I was wondering, with middle-earth shadow of war pre-order system, will you get dlc story expansions if you only pre-order standar editions, since I saw on official website, that you only get it if you pre-order gold edition

7 years ago

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If you pre-order video games you are retard :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Someone has to carry the burden :3

7 years ago

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it's a bit like gambling , you can throw you money at pre-orders but if you lose you can't complain.

7 years ago

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Or you can just wait for game to get released and read the review from someone you trust to make an informed decision...but that would be just silly,wouldnt it be?

7 years ago

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but some people have a gambling addiction

7 years ago

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It's quite a strange way to satisfy it then. Best case scenario is that you wont lose. It's not that you can actually WIN something.

7 years ago

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Or you know it's a game you're gonna play no matter what. I generally don't pre order either but I did with Mass Effect: Andromeda and I still don't regret it even with the shitstorm it got.

7 years ago

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Not trying to get into any negative argument here but dont you think that since you pre-ordered game it affected your judgement? You are invested in it being good so you will automatically overlook some things.

Not speaking about Andromeda here , just in general.

7 years ago

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No, the fact it's a Mass Effect affected my judgement, the preorder part couldn't matter less. If anything I dislike preorders since you know there's a GOTY/Complete edition coming down the line which will include the inevitable DLCs for the same price(or lower) while now I'll have to also pay for them. But for the particular franchise so be it.

7 years ago

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But it would be Mass Effect with or without you pre-ordering so what's the point? if anything IMHO pre ordering reduces quality of games because publisher is not that dependent on good launch anymore so they can take that 'hit' and just rush the development..

7 years ago

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Even if I didn't preorder I'd still have gotten it upon launch since I had already waiting over 4 years for it so there's really no difference. Instead it went on a minor sale at one point so I got the preorder for a reduced price so... win win.

A bad launch is harmful with or without the preorders, especially for franchises and not standalone titles. I doubt they have such an impact for reputable studios

7 years ago

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some of us want to support the devs, so I was just wondering if they're abuseing the system with their editions or are they geunuenly concerned about gamers

7 years ago

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I'm pretty sure WB doesnt need pre-order money to get by :) It's not like it's Indie dev on his last knees.

7 years ago

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I can confirm, I bought Atelier Firis before the release day, some days later it got a 10% disccount. Didn't refunded it because I wanted to play it the first day.
Lost $5 :(

7 years ago

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it's so true :)

7 years ago

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If it is not listed for an edition of the game, don't expect to get it.

7 years ago

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Don't expect to get everything till you pay 100 bucks. And then someone for NOT day 1 DLC.

Seriously, is no-one bothered by the whole "we haven't finished the game, but here's already a spreadsheet of what we cut out of the final version to sell to you seperately"?

7 years ago

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Where did you read that on the official site? cant find it and am wondering if I should buy it or not (even though I will need to play it, on the pc of a friend)

7 years ago

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When you go on official site and on pre-order, when you switch through the editions it only says on gold edition that you will get story expansions.

7 years ago

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Closed 5 months ago by zobo17.