Hmm maybe mind yourself first? Won 15 gifted 0. So you have 15 wins, been here for 9 months and yet have done nothing to give back to this community. So what right do you have to insult people who give away FS keys? Oh by the way, most of the people got their FS from reddit.
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Well let's start with you since you wanted to bring up about what I have won and have not given away in the past.. that is not any of your concern.. frankly if i had a couple hundred grand laying around or got my money from working which if you know anything about the american economy right now you would know that having spare change around to go spending on video games is not a luxury that most people can afford to do.
I for one am unable to go blow hundreds of dollars on games for random folks i do not know.. most of the people that do know me already know this.. i work now part time at a factory in florida and they just laid off a bunch of folks.. i work to support myself and a house that i spend more than 750 dollars in a month for. on top of water trash and internet/phone/tv. on top of keeping food in my house to boot.. so yeah i'm sorry i'm not going to spend money when i have RESPONSIBILITIES.
don't you dare question what i have done.. i was pointing out the obvious here..
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And yet you win free games from random people who actually show some gratitude to this community.
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Elitist high chair? He's won FIFTEEN TIMES and given 0 and he's CALLING OUT the people giving away FS? Great.
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Heh, thanks. P:
Just gets on my nerves when people always think people who don't give back games as giveaways don't contribute to the community since there are several ways to do it. For example simply posting on the forums is contributing, and so is participating in conversations in the chat room. Not everyone has money for giveaways, since I for one do not and I don't want people thinking I'm some sort of leech.
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Most of the time I am too busy with work or anything else to bother with the forums or website as a general whole.. if i have the time i check it and see what is on the giveaway list and seeing as how i have an semi functioning autistic child who uses my computer to play the games i do have i figured "hey you know what? i think this would be a fun game for the kiddo" so i enter said giveaway.. [btw.. FS is a hit with the nephew.. ]
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I'm a high school student with NO income whatsoever. I have no job. My parents give me what..10 dollars a month? You would think I had money to gift games. By the way if you looked at his profile you would see that he's not even active on the forums either whereas I know that you are which is completely different.
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what part of "I work 50+ hours a week" did you miss? o.O
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And what point of "I HAVE NO INCOME WHATSOEVER" did you miss? By the way I see how you have enough money to buy 246 games at least.
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actually most of those are DLC dunno why Steam even counts the DLC as one game.
most of the games i do have though are either from chat room giveaways or when Roe was doing his game giveaway spree about a year ago.. or friends have fronted me games and i have repaid them later.. plus my little brother hit me with an entire collection of games for Christmas here a few years back.
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What are you talking about? Just cause KarmaCharger does not post everyday does not mean he does not mean he's not active. I've seen several of his posts before to know he is very well active.
Listen, just because he won doesn't mean he has to contribute. I know this pisses some people off, but this is a silly reason to attack someone.
I will stop posting now this is just getting silly.
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And get out of my giveaways while you're at it. And yes it is silly. Why would you even reply to me in the first place.
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Very logical argument seeing the fact that people have to PAY to enter the lottery...ha.
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oh oh oh! and CompassNorth when i joined up to this website there are about 20 or 30 games on my game list i have actually paid for.. Birthday money from the parental unit was put to foolish use x.x
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umm if this website was around when i had that money or better yet last year when my room mate decided that giving me 5 grand was a fun idea.. sure the folks that got games from me would have been told to enter the giveaway train just like everyone else.. but alas i didn't even know Steam Gifts existed until.. 9 months ago.
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like what? a buck? seriously oh in some states a few more dollars to enter the powerball? o.O
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i guess you have never heard of folks winning something SteamGifts and then turning around and making a giveaway for what they have won then..
obviously if you are getting this worked up then you have something to be guilty about hmm?
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And you're implying that I gift what I win. Okay. 1 win (Faerie Solitaire, activated on my account). Logical implication.
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dude if i was implying you i would have said something like.. "DIVINEMANGO! YOU GIVE GAME YOU WON AWAY IN SEPERATE GIVEAWAY!" really? with that comment you just made yourself look foolish =/
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"THESE ARE THE FOLKS I AM TARGETING" -refers to people who gift games they win.
"if you're getting this worked up then you have something to be guilty about hmmm?"-implying that I'm also like those people.
Do you even know what it means to IMPLY?
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Yep sure do.. but it is more than obvious that you are upset about something otherwise you wouldn't have said a damn word on MY THREAD!
i'll just throw it out there like i should have done in the first place.. you don't know me and i don't know you.. you barely know my situation or where my money goes.. i'm glad that you are in school and still live with your parents..
but unlike you i do not have that luxury.. i live on my own with kids and a roommate i scrape by to pay my bills because one week could be the bomb for work and then the next week i'm spending a grand total of 10 hours at work.. because stuff is slow.. i enter giveaways because they are there and one day when i do have the money to shell out.. there will be games being given away by me.. folks that do know me already know my situation and i am a Man of my word..
you will most likely learn this when you are an adult and have responsibilities..
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Thanks for the key but I nabbed mine on reddit, fun game actually looking forward to the second one when I get some cash to blow.
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17 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Gilgamash
Alright Folks I have noticed that after the MONSTER 25,000 keys that were given away and that ton of folks walked away from that giveaway smelling like a rose [thanks PKeod your giveaway ate my text but it's no biggie] I think it's fair to say that how many of you folks actually used your key?
because it seems like when i woke up this afternoon [yes i keep strange hours] i saw that my entire list of games that were being given away were none other than.. Fairy Solitaire. some with one copy some with 3 or more.. so what is this? are we in the market for giving away something we won that PKeod did not have to generously donate for the entire community?
And if you are giving away your keys that you won, Are you really that F@#$ing lame that you have to do this? if you are poor and can't afford to purchase a game for someone on here or anywhere else have the balls to admit it.. but do not take what you won and give it away to someone else.. don't enter the giveaway if you have no intentions of playing the game in the first place..
You know who you are.. and frankly I personally give two figs and a chicken less if you like the fact that I just called your sorry asses out..
[EDIT: Yes after a few people tagged me about this.. okay so the Reddit thing makes a bit more sense so Reddit folks are out of my line of sight for that one.. ]
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