Hello there, steamgifters!

I present to your attention a train with some hidden cars and another hidden train. Do I have to have a reason for that? Ok, let's say it's to celebrate 300 games sent yep, well aware I'm past that. I wonder how many of those were sent for the past year? But I digress. Here's how it works.

  • All cars are 3+.
  • The open train starts here and consists of 6 cars.
  • There are 5 cars hidden.
  • When you find all 5 hidden cars, you'll be able to enter the hidden train, which consists of 5 cars.
  • Finding the fifth hidden car also provides the access to the extra train (see the update below).
  • There are some random keys along the way.

That's pretty much it. If you want to know what you're looking for, 5 hidden cars are:

  1. Showtime!
  2. Between Me and The Night
  3. The Tribe
  4. Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition
  5. Unmechanical

...and games in the hidden train are:

  1. The Bridge
  2. Teslagrad
  3. Dungetris
  4. BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition
  5. Legend of Grimrock

The end time for all the hidden giveways is the same as for the open ones.

If there is too much difficulties with finding any hidden cars, I'll drop a hint a couple of days before the end time.

I hope there won't be any technical difficulties, but if there are, and you're certain you did everything right, please add me on steam and tell me what it is.

And of course, don't leave any hints in the comments.

If you're blacklisted which is extremely unlikely add me on steam and I'll explain you why, don't talk about it here.

I appreciate any bumping.

Good luck!

Update 19.11.2016: Ok, fifth hidden car is a pretty hard to find. But it doesn't mean it's not there! Keep looking for it! To instigate your interest in finding it and not just bruteforcing the fifth symbol, I added an Extra train which consists of:

  1. Rescue Team 5
  2. Optika
  3. Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds
  4. RPG Tycoon + Soundtrack
  5. 10,000,000

You'll find the entrance into the Extra train in the fifth hidden car's description. So if you've already found it, check that fifth hidden car again. If you haven't found it yet, go and find it today! And there are some random keys there too.

Also, if you find any mistakes in the OP, it's not a code, it's just me being supid.

Update 24.11.2016: The hint is in the comments.

Update 27.11.2016 Solution added

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7 years ago*

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Bump 5/5

7 years ago

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I just can't find the 5th yet .__.

7 years ago

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me too :(

7 years ago

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same here :P

7 years ago

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Same here =w=

7 years ago

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4/5, damm ! xD

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Eh, 4/5 ain't bad.
Thanks for the giveaways.


7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Will you post the solutions after the GA ends?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Just so you know, you'll have quite good chances winning giveaways in the 5th hidden car if you find it. For the moment I'm writing this comment:

  • Unmechanical (5th hidden car) has 8 entries.
  • Rescue Team 5 (extra train's car) has 3 entries
  • Optika (extra train's car) has 5 entries
  • Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds (extra train's car) has 2 entries
  • RPG Tycoon + Soundtrack (extra train's car) has 4 entries
  • 10,000,000 (extra train's car) has 4 entries

Also, I won't give any more hints, sorry.

7 years ago

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bumperino for great puzzle and great train (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

View attached image.
7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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2 hours remaining bump.

7 years ago

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Didn't find Unmechanical or the bonus train. There must be a hint there that I'm not seeing.

7 years ago

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Well, the train is over and there's nothing else left to do than to send the keys which I'll do in a moment and to show you where the hidden cars were as I promised.
First of all, I'd like to thank you everyone who participated, especially those who bumped the thread. I hope you enjoyed the ride.

  1. First hidden car was in the last giveaway of an open train. It was in the 'please bump' link. I thought that some might enter the open train cars and leave it at that. That hidden car was for those who were wiliing to bump the thread. Initially, I thought to make all the link text the entrance into the first train, but it was supposed to be somewhat hidden, so I decided to use only the part of the link text.
  2. Second hidden car entrance was almost the same as the first one, except the entrance was in the 'Next car' link in one of the open car's description. I choose the letter 'r' to be the entrance, since it has a void in its foundation, and I reckoned few people click that part of the link. I was surprised to see the first steamgifter to enter that car seconds after I created the thread.
  3. Third one was a little trickier. There were 6 cars in an open train, so there were 5 'Next car' links. If you look at the link description, you'll find a descrepancies in the name of the next giveaway. That one symbol that's added is the part of the third hidden car link.
  4. If you open the pic in the OP, you'll see the code a little to the right-down of the train.
  5. And finally the most difficult. As I said, the clue was in the OP text. If you open the guide I left in the comments, you'll see that one of main ways to hide the link is to use the past giveaways. But which one? I told you that I'm past 300 giveaways sent, and some of you not without a reason thought that the hidden link is in the 300th giveaway. But that was a invite only giveaway, so I would never do such a thing. Then I 'digressed' about the 'past year'. So that was a real clue. You should have opened the giveaway I created one year ago. There were a few of those, so I left 'try another one' message in each of those, so you wouldn't get disappointed and knew that you're on the right track. I've left a first hint in the first update. It was 11/19, and I told you to go and find the 5th car 'today'. The giveaway with the entrance into the 5th car was from 11/19/15.

So that was it. Sorry if you got disappointed that I didn't leave a clearer hint, but I honestly consider it would be unfair to the people who managed to find the fifth car as it was.

7 years ago*

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i was trying out so many different ideas, before i figured correct path!
i even tried first letters of spoiled text (well aware I'm past that) - waIpt - and it worked! in wrong way though :p
also, that gif "there's nothing" was fun :P
thanks a lot for your puzzle :)

7 years ago

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I thought the "supid" was the hint.

Anyway, thanks for the puzzle and giveaways

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by kilep.