So, it needs steam client installed, right? Nevermind, just checked github. Good work. I wanted to do same functionality, but was too lazy to start. You are my hero!
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No gamer still uses XP anyway.. and if you do .. then .. well ... win7 or 10 are better in every way, shape and form.
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The latest Mono doesn't support XP, but I found an earlier version, 3.2.3, which does. Ran ASF.exe in it, got a generic complaint about having an unsupported old version and running at my own risk, then a probably important error about "Missing method System.Net.ServicePointManager::set_ReusePort(bool) in assembly [whatever] referenced in ...\ASF.exe".
Then a few lines about updates, then "No bots are running, exiting". I tried running the config generator through Mono, but it didn't work. No error, no text at all, just a silent failure. I can actually straight up run the generator on XP, but it gets errors every time I edit a value, and it doesn't save any edits. At least I got through the tutorial. So I tried editing the "config....json" files manually. First I modified the "example.json" file, giving it my username and pass, and setting "Enabled" to "true", but when I ran ASF.exe through Mono again, it still exited with "No bots are running, exiting".
Next I tried making a new .json with a different name and the same values as the modified "example.json". It worked, but now I got a couple of new "Missing method System.Array.Empty<[1]>() in assembly [whatever] [etc.]" errors followed by a FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION.
Oh well, gonna boot into Linux now and try it there. Though, frankly, I'm first gonna try WINE-ing Idle Master, cause if it works, that'd be more convenient than installing Mono and command-lining ASF every time I need to use it.
Actually, I could try WINE-ing ASF too.
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You can't run ASF with such old Mono version, regardless if on XP or not. Don't install wine to use ASF, wine sucks - Linux has native support for Mono in latest stable version, and ASF is natively compatible with it, no need of any extra hacks - even ConfigGenerator works. Windows XP is simply unsupported by both Microsoft and Mono now.
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So it turned out I had already installed the Mono Runtime when I got Mono Develop. But it also turned out Mint's repository keeps the same outdated version I had on XP. Anyway, managed to get it updated, and got ASF running. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to use it to take advantage of the new (glitched?) drop-on-exit system. Still, I now have a working idler again for when/if the card drops go back to normal. Thanks!
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Maybe try using Wineskin?
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So far, so good with WS here, although I haven't gotten my new Alt accounts permissions yet, still waiting for the purchase to go through.
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I see that there is also Mono for OSX, it's always better to use native applications rather than emulating Windows ones or using so-called "wrappers".
Moreover, ASF is already 100% compatible with Mono on Linux, so there is very high chance that it should work flawlessly on Mac.
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Read OP.
Idle master imitiates launching game process to steam client. My program does not require launching steam client, and the main purpose is farming N accounts simultaneously.
As pointed in the OP, this is useless for you if you have one account only, as idle master does that much better and more user-friendly. But if you have let's say 5 alt accounts, this is another story. Which is no longer true, as now ASF is better than IM in every possible scenario.
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Hello Archi,
I thought it was best not to use idle master while playing, to prevent vac ban. Especially if you play a valve game (dota, CS etc).
Do you think there is the same issue with your soft or can I use it for that purpose (playing dota AND farming a bit) ?
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On the same machine? You can't, steam client is programmed to be the only process launched. You'd need virtual machines or other PCs.
Here however we don't have steam clients, but something that acts like a steam client when it comes to communicating with steam network. This is whole another story.
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Yes u can, with Sandboxie (software isolation)
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Wait, won't a program like this encourage abusive excessive farming? Since you can now grab multiple free keys on different Steam accounts designated for farming, then end up with many many cards to be traded/sold for profit? I mean it was still possible before, but would involve way more work.. now people have the means to really mess up the market. I guess the best thing to hope for is that it's still not worth the effort.
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You forgot about one little detail - if you didn't spend at least 5$ on account in steam store, you can't trade with other users. So, if someone wants to create bot account for farming cards, he need to invest at least 5$ per account - it's 50$ for 10 accounts. People who can spend that much money usually not interested in farming cards
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That's the opposite:
Limited User Accounts
What features are unavailable to me?
- Gaining Steam Profile Levels (Locked to level 0) and Trading Cards
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They must have changed it at some point. I have 6 alts who were activated back in the TF2 days as well as 2 more which weren't and they've all idled for cards.
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Yes and yes. Steam API key is used for making trades, you should enter a website linked in the comment found in config and generate one for yourself. You can put any domain, and you'll get api key afterwards.
SteamMasterID should be set to your ID. You can check it e.g. on steamrep. SteamID64 version.
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On SteamMasterID it also works if you put xxxxxx instead of I tried before your new update, since on steamrep that's the SteamID64
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Reaction to old comment, but how do I log in in my browser as my bot? And what domain do I enter on the website?
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at first it was something about the ISteamAuth or something
and now it says the password is invalid, which isn't
and the steam problem I have that's probably causing this is that the steam client asks me to sign in when i'm going to the store or community pages, needless to say that i'm already logged in :P
I'm not the only one who's having this problem though :(
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... You shouldn't use this at the same time while you're logged in to Steam, didn't I state it very clearly in the OP?
It is standalone, and should not be combined with anything using your account in the same time, including your steam client.
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here's the screenshot of that execption
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Very excited to get this working. Multiple PCs and VMs are a pain. When I test it out, I get the Logging in to ISteamUserAuth and the Success! entries but then it does not do anything beyond that point. It did saying it was syncing or something like that on a previous attempt.
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Mine doesn't say anything after it says "INFO: OnConnected() Connected to Steam!" Any ideas what I have to do?
Also, if you see this, I like your new profile pic, JustArchi.
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Stuck on 'Updating sentryfile'... If restarted, the program shows login success and that's all.
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What if the dos windows just stays black after starting exe?
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Version 0.2 up.
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OK. It works. Now what about the 2 hours limit for card drops? Will it run one after other and take each game 2 hours or can it run for 2 hours all pending games and then run one after other for drops like idlemaster?
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Check TODO list on GitHb, for now it works as older idle master, farming only 1 game at maximum until it drops all the cards. In future it may change, I don't have much willings to work on it right now, as my farm is working on my server 24/7, and it has plenty of time to farm all the games.
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1 for each account. Each account must have unique API key generated as logged in bot account in steamcommunity. You can't use API key generated from account1 on account2 and vice versa.
Also trading module is a giant hack that probably can be done better, steam is awful at that part (development-wise), so it may randomly work or not. Usually it does work for me.
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I am to stupid to use the config file xD But thanks anyways xD
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One question leftover for me, could I say, use Idlemaster with one account, and Archi for another? would the client open, cause issues with the bot?
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you should buy a raspberry and literally give life to archibot :3
imagine the possibilities
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ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.
ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.
Core features
Interesting features
For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.
Setting up
Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.
Useful links
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As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.
This thread
The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.
Have fun.
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Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.
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