ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.

ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.

Core features

  • Automatic idling of available games with card drops using any number of active accounts
  • No requirement of running or even having official Steam client installed
  • Guarantee of being VAC-free
  • Complex error-reporting mechanism, allowing ASF to be smart and resume idling even in case of Steam or networking problems
  • Customizable cards idling algorithm which will push performance of card drops to the maximum
  • Offline idling, allowing you to skip in-game status and stop confusing your friends
  • Advanced support for alt accounts, including ability to redeem keys, redeem gifts, accept trades and more through a simple Steam chat
  • Support for latest Steam security features, including SteamGuard, SteamParental and two-factor authentication
  • Unique ASF 2FA mechanism allowing ASF to act as a mobile authenticator (if needed)
  • StreamTradeMatcher integration allowing ASF to help you in completing your steam badges by accepting dupe trades
  • Rebased on .NET Core 2.0, cross-OS compatibility, official support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • ...and many more!

Interesting features

For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.

Setting up

Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.

Useful links

Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group

You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.

This thread

The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.

Have fun.

Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.

Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.

8 years ago*

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Oh this is going to be handy, bookmarked this page :)

Hey Archi, any thoughts you had on making a command like !farmall which would basicly reload all bots instances once like how you would do it seperate with !farm? (kinda like where you would restart ASF do to the trick but a command might be usefull too :P)
I cant code so I have no clue how to do it but I could suggest it :D
Might come in handy for thoose with more then 1 or 2 accounts :P

Thats all, have a nice day!

7 years ago

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there is a !restart command if you mean that

7 years ago

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No, I mean the !farm command but more extended, now when u do !farm to an account it will reload the account, and there is a command like !statusall to check all status from all account, so thats why I suggest for !farmall where ASF would loop once tru all account and do the same as when u would do !farm to one account.. my english is a bit off I hope you guys understand what im trying to explain :P

7 years ago

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Archi's comment

ASF is a coded in a way to automatically resume farming process when something new is available

7 years ago

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There is no single event in which you'd like to do !farmall. Even !farm is obsolete since a few versions now, but still useful on one-by-one case with family sharing and alike.

7 years ago

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I do not use family sharing and I would love !farmall honestly since I make use of the !farm command a lot to be honest, for me atleast its usefull :P but I also use a lot !statusall on my private account and thats why it came in my mind for the !farmall but if you consider it been less usefull then I guess this suggestion can be forgotten, thanks for your responds Archi
Have a nice day

7 years ago

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Though i can't be sure about the usefulness of the farmall command, it's quite easy for Archi to implement it. His coding style is immaculate imho so these changes and extensions are pretty trivial.

Something like that, will do the trick.

private static async Task<string> ResponseFarmAll(ulong steamID) {
    if (steamID == 0) {
        return null;

    if (!IsOwner(steamID)) {
        return null;

    await Task.WhenAll(Bots.Values.Where(bot => bot.IsConnectedAndLoggedOn).Select(bot => bot.ResponseFarm(steamID))).ConfigureAwait(false);
    return "Done!";

along with an injection in the main switch statement

case "!FARMALL":
      return await ResponseFarmAll(steamID).ConfigureAwait(false);

modified code is taken from !lootall command @ bot.cs

7 years ago

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I have no idea whats going on there to be honest and I would not have a clue how to use this
Thought.. I also rather stay with the original version created by Archi so I am sure things are going the way it should but yeah thanks for taking ur time for checking this out I guess :P maybe usefull for anyone interested in modifying his ASF (if u atleast know how caus I dont lol)

7 years ago

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My point here was that implementing another command or a subset of commands is quite easy but honestly i think this approach creates a monster application instead of a handy tool like ASF is right now.

7 years ago

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oh no worries, it was only a suggestion and whatever Archi decides to do with it, I accept his decision :D im not a difficult person :P I like ASF the way it is right now its been a helpfull tool ever since I start using it ^^

7 years ago

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Adding code for that indeed is rather trivial, and complexity is not the reason for my reluctance, but ASF scope and practical usage. If I can't find any single logical and valid usage of given thing - I ask. If user can't provide me with any single logical and valid usage either, I deny the suggestion. In this case, I can't see what purpose !farmall would have.

7 years ago

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how to farm all game simultaneously after 2 hour?

7 years ago

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Impossible in automatic mode due to being the most inefficient method that ever existed.

7 years ago

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Is it possible to use the !owns command with private profiles? Currently when I try it returns <Bot> List of owned games is empty!, I understand having a private profile blocks someone from checking your game library, but couldn't ASF check the accounts owned games whilst in a session as the Bot which is searching?

Thanks for reading.

7 years ago

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That's a Steam limitation, there's no way to circumvent it.
Have you tried setting the bots' profiles to friends-only?

7 years ago

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I have tried friends only. I had thought that maybe bots could check their 'own' library. I presume ASF looks up their profile a non steam user?

7 years ago

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It's possible if you fill API key. ASF is then eligible to use another method that works with private profiles.

7 years ago

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Thank you. I've got it working now :)

7 years ago

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Hi, i dont want to bother but u know if exist some idle card program that dont add play time to games? Cause ASF do right? Ty

7 years ago

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No. And there won't exist one, ever.

7 years ago

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Cause the game needs to be "played"?

Really ty, i´ll start using ASF :D

7 years ago

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Buy game with expensive cards > farm cards witn no playtime added > refund game > profit.

Steam would never let that happen.

7 years ago

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Mmmm i didnt think about that, i only refund Fallout 3 cause doesnt work in windows7 :(

7 years ago

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Thanks, works fine -

7 years ago

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What is UrlPostRetry(), keeps failing even after 5 tries. But ASF works fine.

7 years ago

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Steam as usual

7 years ago

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no i meant what this function actually does, because it fails every time, whenever i use asf.

7 years ago

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It retries to post urls and it fails for everyone because Steam fails, as usual.

7 years ago

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WOW! Thnx for letting me what this function does.

7 years ago

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Basically it just tries to do <anything> and Steam fucks it up. Nothing specific.

You try to load a page or click something on Steam browser, it gives random error.

Edit: no actual idea about the code, just years of experience of Steam working like shit :D

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Never bothered trying this. Had to farm today. Fuck it, let's set ASF. Works like a charm.

7 years ago

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wow get it to work and its really simple effective, ty very much :)

7 years ago

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So many text here to read, but I have just a short question to ask: is here option in newest version to farm cards on limited accounts (I used until now old version and there I was able to farm on limited accounts, but now I saw msg that I can't anymore)?

7 years ago

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Yeap, Valve blocked all limited accounts from card farming too.

What features are unavailable to me? source
Gaining Steam Profile Levels (Locked to level 0) and Trading Cards

also this:

It's no longer possible to drop any cards on limited accounts (those that never spent 5$ in steam store). ASF FAQ

7 years ago

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Damn, but when that happened? I remember that few days ago I was perfectly farmed cards on limited account (Dirt3 cards - game which I took around 2 weeks ago on HB for free)... :/

P.S. Farmed it on older ASF version, so maybe new ASF version doesn't support farming on limited accounts? :/

7 years ago

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its a limitation set by valve not by the program and cannot be circumvented i guess

7 years ago

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P.S. Farmed it on older ASF version, so maybe new ASF version doesn't support farming on limited accounts? :/

ASF version has NOTHING TO DO with your eligibility to receive card drops, which is set by Valve and was changed recently. I simply saved myself time answering stupid questions such as "why ASF doesn't drop any cards for me" - ASF is able to check if you have limited account, and simply not bother farming at all as it's not possible and won't result in anything productive. I have better stuff to do than explaining to everybody that limited accounts can't receive drops anymore - ASF does that for me, and if somebody believes that it's ASF with the problem here, then feel free to launch older version that didn't have such pre-check, or any other idling program (such as idle master) and good luck farming - you'll need it considering the fact that limited accounts can't drop any steam card anymore.

First point.

7 years ago*

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Understand, sorry for my stupid question. Anyway, always can expect worst decisions (for community) from Gaben, somehow this was logical step, sadly... :/

7 years ago

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limited account = no cards drops

7 years ago

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Hello. Any ideas why a new authenticator might not work?

2016-11-25 15:40:02|ASF-8160|INFO|ASF|Init() ASF V2.1.6.8
2016-11-25 15:40:02|ASF-8160|INFO|ASF|IsRuntimeSupported() Your .NET version is OK. Required: 4.6.1 | Found: 4.6.1
2016-11-25 15:40:02|ASF-8160|INFO|ASF|CheckForUpdate() ASF will automatically check for new versions every 24 hours
2016-11-25 15:40:02|ASF-8160|INFO|ASF|CheckForUpdate() Checking new version...
2016-11-25 15:40:04|ASF-8160|INFO|ASF|CheckForUpdate() Local version: | Remote version:
2016-11-25 15:40:04|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|Initialize() Not starting this instance because it's disabled in config file
2016-11-25 15:40:17|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|Start() Starting...
2016-11-25 15:40:19|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnConnected() Connected to Steam!
2016-11-25 15:40:19|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnConnected() Logging in...
2016-11-25 15:40:50|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnDisconnected() Disconnected from Steam!
2016-11-25 15:40:50|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnDisconnected() Reconnecting...
2016-11-25 15:40:51|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnConnected() Connected to Steam!
2016-11-25 15:40:51|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnConnected() Logging in...
2016-11-25 15:40:52|ASF-8160|WARN|Beta|OnLoggedOn() Unable to login to Steam: TwoFactorCodeMismatch / TwoFactorCodeMismatch
2016-11-25 15:40:52|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnDisconnected() Disconnected from Steam!
2016-11-25 15:40:52|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnDisconnected() Reconnecting...
2016-11-25 15:40:52|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnConnected() Connected to Steam!
2016-11-25 15:40:52|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnConnected() Logging in...
2016-11-25 15:41:04|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnDisconnected() Disconnected from Steam!
2016-11-25 15:41:04|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnDisconnected() Reconnecting...
2016-11-25 15:41:04|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnConnected() Connected to Steam!
2016-11-25 15:41:04|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnConnected() Logging in...
2016-11-25 15:41:05|ASF-8160|WARN|Beta|OnLoggedOn() Unable to login to Steam: InvalidPassword / InvalidPassword
2016-11-25 15:41:05|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnDisconnected() Disconnected from Steam!
2016-11-25 15:41:05|ASF-8160|INFO|Beta|OnDisconnected() Will retry after 25 minutes...

I've not seen this error before: 2016-11-25 15:40:52|ASF-8160|WARN|Beta|OnLoggedOn() Unable to login to Steam: TwoFactorCodeMismatch / TwoFactorCodeMismatch


7 years ago

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wrong data input?

7 years ago

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You either delinked it or in other way invalidated old data (that you imported). Remove Bot.db of affected bot instance and try again, this time importing authenticator that works.

7 years ago

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Thanks. That solved the problem. Enjoy your day :)

7 years ago

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Hey Archi, this is probably more of a Windows 10 fuckup(though I don't experience this quirk on other programs that use the command prompt), but maybe you can help me anyway.

Before the anniversary update(or maybe it was the next update after that, not 100% sure, been a while by now), I could use the command prompt layout setting "wrap text output on resize" without problems. After it however, whenever I change the ASF window's width(with the setting on), instead of properly having the text wrap to fit the new window width, it gets shoved upwards, until it eventually moves off the screen entirely and eventually disappears. At that point, even scrolling up leaves the text nowhere to be found and only a displaced blinking cursor remains.

Didn't bother mentioning it at the time when it happened first since it doesn't really affect the function of the program(keeps running just fine obviously, even if you can no longer see the text output) and you always have the option to disable text wraparound, but having it on is definitely more convenient, so if there's anything I can do to fix this behavior, that would be great.

7 years ago

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Best thing is to set console options static, as in - you can make Windows remember your settings and launch ASF always with them, which doesn't make you in need of resizing each time.

This is not ASF bug, as console output and everything regarding that is entirely OS thing - ASF doesn't even know if you have any window with any settings catching the text being sent.

7 years ago

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Yeah as I said, I figured this was Windows messing up as usual, but for some reason ASF is the only thing using the command prompt where that ever happens for me.

The reason I'd prefer being able to keep the option on and be able to change my window size frequently is because I usually have the window sized really small in a corner while running other stuff so I can keep an eye on how many cards the current game has left, but from time to time blow the window up to big size again to check overall progress for the entire session.

Oh well, maybe Micro$oft will eventually fix this(haha who am I kidding).

7 years ago

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Unfortunately it's console window's bug introduced with the win10 anniv. update. Check here

7 years ago

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Thanks for the link. That pretty much confirms that this is indeed a windows fuckup. Always amusing how the support guys never seem to even understand the question being asked in those topics xD.

7 years ago

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hehe true that :D

There's a workaround i use for my console, try a larger width for the layout tab eg. 120 chars then keep this checked "wrap text output on resize". It still messes the output if you try to resize, but if you don't, it gives a wider console and wraps the content nicely. ;)

7 years ago

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Will command prompt being completely replaced by powershell fix this?

7 years ago

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Maybe, luckily for ASF, I'm trying to code everything in as compatible and reliable way as possible, thanks to which it's not only possible to run ASF on Linux via Mono right out of the box, but also should be possible to launch in PS whenever Microsoft decides to make a switch.

Thing is, I don't have any direct control after any of that, and as a workaround for the problem I'd simply recommend configuring excellent ASF logging module to file or any other medium not affected by the bug - console is just one of dozen of available targets.

7 years ago

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Hey Archi, can you add please command !leaveallgroup (leaving all steam groups except main in config SteamMasterClanID)

7 years ago

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That's not the purpose of ASF.

7 years ago

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ASF not farming Darksiders Warmastered edition (it says in store it has cards) is a problem on ASF side, or steam side?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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so, is it impossible for now to farm those cards? Cause on the market I can see them.

7 years ago

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You can always farm manually, there is nothing to fix in ASF.

7 years ago

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mine was idleing yesterday, maybe issue restart

7 years ago

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yeah, after a steam restart ASF was able to farm it normally

7 years ago

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damn I would like to use this on my android phone :/
this would saving me a lot of energy ^^

7 years ago

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Is ArchiBoT sleeping? I see him online, but doesn't respond to my 1:1 card trade.

7 years ago

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Even best bots need some rest :3.

As usual, volvo fuckups, networking issues, and maintenance. Also as usual he'll respond ASAP if he's online. ASAP does not mean immediately if there are issues though.

7 years ago

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Thanks, he woke up respond, and starting to rule of the world.

7 years ago

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Is there a command to change the 'online/offline farming' status of a bot?

7 years ago

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Config edit.

7 years ago

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Is it possible to disable the auto rejection of friend requests? Can't seem to find the option.

7 years ago

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There is no auto-rejection, unless you enabled IsBotAccount (and why would you do that on your NOT bot account?).

7 years ago

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Neat feature I'm working on, feel free to give it a try. Available in pre-release for now.

7 years ago

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Thanks. Really nice feature. But fund a (display) bug. If no Profilpicture is assigned (in steam) the icon on the list is really really big, like 4 times the size of the ones with icon.

And matching using STM still does not work if a bot is not registered as "bot" on STM (it gets matched as user and not as accept anything). But guess thats not a problem on your side ;->

Can't you just connect all ASF instances to one single AI network, that does the trading stuff fully automatically? ;->

PS: The steam-name as mouseover would be really nice as well, but I'm not sure if thats caught somewhere anyways or if that would need an extra request.

PSS: Also a direct Link to the steam Profil (or a direkt trade link, but that should be opt-in, not opt-out) would be really nice.

7 years ago*

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This is in beta stage, there is crapload of things to improve on the website side, but I'm not expert when it comes to HTML/PHP, so it's very basic for now. I already fixed avatar size issue, and your other suggestions are great too, I'll evaluate which ones would be useful. Definitely nickname must be put somewhere, I just don't know where yet, wanted to make something that works first. Thanks for feedback!

7 years ago

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Jeha, I'm aware that its beta and that maybe some of the suggestions were planned anyways, but the earlier you get an idea the better I guess ;->
Guess the code for the webpage is not in the repository, since it has nothing to do with ASF?

But jeha php is like javascript on extasy and html/css is basically easy, but never doing what you would expect ;->

But honestly, I'm really hyped for that feature, when it goes online. I'm not sure how many people have STM+2FA, but we'll see.

7 years ago

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It's not, and I do not plan on making it public anytime soon - this is supposed to be internal API for statistics. Reporting part is open-source in ASF though.

7 years ago

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Two more things I thought might be useful (just suggestions^^):
A cache for bot that are offline (most instances will not have a dedicated server), since that might be helpful as well.
and the number of cards in the inventory (that would be really helpful, if there are like 200+ bots)

7 years ago

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do you need to change something else except the exe for pre-release?

7 years ago

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except for ConfigGenerator if you wanna fuck with configs with that exe it is

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Technically no, ASF downloads only latest exe when doing automatic update. Although if you want to use pre-releases, it's better to simply change UpdateChannel - pre-releases are also available in automatic updates.

7 years ago

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i do check from time to time what the pre-releases contain but i kinda like to stay on stable version...updated to last pre-releases because of that new feature(everything for a posible trade xD)

7 years ago

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That's fine, in this case indeed you should replace core ASF.exe, and optionally ConfigGenerator if you want to use it with that version. Such pre-release ASF will automatically update to next stable, if you kept AutoUpdates on that channel.

7 years ago

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Great feature, not many seem to be using pre-release with only 6 hits.

7 years ago

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There were a bit more accounts, but I'm still improving how listing works, and older pre-releases are incompatible with current version of listing. Currently there are over 605 steam accounts from 63 different ASF instances that did report to new statistics, so the actual number is not that low.

7 years ago

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I've been running the pre-release for a few days now and so far it's working perfectly.
Great feature :D Looking forward to more people starting using it.

7 years ago

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sorry for noobs question..
how to redeem key via chat ?
i mean config on ASF-ConfigGenerator.exe for main and bot account ?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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ahh, yaa i found it :D
thank you :)

7 years ago

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One feature I wanted to suggest for some time now. I usually find that my main account is "not connected". When looking at the terminal output it's usually because it was disconnected from Steam, ASF tried to reconnect, and is waiting for the 2FA code to be entered:

2016-12-04 19:38:21|mono-sgen-20199|INFO|Devotee|OnDisconnected() Disconnected from Steam!
2016-12-04 19:38:21|mono-sgen-20199|INFO|Devotee|OnDisconnected() Removed expired login key
2016-12-04 19:38:21|mono-sgen-20199|INFO|Devotee|OnDisconnected() Reconnecting...
2016-12-04 19:38:24|mono-sgen-20199|INFO|Devotee|Farm() Still farming: 457570 (Camp Sunshine)
2016-12-04 19:38:24|mono-sgen-20199|INFO|Devotee|Farm() Stopped farming: 457570 (Camp Sunshine)
2016-12-04 19:38:24|mono-sgen-20199|INFO|Devotee|OnConnected() Connected to Steam!
2016-12-04 19:38:24|mono-sgen-20199|INFO|Devotee|OnConnected() Logging in...
2016-12-04 19:38:25|mono-sgen-20199|INFO|Devotee|StopFarming() Farming stopped!
<Devotee> Please enter your 2 factor auth code from your authenticator app: (blinking cursor)

No matter how long it has stayed like that, if I input a new valid 2FA code in the terminal, it will log in again without problems.

Would it be possible to set the status in this case to something like "waiting for 2FA code", and add a command to be able to send a new auth code to ASF via chat? That would allow those accounts to be reconnected without having to access the remote server where the bot is running and typing the 2FA code in the terminal.

7 years ago

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Nope, that is what Headless is for, and/or ASF 2FA. Personally I suggest ASF 2FA, it solves this issue quite nicely.

7 years ago

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2016-12-07 19:58:56|ASF-10800|WARN|****|UrlPostRetry() Request failed even after 5 tries

getting this in red letters in two accounts, what is it? ( **** = name)

7 years ago

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Usually indicates not reading FAQ.

7 years ago

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Is it possible to make option to skip current farming game if I want to farm another game first (but I don't want to DL 10GB for example)?

7 years ago

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I don't know from where you got the impression that you need to download any games, if FAQ clearly states that you do not have to.

7 years ago

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I mean if I don't want to farm certain game manually

7 years ago

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Then you have Blacklist for that, or manual farming with !play command. Automatic farming is automatic, not manual.

7 years ago

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Oh, got it. Thank you!

7 years ago

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Hey there. I'm finally giving this software another try after a disappointing experience last spring. It's a bit better (game names are shown in the log, rather than just the ID), but I just needed to ask-- why is it still so arid compared to IdleMaster..? Why does the comparison box in the original post only indicate the good things about ASF but not the bad ones?

  • Ease of configuration. I still don't know why it's so complicated... Profiles & all... You should have a 'default' setup for everyone to be similar to how IdleMaster works. If anything-- have the GUI ask for user name & password and store them, instead of requiring to create a profile for them.
  • The log is too verbose in some areas, and not enough in others. I don't really care about the ASF process, but I'd love to know more about my profile process.
  • The 2-hour group farming. If I have 10 games that were farmed for 10 minutes and I add 20 more games to the lot, ASF will immediately notice them and add them to the farming group. Great. However, once 110 minutes have gone by, it will stop group farming entirely, meaning the remaining 20 games will need to be farmed individually by 10 more minutes than needed. That's what I noticed, at least. ASF should simply stop idling all games that have gone past 120mn, then once all of its games are past 120mn, skip to individual game farming.
  • While I'm at it-- why not indicate the name of the games when you're group farming them?
  • IdleMaster allows you to farm for 'valuable' cards first. The first ones it'll farm for me are Phantom Brave and other expensive games, leaving the bundle games for the end. ASF offered me to farm Apocalypse first (an indiegala bundle), then when I restarted it, it tried to farm another bundle game. IIRC the source code for IdleMaster is open source as well, so it should be easy to reuse the same method. I'm guessing IM simply retrieves its data from steamcardexchange.
  • For some reason (the alternative Steam connection maybe? or ASF loading the inventory page for some reason?), the Steam client immediately resets its card drop notification counter after a few seconds when farming through ASF. This isn't good. You might miss new drops that way... (?)
  • It's been a few weeks since Valve changed their card drop system.
    (a) For people with accounts locked to 2 hours of farming, once a game reaches 2 hours, it immediately drops a card. Meaning the most efficient way of farming is to farm all to 2 hours, then farm all games for about 5 to 10 seconds, skip to the next, and so on. I've been doing this manually on my current session (21 games), and I dropped 23 cards (yes, a couple of games dropped 2 cards, how nice of them.) Needless to say, that would be a must in a 'modern' farming app.
    (b) Some bundle games are very cool with card drop rates, and it seems Valve now allows them to drop everything by 'session' rather than just playtime. That is, if I run another quick run through my games like mentioned in (a), I'll often get more drops. So, again, I would recommend to do a few runs for a few minutes (or at least make it optional).
    (c) And finally: sometimes I'll get card drops because I'm skipping a game. Instead of idling in increments of 15 minutes in IdleMaster, I'll often simply skip the game after 5 or 10 minutes, usually it'll drop a card immediately. I'm not sure how the system works exactly, but I don't think there'd be any issue with stopping the idle process and restarting it every other minute or so. (It would only be a problem to friends who haven't disabled the notifications for played games, of course. Education is key here.)

Sorry, that's a long post, hopefully some of these issues weren't discussed before. (Yes, I haven't read through the whole topic.)

7 years ago

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I'm sorry, but it seems that your "issues" is you don't want to read FAQ and try to understand what each parameters do in configs. For example, this one:

For some reason (the alternative Steam connection maybe? or ASF loading the inventory page for some reason?), the Steam client immediately resets its card drop notification counter after a few seconds when farming through ASF. This isn't good. You might miss new drops that way... (?)

Is easily fixable by setting DismissInventoryNotifications value to false. I think your issues with delays and "group farming" (whatever it should means) is only because of wrong configuration. Just read wiki it's very informative and i don't understand how you can have issues after reading it.

To be fair, point about idling "most valuable cards" is valid. Don't need it myself personally since i'm not selling most of my cards, but it may be useful for some people

7 years ago

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Thanks for the setting name, I didn't notice it. Perhaps it wasn't there when I first tried it (March).
I'm halfway through the (way too long) FAQ, and it seems my other points are still valid though... ^^

7 years ago

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I experienced the same, so I mostly also tried to skip through the games and get a lot of drops
is there a way asf does this automatically?

7 years ago

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I just came in to ask about this issue, I didn't know it could be turned off. Thank you.

7 years ago

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Initially I didn't even want to repond, because every single one of your points was at some point carefully answered and responded to, but let's make an exception and repeat what was already said multiple times in this thread, so hopefully other people will also understand it better.

why is it still so arid compared to IdleMaster..? Why does the comparison box in the original post only indicate the good things about ASF but not the bad ones?

ASF is NOT idle master, and will never be. It never was my intention to make IM substitute, because I do NOT reinvent the wheel and waste my time on something that does exist already. ASF was initially supposed to work for me only, then I released it to general public so other people can make use of it as well, adding features I like, improving things I consider important, and developing program in the way I see fit. This is most important point that people apparently forget all the time - ASF is not for you. I'm not paid to code ASF for some specific audience or specific people - ASF is supposed to work for me, and I share it on simple basis "it works for me, it perhaps can work for you too - if it does, great, maybe you give feedback or say thanks, if it doesn't - that's fine, it was not my intention to make everyone use it anyway". This is most important thing to keep in mind, because every single feature I add to ASF, I add because I consider it practical, useful, and somebody asked me for that, if I didn't add it for myself specifically. When I compare ASF to IM, I obviously focus on aspects why you should consider using ASF - not doing a review of both programs and objectively pointing out their pros and cons - I can't be objective anyway when it comes to my program, regardless of how hard I try. Even more - I'd actually appreciate if people did not use ASF, because the fact is that it was never designed for typical IM users in the first place, and I'd appreciate if IM was still developed, so people who don't need ASF features would simply use something that suits them better. Luckily or not, they just consider ASF better, I can't blame them for that.

Ease of configuration. I still don't know why it's so complicated...

It's not complicated at all if you stick to the wiki and follow simple tutorial. I have many friends that I seriously consider quite stupid when it comes to IT, and noone of them had any problems setting up ASF, even those that I did expect to have problems with it. Every single user that complained about ASF configuration complexity either did not bother reading wiki at all, or expected ASF to be IM, and I think I already explained why ASF is not IM and will never be. "Objectively" I think that based on users and general feedback I'm receiving in this thread, configuration of ASF is easy enough if somebody spends his time reading the wiki, and if somebody doesn't want to read the wiki, then I'll always repeat that IM still exists - please don't force yourself to use ASF, I'm not being paid for +1 user using my software, in fact, I'd prefer if nobody used it, less bug reports and questions to answer :3.

The log is too verbose in some areas, and not enough in others. I don't really care about the ASF process, but I'd love to know more about my profile process.

Then why do you track what ASF process is doing, instead of what your account is doing? There is !status command that perfectly explains what is going on. ASF log is... plot-twist - for ASF, not for your account. I don't agree with your above point at all, I find ASF log extremely useful and powerful, especially if you actually read wiki section about logging and learn how you can make it more/less verbose in any single place, because ASF allows you to tell it what exactly you're looking for in terms of logging, it even allows you to log to databases or to another PC if needed.

The 2-hour group farming.

If you read performance section on the wiki, then you'd understand how Complex algorithm works, and why it's much better than your proposed solution, which is entirely inefficient. You didn't do that though, so I'm not going to explain it either - ASF uses the most effective farming algorithms for all currently available types of accounts, if somebody thinks he knows better, he doesn't understand how Valve algorithms work.

While I'm at it-- why not indicate the name of the games when you're group farming them?

Because I don't need such spam, nobody does. If you need it at all cost, then you can still execute !api and read your raw data in whatever way that satisfies you.

IdleMaster allows you to farm for 'valuable' cards first.

This is not IdleMaster, but you know that already, so I'll only explain why this function is not in ASF yet - this is because IM uses proprietary API for getting card values, powered by EnhancedSteam. ES userscript is indeed open-source, but the API we're talking about is server-sided, which is NOT open-source, documented, or even available for general public. In other words, this is hidden feature coded by jshackles as addition to ES, entirely for IM, and nothing else. I could use that if I wanted, but I don't want to for several strong reasons, such as: no source, no guaranteed server uptime, no any control over returned data, no documentation and no support, also the fact that I'm not permitted to use it (jshackles most likely wouldn't appreciate it). In short, this feature will NOT happen anytime soon, and if it's so crucial for somebody to farm based on cards value, then I honestly suggest to switch to IM immediately, because it's least of my priorities.

The Steam client immediately resets its card drop notification counter after a few seconds when farming through ASF.

I don't know about you, but I find this feature extremely good as I finally have no need to manually mark those item drops as read, I don't care about cards dropping, I have better stuff to do than checking each 30 minutes which 0.03$ card dropped. But of course, you can turn it off, as ASF allows you to customize nearly every aspect of the farming process, through DismissInventoryNotifications. And answering your other arguments right away:

Perhaps it wasn't there when I first tried it (March).

It was there since the moment this feature was added. Lack of knowledge how ASF works does not really justify stating that something is impossible or not working in the way you want, assuming that it is in fact possible.

It's been a few weeks since Valve changed their card drop system.

I still consider it accidental change, aka bug/fuckup, and not intentional modification. I did lots of test in order to find out if that drop can be justified by any possible mean, and it turns out that it's so unreliable and irrational, that adding any logic on top of farming process to ASF would heavily complicate entire farming code, that will now try to start to use the bug/fuckup for his own gain. I do not code ASF around steam fuckups if I don't have a strong argument to say that what is happening is indeed intentional and that's how it should work. Even if it is indeed intentional and justified, dropping that 1 card changes absolutely nothing in terms of completing farming, as you still need another 2 hours + X time to get remaining cards, and ASF changes from multiple-farm to solo-farm anyway when game reaches 2h mark, so it doesn't change anything if you do game-skip at 0.0h, and then keep farming until 2h, or if you do game-skip at 2h after you're done (because you need to, in order to switch game anyway). In long-run it changes absolutely nothing, and short-run doesn't mean anything to ASF, as if you indeed compared short-run of ASF vs anything, then ASF wins hands-down as the chance of IM getting stuck, your steam client running into a bug, or steam network downtime/maintenance is much higher than the chance that ASF runs into such condition. This is one of the core points of why ASF exists - so I can launch it on my server and forget about it's existance. Try to do the same with IM on your PC, you won't last even a week without a need of force restart be it because of your networking, IM or Steam itself - ASF on my server is working for half a year without server restart by now.

TL;DR - Your expectations are nowhere close to core concepts of ASF - you expecxt it to be IM successor, while ASF is not IM successor, ASF does crapload of things better, and is focusing on entirely different ground that IM, because ASF was not meant to be IM successor at all, it was supposed to fill specific needs of specific people and not work as a general purpose idling program. Some people still claim that despite of that ASF is better than IM in every single thing, and like I said - I can't blame them for that, I can see their reasoning, I also consider it very good, but at the same time I repeat that it was never the intention. If somebody wants to use IM, then you do not use ASF - you use IM. Unless you indeed want to use ASF, then do not expect from it to be IM, because it's not IM - it's ASF. In it's current state I consider ASF extremely useful, well-written and complete - I'm still actively working on it, and adding/improving/fixing things as I see fit, but things like GUI version of ASF, adding cards value order, or simplifying configuration even further are not on my radar, and probably won't be anytime soon, as I have better things to do than forcing myself to code something I find entirely impractical for myself.

7 years ago*

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  • Redoing IdleMaster is not reinventing the wheel... It's no longer supported, and it has bugs that will never be fixed.
  • I'm not demanding anything of anyone. As a developer myself I simply know that I like my works to be as good as they can be. If something can be done to improve them, I'll gladly take the suggestions. I thought you'd be the same. Sorry.
  • To me, the 'most efficient' algorithm is the one that drops the most valuable cards first. If my shit bundle games get farmed first because I added them 2 minutes before the AAA games, and I have to wait until they're all idled until the process switches to the AAA games, then it's not efficient to me. But again it's linked to card values etc, and since you stated you wouldn't budge on that, I guess it can't be helped. But you can't really say it's the most efficient. It's the most efficient for you, I guess. But I'd like for it to be efficient for everybody. (And that includes automatically idling all games individually for 5-10 seconds at the 2-hour mark. With the Offline option set, this would be a no-brainer.)
  • Actually, ASF was advertised as the successor to IM by various people who pointed me to it. That they were wrong doesn't change the fact that there isn't much choice in terms of farming programs right now. There's the abandoned IdleMaster and the still maintained ASF, and I try to favor maintained programs. It wouldn't take that much time to rework ASF to make it more user-friendly, with a proper GUI (not one that crashes on me after 10 seconds and has dozens of buttons I know nothing about). You don't need to get rid of the complexity of ASF internally (it's okay, I know what a server and a bot are :P), I'm just saying you might be happier taking a few hours to do these hours and not ever having to answer this kind of post again in the future.

Personally I just farm cards to 'get rid of them', because I absolutely hate having Steam popups when playing that state I have a new card drop. It disrupts my experience. I'm not a 'professional' farmer, so I don't need alt accounts etc. It's all very complicated to me. I like the simplicity of IM. However I also hate that IM doesn't automatically stop when I launch a Steam game by myself. This is the #1 reason I'm currently trying out ASF.

  • Steam doesn't actually show notification popups for every single card drop. It only does so (IIRC) if you have no currently unseen card drops. So, if you just ignore the first notification, you won't get any after that. So there's no need to dismiss these notifications, at least by default.

Oh, a noob question: why is it that my cards drop literally HOURS after I left the ASF process..? Only ASF farmed 'Apocalypse' (bundle game), then I stopped it and quit it, launched IM, and started farming Phantom Brave, and after 2 hours not a single card drop, then after I skipped that game, I got a card, "cool!", and it turned out to be from Apocalypse. (What?!)
Is there a hidden process still running for ASF? How can I make sure it's not running? Because it might explain why I'm not getting card drops (multiple simultaneous processes for farming.)

7 years ago

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I'm not demanding anything of anyone. As a developer myself I simply know that I like my works to be as good as they can be. If something can be done to improve them, I'll gladly take the suggestions. I thought you'd be the same. Sorry.

The difference is that my TODO list for all of my projects I spent time on reached over 100, sometimes even more entries, from very simple till very complex changes, and I simply prioritize that list from what I consider most useful. I can spend time doing GUI I have absolutely no use of, just to make it available, or I can spend time doing public STM listing that will greatly help me to match my dupes and complete more badges during steam sale. I think it's quite obvious what I prioritize more, now imagine there are like 50+ more of that in the queue, and you will get the answer why GUI is not currently on my radar.

To me, the 'most efficient' algorithm is the one that drops the most valuable cards first.

To me the most efficient algorithm is the one that completes it's job in shortest time. If we set the goal as finishing all games remaining to farm, then ASF will be the fastest one to achieve this goal. This is also one of the reasons why even FarmingOrder is clearly written to be only a suggestion for cards farming process, and not any strong indicator, because ASF will do it's thing the best way it can - if it can fullfill your recommended order, that's great, but if it can't - sorry, it won't bother doing that. This is especially true in Complex algorithm when ASF will prioritize games past 2 hours of playtime first, regardless of your FarmingOrder.

As I said, we have different definition of most efficient algorithm, and because cards value is not going to happen anytime soon due to reasons I listed already above, there is nothing much to add here. I can understand people farming according to cards value, but that is also not the objective/concept of ASF. Concept of ASF is to farm everything possible, and the objective is to finish that task as soon as possible.

Steam doesn't actually show notification popups for every single card drop. It only does so (IIRC) if you have no currently unseen card drops

That doesn't change anything - you're talking about pop-up, not notification. Notification is still there, and annoying me, because I want to have a notification only for people posting something in threads/groups/things I follow, not some useless notification that I dropped 0.03$ card from the bundle I bought today.

Is there a hidden process still running for ASF? How can I make sure it's not running? Because it might explain why I'm not getting card drops (multiple simultaneous processes for farming.)

You just found steam fuckup number #8201284. No, there is no any hidden ASF process, and you can easily verify it with your favourite task manager. This is also why I said that in short-term you can't even compare ASF to anything, because such things are happening 24/7 behind your back, and you can barely see 10% of those fuckups yourself. That's one of the reasons why I made ASF - fire & forget, I don't want to keep an eye on it only to restart it every once in a while because GabeN decided to crash yet another thing (such as cards being dropped when skipping game). I trust my program to work on (almost) uninterrupted basis, entirely by itself, without any help but hardware that runs it. ASF achieves that requirement nearly perfectly, with only very rare bugs still existing that I'm trying hard to fix (and them being steam fuckups doesn't help at all).

7 years ago*

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Because your stated goal is to finish farming as fast as possible, I'd really recommend looking into the new drop rates (as explained in detail in my first post.)

For instance, here's a log of what happened just a few minutes ago:

 2016-12-09 11:36:01|ASF-44652|INFO|Nao|ShouldFarm() Status for 269030 (The Yawhg): 2 cards remaining
 2016-12-09 11:36:01|ASF-44652|INFO|Nao|Farm() Still farming: 269030 (The Yawhg)
 2016-12-09 11:51:04|ASF-44652|INFO|Nao|ShouldFarm() Status for 269030 (The Yawhg): 2 cards remaining
 2016-12-09 11:51:04|ASF-44652|INFO|Nao|Farm() Still farming: 269030 (The Yawhg)
 Stopping ASF...
 Starting ASF...
 2016-12-09 11:51:17|ASF-45456|INFO|ASF|Init() ASF V2.1.7.4

(...usual log for when ASF restarts...)

 2016-12-09 11:51:25|ASF-45456|INFO|Nao|StartFarming() We have a total of 15 games (50 cards) to farm on this account...
 2016-12-09 11:51:25|ASF-45456|INFO|Nao|StartFarming() Chosen farming algorithm: Complex
 2016-12-09 11:51:25|ASF-45456|INFO|Nao|FarmSolo() Now farming: 269030 (The Yawhg)
 2016-12-09 11:51:27|ASF-45456|INFO|Nao|ShouldFarm() Status for 269030 (The Yawhg): 1 cards remaining

As you can see, Yawhg didn't drop its card until I manually stopped farming it (after I saw the 'still farming' message show up). After that, I immediately got a drop, restarted ASF and went on with my life.
This is what I do with IdleMaster. I simply pause the farming from time to time. This usually ends up dropping a card early on. I don't think the cards drop by 15-minute increments any more. Well, they probably still do if you don't touch the process. But I'm sure Valve simply figured out that if you play a game in bursts of 5 minutes, you might as well wanna get cards when you quit one of those sessions. I don't know.

What I do know, though, is that in the last couple of months, I've noticed an AWFUL lot of bundled games in my collection dropped ALL of their cards in less than 30 minutes (after the usual 2-hour delay). Some games even dropped all of their cards within ONE minute, as long as I pressed Pause a few times. If I left IdleMaster to its device, these games would farm for over 3 hours instead, I'm pretty sure. I know if I don't do these things manually, Steam doesn't drop things fast. So if your desire is to make ASF drop cards as fast as possible, I'd suggest being proactive in pausing & resuming idling.

I noticed ASFui was Apache licensed, so I might be able to fork it into a simpler version. I haven't compiled C# code in years though, I should be realistic about that hmm...

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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I know, but I don't see any proof that it's a bug. In fact to me it's more likely intentional because: (1) the 2-hour delay is due to refunds no longer being available, so if you go over the limit, why not give you the first of the cards you've been waiting for for 2 hours already? (2) game developers are free to decide what rate they want their cards to drop at. I haven't seen the interface to this, but I'm guessing Valve now allows them to drop all cards 'as soon as possible'. Remember that some devs consider their games to be of low interest, what they really want is give away tons of copies and rely on card sales to make a living. (RIP Digital Homicide. I'm pretty sure they'd have set their drops to 'immediate', had they still been around.)

7 years ago

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I was late to the party but here's my point of view for ASF-vs-IM debate:

Card farming nowadays is not a sprint run, it's a marathon. So i suggest instead of measuring if a card drops in 1m, 5m or 10m earlier, we should count how many cards we have in our inventory after a day's work eg. after farming for 8-12 hours. Moreover, i'm pretty sure since i've combed through Archi's code, that the algorithm chosen is the most efficient. That is, taking into account that neither Valve nor any developer exposed their exact card dropping pattern, apart from the well-known 2h added bonus at the beginning.

I think that ASF works way more efficiently than IM, also considering the fact that IM hangs or disconnects quite often and we need to have it under our supervision. ASF just runs in the background, no extra resources needed like running the Steam client -which in work / school enviroments may raise some eyebrows.

Personally, i literally stopped worrying about card farming, since ASF came to my knowledge.

7 years ago

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I want valuable cards early because in some situations, getting them on time is crucial if you're planning to resell them. Imagine an unbundled game gets bundled-- if you can farm its cards immediately after the bundle went out, chances are you'll be able to sell your cards for a good price. After a few hours it's already too late and the market is flooded with 4 or 5 cent cards. I don't really do that all too often, but to me it's a valid strategy if you're just looking to fill in your Steam wallet.
(And if you have alt-accounts to farm shit games by the dozen, I'm guessing that's something you're interested in as well.)

7 years ago

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Valuable cards is indeed a valid point , sorry i didn't mention that beforehand. However, I couldn't care less for the cards' value to be honest, i mean care in such length that i would worry which cards come first and then wait for them to drop aaaaand then again hurry up to sell them ... nah.. too much stress for steam-cents.

Anyway, the word valuable is pretty subjective, since i could value more of those cards who drop from expensive AAA games, so as to craft a badge and display it on my profile page. Others may find valuable only those cards that help them complete a full set and sell it / trade it altogether. Fun fact is that my wife seeks for cards that gives her badges with pets / cartoons and fluo colors. Well aren't those the most valuable cards?

Now on the coding part, it's one thing to favor valuable cards if that feature could be easily added and totally the opposite thing to depend such a program like ASF on another service which a) is not publicly accessible via API, b) is part of another competitor program and c) targets a minority of users. This whole idea seems quite stupid to me. Why would anyone spend time coding a routine that exploits another fellow's server -jshackles' server in this case- and even if someone eventually does that, what would stop jshackles from shutting it down the same evening?

my 2c ;)

7 years ago*

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Reselling card drops is a whole craft in itself-- hurrying up to sell them isn't always for the best, of course. If you missed out on the short window I mentioned, you're actually better off not farming the game at all for a while, usually card prices go up after a few weeks. (Similar to how it's best NOT to buy a TF2 key right after a Steam sale, and NOT to sell them right before sales... Because that's what everybody does.)
I just don't like missed opportunities -- if a valuable card is more valuable right now, it'll be more 'profitable' (as far as 'making a few more cents' is profit) than a non-valuable card being valuable right now.

I guess ideally, ASF should offer the ability to indicate a favorite order of farming (which is easier to do with a GUI, I know, but in the end you have to provide the list of ordered app IDs to ASF).

As for competition, I'm sure jshackles wouldn't mind his API being used for a good purpose like this one. The only reason he dropped support for IM is because he stopped caring about reselling his cards (because of the extra confirmation step), but now that Steam allows for a single-tap confirmation of all card sales, maybe he's going to resume doing that. Maybe he isn't even aware the problem is fixed, I don't know. ^^

7 years ago

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I suggest writing your own script then

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Well, I'm already writing my own entire frigging website for game trading... I have to choose my battles. ^^

7 years ago

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Quick note: I found another game that dropped 3 of its cards within a few seconds (i.e. 3 rounds of quick 5-second farming processes in IdleMaster), Last Dream (not 'The Last Dream').
So that's not an illusion.
I also discussed last night with a friend who told me she also noticed the new behavior and was, like me, using it to her benefit by doing quick rounds. (Note, she doesn't have the 2-hour lock so IIRC she doesn't even have to wait 2 hours before she can do her initial round of card drops...)

<edit> To clarify, Last Dream has 4 droppable cards, not 3. It didn't drop anything on the 4th 5-second run, or in fact the next few runs, so I'm guessing the final card will only drop after a few minutes of idling.

<edit 2> I tried with a game that hadn't reached 2 hours yet. Right after it hit 2h I paused & restarted, didn't drop anything. I did it a few more times. It seems that it dropped the first card around the 120.5mn mark, possibly 121mn. I would trigger the quick round at 121 minutes to be safe.

Also, just a quick rhetorical question... Is there any benefit to continuously farming a game without interruptions? Did you ever make tests where you'd randomly pick another game after a 30-second delay or something? I'm sure cards would keep dropping that way, and that would solve the initial thing I was reporting. It would be great if you made the test on new games you acquire! I would do it but my C# is rusty.

7 years ago*

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I don't like this hack even if it is valid and not the usual volvo servers fuckup around Christmas.

Starting and stopping a game can be valid act if it happens occasionally but you're proposing a constant pattern which can be detected using simple behavioural analysis on valve's side logs. As a matter of fact it's like a hack over a hack since we're already taking advantage of the system while playing games we haven't downloaded yet.

You can call me chicken here, but i wouldn't poke a bear with a stick.


7 years ago

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7 years ago

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But would it take longer if you switch the game once in a while?
You don't Need to grab the best (as you Said thats not possible to know) But just something better.
You even could do random Intervalls if you fear Valve seeing through, like we doing it right now manually

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The guy before talked about fear
And I'm a programmer myself, so I know that this is work, But still this doesn't Look like it's too hard (but I don't know the code, so I could be wrong)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Forking a project is way more work, as I first have to understand his code which would be a lot work

7 years ago

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Well, you don't want to spend some time forking, reading and changing the project, but you find it quite reasonable for others to spend their time coding a totally useless and -improbable to work- function, just to give some wannabe stock-marketters the benefit of a bit pricier card to sell ?

And who guarantees that Valve will not pick up this start-stop-start-stop procedure by thousands of card farmers and block a bunch of them, thus making ASF unreliable to use?

7 years ago*

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Yeah, the easiest way to detect there's a problem is for Valve to ensure a game can't increase playtime if it's not installed..
If anything, it proves that just like achievements being broken (SAM), they don't give a damn about idling. Or maybe they used to, but realized it didn't really matter what a handful of people were doing.

Also, I should think (have thought?) that with farm offline being active, Valve couldn't see when a program was being stgopped & relaunched... I mean as long as it stays offline...

7 years ago

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offline farming != playing in offline mode
you really should read the wiki.

7 years ago

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I've read it. Just doesn't make much sense.
Anyway, I've got it, ASF is for the worthies, and I'm not worthy. Thanks for the talk.

7 years ago

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You completly missunderstood my intentions. It seems, that you take nearly everything personal.
ASF has a planed purpose and many many functions. Therefore it is dipshit complicated and the wiki and FAQ are really long.
You suggest new features that do not fit in the designed purpose and get mad, when archi tells you that.

Now it is explained in the wiki and like 20 times in this thread, that offline farming only keeps your community status offline and has nothing to do with steam-offline modus.
You first comment suggested, that you either did not read the wiki or did not understand it.
Your next comment confirmed, that the second case is true.

The paragraph about offlineFarming does make sense.

It's not about worthy or not. There are many people that come here with questions, but you get mad, after Archi writes you a really long answer explaining stuff and if people correct you if your write false statements.

7 years ago

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I wasn't even being sarcastic. I genuinely understand that the guy who told me that ASF was the successor to IM was clearly wrong. (He wasn't worthy either, I guess.)

Whenever ASF farms my cards offline, I notice that if I stop farming, then do something else with my life, 5 minutes later I'd be receiving a card for the game I stopped farming. Why 5 minutes or so later, I don't know. It should be immediate. The FAQ doesn't answer that.

7 years ago

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Ah, thats indeed not in the wiki (I think).
But thats not just related to offlinefarming, but a general steam fuckup.
I even had some carddrops, when my PC was shut off. (After farming normally)

7 years ago*

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Problem here is that you still believe that ASF somehow manages how the cards are being dropped. IT DOES NOT. That's why everybody's telling you to read the wiki, because it's all explained there.

ASF's main function and purpose is to inform valve's server that a game with app_id ##### is running on the client's machine, not a thing more. It may now have a shitload of other functions on top of that, but the main function is THAT. Also, this is how IdleMaster is designed, although it requires steam client running and then it runs a seperate process called "steam-idle.exe ###" where ### is the app_id of the game running. Simple as that.

You may (or you think you might) found a glitch or a hack or an unusual method to trick Valve's servers to give your cards earlier. Unfortunately others like you have the same obsession, i keep having this conversation a lot during these 7-10 days. Thing is, none of you can bring any solid proof that this glitch/hack works, it's like Area 51 rumors and hearsay.

It's true that some cards can drop 5-10 minutes to an hour after you close ASF, but it happened before ASF and Valve servers and consistency are two distant things. See, only valve and the developer can change the way a card drops, it's been written again and again every 10 posts here, but you seem to miss the point.


7 years ago*

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About the weird drop rates...
Today I got two funny examples.
Broforce: dropped 3 cards in the first 3 minutes after 2 hours. The 4th still hasn't come out yet, after farming for way longer. Still 3 to go...
Boundel: dropped cards on a regular basis, about 1 per hour (slow!). After the penultimate card I had to go so I quit IdleMaster, launched ASF and let it run with Boundel. I came back after 2 hours, still no card. So I quit ASF, and waited a good minute. Nothing. I launched IdleMaster, waited 10 seconds, quit IdleMaster, and immediately got my last card.
Talk about weird stuff...
I don't think it's ASF's fault, but I'd really love an optional feature to simulate quitting & relaunching the game every 5 minutes or so.

7 years ago

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they don't give a damn about idling. Or maybe they used to, but realized it didn't really matter what a handful of people were doing.

Why would Valve be against Idling. They are very well aware that a lot of people buy tons of games they are not going to play whether out of nostalgia or for collecting purposes so lets think this through...

Those cards can either exist as potential carddrops and collect metaphorical dust or they get farmed, sold or used to create badges which creates more cards through Booster packs, some of those cards get sold again and every time they do Valve takes their cut.
So I would assume that Valve silently tolerates if not even encourages Card farming.

7 years ago

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Yes, and starting from that point of view, why not encourage for cards to be put onto the market as soon as possible? So it'd actually make sense that they now allow for the first card to drop immediately, and then subsequent cards to drop quasi-immediately if the game dev wishes so.
To me it's not a bug, it's a fix.

Maybe in a few months, Valve will start giving 3 cards without farming, essentially easing everyone's life. In fact, even if cards are worth shit at that point since everyone will have them with farming (or at the 2h point if they're locked), at least they still get the same $0.01 out of every sale... (I'm pretty sure they made a load of money off Digital Homicide crap :P)

7 years ago

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If something can be done to improve them, I'll gladly take the suggestions. I thought you'd be the same. Sorry.

Not a single of your suggestions made sense. ASF is build to farm one or more accounts on a server without caring about it.

I wrote a GUI (the one before ASFui, stopped because no time and we had ASFui by the time I could have continued) and I added new stuff to MY ASF that Archi sees as out-of-scope, because I found it useful.

Basically half your suggestion were "make the program more like I want it to be" and the other half were "do major changes based on a possible steambug, thats saves a few minutes".

For most ASF users it does not matter when a game gets farmed. You have it running, it stops when you play, or when there is no game with drops anymore and starts again if there is.
If you really need to prioritize a game use the play command.

It's all very complicated to me.

Thats the point. ASF was never meant for the "just doubleclick and enter credentials" people. It's like complaining that photoshop is to complicated, because you are used to paint.

7 years ago

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Hi! I've just read in another thread that ASF can be used to check if a key has been used; is it true? If so, could you please direct me a bit? I couldn't find anything in the Wiki.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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And now a totally idiotic question. I'm trying to add my bot to a freshly created group, but it just won't join. I've set SteamMasterClanID and SteamMasterID, ran the bot, but I'm still the only one in the group :( What could have I done wrong? Alternatively, how do I add bot to my friend list? Should it have happened automatically? Wiki says nothing about that (or maybe I'm just that inattentive).

7 years ago

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Wiki says that your account starts as limited and until you spend 5$ in the store, nearly all community features are unavailable.

7 years ago

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Ehr... How is my account limited? Created bot is connected to my only account that's not limited at all. Or have I misunderstood you?

7 years ago

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Then you either don't know what you're doing yourself, or you just posted not what you wanted. If you set bot account as your own then you're already in the group, you can't join it twice.

7 years ago

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Are you always that rude, or are you just in the mood? Thanks anyway.

7 years ago

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Hi, when your masterid in chat room, you can use !rejoinchat. It's helpful for me 😺

7 years ago

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That's not exactly the issue here (I've already got where I was wrong), but still, thanks for trying to help! :-*

7 years ago

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He's not rude. Just annoyed by people asking question they would not had I they read the FAQ and wiki.

7 years ago

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I've read before asking. After about an hour of trying to solve the issue by myself I came here, what's wrong with that?

7 years ago

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My reply was not specifically meant about you, but if you want to have fun read some of the comments in this thread. It is correct in abount 90% of the cases to assume, that people didn't even read anything on the wiki or completely missunderstood, what ASF is doing.
Therefore it is completely understandable that Archi gives short answeres and links to the wiki.

And for your specific case. You obviously did not understand, that ASF just uses you account. What exactly did you expect to join your group when your account is inside already and ASF is using your account?
So he was just stating the fact that you either did not know what you were doing or did not write what you wanted to ask. Then he explained it.

There was nothing rude about it.

7 years ago

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what he wants to know is if you have spent 5 $ on your bot account, because if you did not your bot cant join a group

7 years ago

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Yep, I got that, thanks. Apparently I misunderstood the basic concept here, I just wanted some kind of mechanism to check the validity of some keys, and I don't even have an alt account yet; anyway, I think I know what to do now.

7 years ago

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you can't check if a key is used...and probably you will never be able to( i don't see why volvo would implement that)

7 years ago

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Well, I guess the majority of their clients don't really need this feature, weird people like us here are irrelevant, and making traders' life harder is obviously a good thing (yeah, sure).

7 years ago*

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if i could check if a key is valid i can just give them random keys and i will get a key after some time. And if they Limit it to one or 2 attempts there is little use and you could still brute-force keys with a proxy or maybe over tor swapping output node every 10 secs .

7 years ago

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Most likely, they're not allowing to check the validity of a key because it would make life easier for g2a resellers and the likes. (I'm guessing.)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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That's not true, everything but OK status increases number of failed tries, so after 20-40 AlreadyOwned messages from ASF you will also hit OnCooldown.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This is false, it doesn't have to be invalid key to lock out of activating:

It can be basically anything:

1) Failed Steam Store Purchase
2) Successful Steam Store Purchase
3) Trying unused key you own
4) Trying used key
5) Trying key you can't activate (region lock / base game missing)
6) Trying invalid key


Valid key activation used to count too, but that seems to be out now.

10 of these withing 60 minutes will lock you out until you have less than 10 attempts in last 60 minutes.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Awesome, thank you!

7 years ago

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Shouldn't be "!redeem^" (or "!r^") the safe approach in that case?

Doing a "!redeem^ AccountWithAllSteamGames STEAM-CODEX-XXXXX" should only try the key in that account, never forwarding it to other bots.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.