is there a way to tell ASF to only farm certain games, like a whitelist?
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No. ASF includes it's own mini SteamClient built-in that is required for sending proper requests telling steam network about playing games status. If you're seeking for game emulation program - there is IdleMaster for that. ASF is independent and it requires your credentials by design - same as original steam client.
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Q about stm module: me, cards A, A, A, C -- bot, cards, A, A, B, C, C, C ; is A -> B card considered as neutral trade? same set ofc. (logic can go either way with word "overall" and faq covered only basic example; asking because one of the accs falsely classified as trade bot on stm - royduan- is running asf and offers to him are often left to expire because of difference of rules between asf and stm trade bots, and illustrative example would help a lot to figure whats available for trade, and what not)
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A -> B is considered a good (neutral+) trade for you, but bad (not even neutral) trade for the bot. This is really easy to understand - neutral means we're not losing anything badge-completion-wise, good means we're moving towards completing badge, and bad means we're moving in opposite direction. If bot has 2x A, and 1x B, and you want to make it have 3x A and 0x B, then this is bad for him. ASF won't accept such trade. It's also bad STM-wise, unless bot is trading bot and not user, but in this case it should run dedicated code that deals with different logic, because ASF was always designed for users and when dealing with users, this is not valid trade STM-wise.
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K, got it;
Dilemma was because overall number of dupes don't increase on "bot" since he already had up to 2 dupes from that set, and this trade would just increase other card to same number of dupes - so, basically neutral. Like I said, I did read faq, but this answer, that it's priority is to chase badge completion, made it more clearer.
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If user asked STM dev to falsely mark him as bot while in reality he's not a bot (but STM user), then you should contact either dev or user and ask for fixing that - ASF has nothing to do with it. A trading bot is e.g. ArchiBoT which doesn't care about badge completion at all, while ASF code does care because it's designed for users, not bots. In best case, there should be a difference between STM user, automated STM user (ASF), and Bot (dedicated code). STM user and automated STM user follow same rules cards-wise, while Bots accept any fair trade regardless of badge completion progress. ASF is operating on user logic, not bot one, as stated on the wiki.
the module is supposed to help you automate STM trades, not decide for you
BTW, I informed robou (STM dev) about that user.
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Recently started using ASF, its really good considering i dont even need to switch accounts to redeem games to farm.
does the bot automatically claim codes that are dropped in chats he is in?
also is there a way that i can make the bot type in chats from time to time or something like that?
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Hi, I'm new on ASF :3, basic idea is cool but i had this problem at the first steps.
I followed all the steps of the tutorial (Except last one, I did put the id to "0") and did press ASF.exe but the console typed this:
What am I suoppose to do?
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What about the e-mail. Fake or Temp emails are used for confirmations
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Login and / or password is wrong. Fix it?
(damnit, even get ninja'd here :P)
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How do i make my own bot? , I want to just send new codes to the bot , instead of logging out of my "main account" - signing in to farm acc , redeem codes , sign out .. sign in back to main account.. how do i avoid to do it every time i have new code??
just like as easy as sending the code to the bot instead of log out login log out login ..
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what? I don't get your Problem.
for setting up:
for an overview of the commands:
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Use the configurator.
Make a new Steam account if you haven't already, spend the $5 to stop it being a limited account, friend it on Steam etc.
Press the "+" button on the ASF configurator to make a new bot, name it.
Change the "Enabled" value to True
Fill in the "Steam Login" and "Steam passworld" fields with the correct details of the Steam account you're making the new bot for.
Fill in the SteamID64 number of your main Steam account in the "SteamMasterID" field. If you don't know what that is, look it up here - This is the account you'll be controlling the bot with.
Change any other options you might want to
Close the configurator
Close ASF if it was already running
Restart ASF
Go to the email your new bot is registered with and put the code that Steam just sent you into ASF, or if you're using the Steam mobile authenicator on your bot account put the code in from that
It's now up and running
To send the key, send the bot's Steam account a chat message of "!redeem" followed by the key. E.G. !redeem RF67N-5SN24-925CY (made up key)
The bot will redeem the key and if it's not currently farming will start farming that game. If it's already farming something else it will check to see if it should carry on farming what it was already doing or if it should instead start the key you just sent to it.
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"Supports offline farming" only refers to the friends status onlne/offline, right? I guess the hours are still being clocked? Because I was looking for a way to avoid clocking hours for games I haven\t actually tried, so that I can keep track of them
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That's not possible, because the card drop is tied to play time.
But you could exclude games from being farmed via blacklist in the ASF.json file.
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can I at least set it to farm a specific time so that I would be able to deduce faster which game I actually tried and which not?
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As in: "Played games" and "Unplayed games" something like that? That is actually a good idea which I have not considered until now, thank you, but, will the group be bound to the account or just locally? If I change deceive, will the grouping remain?
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Bound to account, but if you access your account from multiple devices a new login is needed for the library to sync the categories correctly. So if you categorize games on device A and then on device B you need to login on device A to see the changes done on Device B.
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what do i see, idle master is not longer supported?
when happended that
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i use idlemaster for quite some time and wanted to try this one.
i downloaded ASF-Service.exe,ASF.exe, unziped the zip file and run does it work?
i'm too lazy to read any previous comments.
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i thought i'd see a read me file or something,never checked the wiki,my bad.
its working fine now,thanks.
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No, it's discontinued.
I’ve decided to discontinue working on and supporting Steam Idle Master
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Not supported and not being actively developed = dead, regardless if it's working or not. Can stop working anytime, and if Steam decides to ban all IM users, nobody will help you or even care. If you like to use such program, it's your choice.
Comment has been collapsed. -> FarmOffline.
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No, like it is explained, it just hides the "playing XXX" status from you friends and shows you as offline instead.
Really farming offline (like you can play another game online) does not work (for no Programm) since steam only drops cards if it sees you playing that game.
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It's back in buissnes (kind of, since steam fucked up so hard it tweaked IM) ^^
Seems like you have to remove the "faster or even than idlemaster line" ;->
I really like steam. Still not worth logging out in client and switching accounts. Don't have that much left to farm anyways
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"<1> Please enter your 2 factor auth code from your authenticator app:"
What am I supposed to right infont?
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ASF ran into an exception and didn't recover, farming stalled for past two days and I had to kill and restart ASF. I know it's due to Steam's timeout but asf usually handles it :) ignore if this is not useful info. Thanks :)
2016-08-25 09:28:03|INFO|1|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2016-08-25 09:28:03|INFO|1|Init() Success!
2016-08-25 09:28:09|INFO|1|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking other pages...
2016-08-25 09:28:17|INFO|1|StartFarming() We have a total of 290 games (1040 cards) to farm on this account...
2016-08-25 09:28:17|INFO|1|StartFarming() Chosen farming algorithm: Complex
2016-08-25 09:28:17|INFO|1|FarmSolo() Now farming: 212700 (Party of Sin)
2016-08-25 09:28:19|INFO|1|ShouldFarm() Status for 212700 (Party of Sin): 3 cards remaining
2016-08-25 09:28:19|INFO|1|Farm() Still farming: 212700 (Party of Sin)
2016-08-25 09:33:21|INFO|1|RefreshSessionIfNeeded() Refreshing our session!
2016-08-25 09:33:21|INFO|1|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2016-08-25 09:33:22|INFO|1|Init() Success!
2016-08-25 09:33:24|INFO|1|ShouldFarm() Status for 212700 (Party of Sin): 3 cards remaining
2016-08-25 09:33:24|INFO|1|Farm() Still farming: 212700 (Party of Sin)
2016-08-25 09:38:27|INFO|1|RefreshSessionIfNeeded() Refreshing our session!
2016-08-25 09:38:27|INFO|1|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2016-08-25 09:38:28|INFO|1|Init() Success!
2016-08-25 09:38:30|INFO|1|ShouldFarm() Status for 212700 (Party of Sin): 3 cards remaining
2016-08-25 09:38:30|INFO|1|Farm() Still farming: 212700 (Party of Sin)
2016-08-25 09:43:35|INFO|1|ShouldFarm() Status for 212700 (Party of Sin): 3 cards remaining
2016-08-25 09:43:35|INFO|1|Farm() Still farming: 212700 (Party of Sin)
2016-08-25 09:48:39|INFO|1|ShouldFarm() Status for 212700 (Party of Sin): 3 cards remaining
2016-08-25 09:48:39|INFO|1|Farm() Still farming: 212700 (Party of Sin)
2016-08-25 09:53:43|INFO|1|ShouldFarm() Status for 212700 (Party of Sin): 3 cards remaining
2016-08-25 09:53:44|INFO|1|Farm() Still farming: 212700 (Party of Sin)
2016-08-25 09:58:48|INFO|1|ShouldFarm() Status for 212700 (Party of Sin): 2 cards remaining
2016-08-25 09:58:48|INFO|1|Farm() Still farming: 212700 (Party of Sin)
2016-08-25 09:58:50|INFO|1|ShouldFarm() Status for 212700 (Party of Sin): 2 cards remaining
2016-08-25 09:58:50|INFO|1|Farm() Still farming: 212700 (Party of Sin)
2016-08-25 10:03:53|INFO|1|RefreshSessionIfNeeded() Refreshing our session!
2016-08-25 10:03:53|INFO|1|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2016-08-25 10:04:53|ERROR|1|Init() System.Net.WebException: The WebAPI call timed out
at SteamKit2.WebAPI+Interface.TryInvokeMember (System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder binder, System.Object[] arg
s, System.Object& result) <0xb1a36260 + 0x000e0> in <filename unknown>:0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object:CallSite.Target (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Ru
at ArchiSteamFarm.ArchiWebHandler+<Init>d__20.MoveNext () <0xb219f910 + 0x0075f> in <filename unknown>:0
2016-08-25 10:04:53|INFO|1|Start() Starting...
2016-08-25 20:13:46|INFO|ASF|CheckForUpdate() Checking new version...
2016-08-25 20:13:47|INFO|ASF|CheckForUpdate() Local version: | Remote version:
2016-08-26 20:13:46|INFO|ASF|CheckForUpdate() Checking new version...
2016-08-26 20:13:47|INFO|ASF|CheckForUpdate() Local version: | Remote version:
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I've looked on the wiki, may have missed it but how do i stop ASF telling my friend list i'm playing the game its farming?
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Just downloaded and configured ASF. Its my first time using it (or anything similar, really!). Hope it goes well.
Just to make sure. I read on FAQs that it will automatically switch games. Basically, I can leave this 24/7 and it will farm everything, correct?
I deeply appreciate it. Thank you.
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I downloaded ASF once when it was released and abandoned because it was not user friendly.
I just downloaded ASF again and it still not user friendly. Is there any plans to make ASF user friendly someday?
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Nobody needs GUI for something that is supposed to work in the background, and there is already GUI app for configuration. The purpose of the ASF is to launch it and leave running in the background, not actively looking at what is happening.
I plan on doing GUI app eventually but it's on my low-priority list and for sure won't happen anytime soon.
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Pardon me if this has been asked before. I went through the wiki and setup instructions but couldn't find how to prioritize games with highest card values first (available in IM). Is that feature present in ASF? The FarmingOrder and algorithm doesn't mention anything about card values but only - number of cards, alphabetical order and hours played. If I start using ASF, this feature will be sorely missed if not available. :(
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This is proprietary Enhanced Steam feature, and I won't bring any extra API dependency for no reason. It's not going to happen in ASF, as ASF is independent and requires only steam network to be operative, unlike IM which doesn't only have steam network dependency, but also steam client, and proprietary enhanced steam API.
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Agreed that you want it to be independent as much as possible which is a good thing in many ways. But my issue is (and I hope many would agree to this), I keep the low value cards for my personal badge upgrades and sell the high value ones in market. So I would want to farm the high value cards as early as possible for the maximum benefit. If farmed serially or by hours played logic, I may not get to them in time and those high value cards will become normal cards by the time I reach them. Hope you get what I'm saying.
But ultimately, its your decision and I respect that. I just hope that you get a way to do this in future without an external API dependency. Thanks for the good work!
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and I hope many would agree to this
That's false assumption. Majority of ASF users not only don't care about badge completion, they also run ASF all time, because ASF is meant to be transparent and operative 24/7. Most of those people don't even have more than a dozen of games left to farm.
Of course nobody will be actively against adding such option, because there is no reason to act like that, but truth is that people don't care in general. If Valve made it easy to add such feature, I'd definitely consider it, but using third-party non-reliable service to obtain such info only to add another farming order is a big no-no for me and definitely not going to happen anytime soon. I don't consider that option really important, because ASF is supposed to farm everything sooner or later anyway, and farming order was in fact added very recently, and not by me but by other contributors, as I didn't consider even that feature really important.
I tend to repeat it all time that ASF and IM are practically two different worlds, with IM being focused on simplicity, and ASF on everything else, especially reliability, performance, compatibility and efficiency. I made ASF mainly for myself and my own priorities, which weren't satisfied by IM (hence, new program). It's a shame that IM got discontinued because it forced many people to switch - people that never needed even half of the features that ASF offers.
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ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.
ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.
Core features
Interesting features
For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.
Setting up
Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.
Useful links
Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group
You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.
Is the project still supported?
As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.
This thread
The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.
Have fun.
Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.
Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.
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