 seconds ago by oblueknighto
122 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by vigaristti
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167 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by Ev4Gr33n
193 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by s4k1s
24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by s4k1s
The classic boasting thread and almost the only reason why we still keep buying games during those sales, right?
You are free to include purchases since Black Friday and from other stores or for other systems, besides Steam/PC.
Previous editions
Tragic, this year people can't really earn any potatoes with the free Trading Cards gone.
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