Which would you be more inclined to buy?
I was looking for help on chosing a game so I did the other choice by typing in the titles.
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Ryse has a fairly simple yet enjoyable combat system. Relies quite heavily on QTE.
I would compare it to Shadow of Mordor: if you like the combat system then you will enjoy the game, otherwise it gets repetitive pretty fast., since you pretty much just hack your way through hordes of enemies.
The story is the usual revenge/lone soldier mumbo-jumbo.
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Thanks for the first reply with actual information in it!
I'm not a big fan of that kind of combat system but I don't dislike it either, it was the story I was hoping to hear more about. Is it immersive enough to keep you playing? Are the characters fleshed out enough? Or is it just a "we have to have a story so let's do a generic thing that just doesn't bother anyone and make them focus on combat" thing?
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The story is nothing special tbh and the gameplay is not comparable to Shadow Of Mordor.
The game is awesome for your eyes, but a bit boring to play (anyway it's quite short)
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I compared it to Mordor, because that game comes down to whether you like the combat or not, because let's be honest there's not much to do in either game if you don't like hacking stuff: Mordor is just a barren wasteland, while in Ryse enemies come in hordes.
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well, in Mordred you have a lot of choices, arrows, stealth, sword, mounts, etc... it's not dark souls, it's quite simple but it was really funny for me.
Ryse is spam mouse1 or mouse2 again and again and again. boring and frustrating after 1h.
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"In Mordred" I think you only have two choices, in or out. In Mordor would be a different story :P (Mordred is the one that kills King Arthur in the Camelot stories)
That kind of combat system is exactly the issue I had with the Batman games too. You just spam punch and counter when there's a prompt until everyone's on the ground. Over, and over, and over, and over....
I don't know, I think the fact that it has a weak story has dropped it to second priority already for me but then again a lot of people recommending it too so still torn.
Either way thanks for the input
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If you didn't enjoy the Batman's gameplay I guess you should skip ryse as it is even more trivial
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The QTEs are all for the executions, whilst they do improve you combat capabilities its quite easy to get through the game without them.
It's short, an as others have said it does get repetitive but even if I don't go back after the one playthrough I've done I feel it was worthwhile at the price it is now.
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Faeria is a great game, but lately the devs have been trying to turn it into another Hearhtstone, but imo it's still worth it though.
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Mostly because of the RNG, sometimes it can ruin a match and kill the fun.
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Oh, I had missed this reply! Thanks for the detailed input, much appreciated!
Since you seem to enjoy naval battle games did you happen to play Victory at Sea? Your profile's private so can't check ^^;
If you have would you say it's a good substitute for Atlantic Fleet or the difference between them is quite vast? I've wanted to try my hand on a naval combat game for a while now but if those two games are too similar I'd rather go for the cheap one(VaS is being bundled atm). Also any input on Tempest? That's another one that caught my attention lately.
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Tempest i didn't try it yet. Actually 4h Victory at sea, 10h Atlantic fleet. (Not more because not enough time to play all. XD )
They are complementary. Main difference is that Victory is a real time game while Atlantic is by turn.
If you've played Sid Meier's Pirates, Victory is very similar but in world war II ambiance. So, it's very easy to handle and fastly fun, but repetitive after some hours. If you liked Sid Meier's Pirates you'll like Victory. If you didn't like one, you won't like the other one.
You move your ships in a map from harbors to harbors, you can repear them, engage ennemie fleet at sea and you've to sink the max ships.
Atlantic Fleet is a little harder (not much) to handle and new players can consider it unfair because artillery shooting compensation seem very random. In fact there is a random part that simulates the fact that there is an unknown person in your crew who gives you the coordinates of the ennemies boats. But this person can be wrong (a very interesting idea but not all will like it). If you follow the ennemies ships for a long time with an open view, the coordinates will be more and more accurate as the turn pass. And you have to compensate a little manually if you just went
forward or backward with your ship.
Another point that some people don't like is that in main mode, battles are limited 3 player ships vs 3 AI ships. There is a specific mode with a little more ships engaged but i didn't try yet.
Both games have no multiplayer.
Graphics and UI are better in Victory at Sea because Atlantic Fleet comes from mobile games (UI is baaad in Atlantic Fleet but with time we get used to it). I prefer the artillery sounds from Atlantic Fleet but it's subjective.
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Great reply, very informative!
I think you just sold me both games. I'm in a VaS giveaway that I'll wait to end and if I don't win it I'm definitely getting the bundle, spent countless hours on Sid Meier's Pirates when it was first released.
That idea in Atlantic Fleet is definitely a very interesting one, I can see how it can get frustrating but just giving you the coordinates outright would simply drain all the fun out of the game. From the sound of it if you just treat it as an estimate and not a precision shot you can certainly enjoy it. My main concern that I read in reviews is that the AI does not suffer from the same handicap and has vastly greater accuracy than you. As for the lack of multiplayer that's really not an issue for me, I rarely play online.
I'll now probably get it now and I just hope the UI is not gamebreakingly bad for me
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Yes you've seen the point. The AI doesn't suffer the same handicap. XD
In fact since the reviews, it has been a little fixed and the AI sometimes also shoots wide. But it is always great (too) precise.
There is only one solution unfortunately. Play and play again to learn to compensate well and guess better how much to compensate from this invisible $^*ΓΉ# crew member. :D
They are both about 5β¬ each actually. It's a very honest price and in 2h you can see fastly if you enjoy and refund if you don't.
The UI from Atlantic fleet, see it as a tool that you've to learn how it works.
Sorry for awful english and have fun ! ^_^
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Yeah the prices are good, I doubt I'll refund even if I don't like it much, it looks like a game that has effort put into it and not a shameless cash grab(at least the mobile version that was the original product) so the devs certainly deserve it.
And your english is great, you have nothing to feel bad about!
Thanks a lot for taking the time to post such informative replies!
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Faeria was given away for free in the past and it is going f2p once out of EA so I would pass. If you really want to play it, you may find a key floating around in the trade section.
ICY is supposed to be good and was on my wishlist before I got it myself. It has been hovering the 75% mark for a few sales in the past couple of months which leads me to believe that it may be bundled before the winter sale.
Vernon looks good but it's in EA and I try to avoid playing them until they are finished. Not sure how you feel about it though.
Wick looks interesting but it had several price drops over the past few months which means the devs are hurting for cash atm. They went from 13 to 10 to 6 and now 3 all in the span of ~6 months. I expect it to be in a Bundle Stars bundle within the next 3 months.
Heard mix things about Ryse: Son of Rome. It was an Xbone launch title but it was not the strong game that most expected it to be. Zero Punctuation did a review of the game which you can find here though it seems like if you are able to over look it's flaw, you will have a good time.
I have no input for the other 2 games.
Best of luck and I hope I helped :D.
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Although I knew about Faeria going F2P after launch I didn't know it was given out for free before. Still that doesn't take it off the list for me. I feel it's important to support GOOD early access titles and developers, this is our "consumer power". If we wanna "fix" EA we have to fund the ones actually doing a good job and using it right, and boycott games and devs that simply slap that EA stamp on it to pass off a piece of shit as a game "in development".
The prices for ICY and Wick are so good right now that I don't mind grabbing them even if they get bundled tomorrow, as long as they're good. Same principle as above. Support the small devs that manage to actually make something worthwhile.
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I watched the full RYSE gameplay on youtube, and I liked it :D It was fun to watch. It seems to have a decent combat system that you will learn to use with the tutorials, several death animations, several things to unblock and secrets that makes you explore, an arena mode online, nice graphics, and a decent lineal epic story.
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Ryse isnt amazing but I actually quite enjoyed it when it was released
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Don't know about any of them, but Wick looks like it has potential.
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Brothers in Arms.
An actual tactical shooter , that requires tactics and not going rambo.
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I know, I know, you're tired of these threads always asking "what should I buy with this budget", "I have this much, what do you suggest" etc etc
First of all let's clear this up, this is not a budget thread to decide between games, I may pick them all up, I may pick none up, that remains to be decided. What I need from you lovely people of SteamGifts is your opinions on the games listed below. They're all games I discovered recently, read their descriptions, their reviews, saw some gameplay etc yet I still remain undecided. So if you've played them, watched "Let's Play"s of them or had any experience with any of those titles I'd appreciate some input on what you liked about it, what you disliked about it, how long it kept you entertained before you inevitably looked for something else and all that jazz. In short why you'd suggest to purchase or avoid it.
The games are:
Ryse: Son of Rome
Atlantic Fleet
Brothers in arms: Hell's Highway
Vernon's Legacy
PS. Can't have a thread without a gib now, can we?endedPS.2. Drop by and check my other thread too, there might be a few surprises in there winkendedPS.3. Faeria is not in the SG database so Fairie Solitaire in the poll stands for it. Vote for that if you would have voted Faeria.
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