What Do You Like In Video Games?
good story. that's the most important aspect for me
also, waifus
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i too like Antichamber but i'm stuck don't know where i'm meant to go next :(
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Look at the map. Check which rooms have exits you have not found.
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I don't particularly like the game but, Time Shift´s time manipulation is a neat idea.
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One feature in an RPG that I thought was totally awesome and hab3 never seen duplicated is in Wizardry 7.
Basuxally, you are on a quest to find numerous "map" pieces. But so are other groups and individual NPCs.
Someone else may beat you to a map piece, and you then need to find out who has it and where they are. But by the time you get there, they may have moved on, or someone 3lee may have acquired the map.
As an example when you get to old city, the floor may be covered in dust and you'll find a map there. On a different playyhrough, you get to the entrance and there are footprints in the dust and you won't even get a clue that the map was once there.
In that case, you need to talk to NPCs who may share a rumor that a particular character has a particular map in a particular location
In one playthroufh, X had a map in location A, and Y had a map in location B. I travelled to A. Coyldnt find X, but I ran into Y who was also looking for X. Eventually, I tracked down X in location Ce, but Z had stolen the map from X. Coincidentally, on the road between A and C, I had ran into Z, who has managed to pick my pocket of one of the other map pieces.
Oh, did I mention that if the other parties discover you have a map piece, they may come looking for you?
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Ah yes. Wizardry 7 - probably the best early example of "detailed open world" in an RPG.
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it also has, IMO, the best system for stats and abilities. You increase both through use (training) and through leveling up.
It does have some issues, especially the old take an hour to get from A to B routine. But altogether, I think it's the pinnacle of the old turn-based, tile-based, group-based RPGs. Wizardry 8 is also interesting as being a weird First-Person hybrid, but it's simply not as good.
Wizardry 6 is wholly forgettable, unless you want to play the whole trilogy. good luck figuring out and/or obtaining the items that carry over through Wizardry 8.
As I'm here anyway, Wizardry 1 is a great museum piece. It can lay claim to being the first RPG, and actually plays quite well as a plain old dungeon crawler (or turn-based action RPG). 2, 3 and 5 are more of the same and completely forgettable.
4, however, is the most difficult RPG ever created. It's also the first RPG where you play as the villain (the one who was the end-boss of Wizardry 1). If anyone wants a real challenge, go for it. But, erm, if you can't make it out of the first room (2x2 square, no door, no items of any kind), well, it only gets worse from there
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Agree with most of that.
And yes, Wizardry 4 is pretty much to RPGs what IWBTG is to platformers. With added fake difficulty if you don't know the first 3 games well enough.
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except that IWBTG is purposefully misleading, whereas Wiz 4 is just devilishly hard.
But yeah, even though I was quite familiar with the whole series, I still could barely make it to the second level of Wiz 4. Even the opening puzzle took me more time than a zelgadis puzzle
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that's more of a mechanic than a feature isn't it? :P Braid is pretty cool though
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story is the biggest thing, but second best is choices with consequences. most games are either completely linear or use the illusion of choice (it's only on replays when you realise nothing changes) so the few with genuine consequences stand out. choice between being good or evil is especially good, but especially rare, usually it seems to be either "heroic paragon of virtue" or "heroic bastard of arseholery"
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For example I like Titan Quest's artifact system - you can find certain relic / charm parts from enemies (Charm enemy-releated, relic random I guess), and you can find recipes to make artifacts - this way you can use charms to enchant equipment, or to use it later to craft artifacts. Haven't got to the point where I can make one, but the idea is really neat.
(Also, Van Helsing's potion and money auto-pickup. This should be mandatory in hack and slash games today IMO :) )
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I liked a feature in crashlands which always annoyed me in crafting games. Crafting and harvesting is a big part of the game, and they made it so that you dont have to equip the various tools you need to collect for different ressources manually, you just click on the tree/stone whatever and your char use the tool for that material, as long as you own it.
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We got the same version as most of the world. Games are rarely localized here, and if there's an English version, that's what we get. At most the manual might be in Swedish. (And don't ask about the games that actually got localized, we don't like to talk about those. So many bad memories...).
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Dwarf Fortress. Too many cool features to list here ;) But among them are things like incredibly exact hit locations (including layers), the effect of sound traveling through different materials (don't place those sleeping quarters next to the smithy, even if there's a thick wall between. The dwarves will hear the smithy and won't sleep well), and of course, dwarf psychology (and also the ability to re-rout lava flow to burn down that pesky elf forest).
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Get a graphics mod, there are plenty of different ones out there (some purist hate those, but I think they make the game easier to play). After that you just need to get past the unintuitive & often inconsistent keyboard commands, and the fact that the game does not tell you what you need to do to be able to even survive the first year...
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wow looks like a few people care about story in a game, can't say I am one :P
Top of my head i gotta say level editors, modality, customization of gui, customization key bindings. % of game complete, Lan, spiltscreen, internet play, VOIP
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detailed open world, the fact that you can navigate Morrowind on indications its just amazing, Dark Souls level design feels so natural to navigate to.
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Borderlands has all features you listed
And it has an absolutely best game intro video
the game is much better than Red Faction
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best part of that game
"Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like our next combatant has arrived! Does the Vault Hunter have what it takes to survive the Appetite for Destruction round? I think we all know the answer: MAAAAAAAYBEEEE!"
but mostly that part
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Story isn't very important to me. I just want a game to be fun. A good story is an added bonus for me.
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I've been playing Red Faction Guerrilla recently, and i love the way you can destroy almost everything (except the ground, universe, etc.)
So i'm wondering, what cool things have you seen in games, or have liked?
(Yes, no giveaway xD)
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