I know most of the time offering suggestions don't go over very well but I thought this may be a neat idea.

What if there was an option to enter a giveaway your account needs to have played X amount of hours played on another particular game?

Example: Giving away Bioshock Infinite. In order to enter this giveaway you must have played a minimum of 20hrs in Bioshock.
Example2: Giving away Crusader Kings II. In order to enter this giveaway you must have played a minimum of 50hrs in Victoria II.

You get the idea it would work much like contributor valve but in game time as opposed to dollar value (you could even set both perhaps).

I think it may be a neat idea to let gifters feel like a certain game they are giving will be appreciated and/or played more.

What do you all think?

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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people can just leave the game open on the background, maybe achievements is better

12 years ago

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Those can be faked even on TF2, much less smaller games..

12 years ago

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so... not a good idea :P

12 years ago

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neocow summed it up but you can use an application called SAM (Steam Achievement Manager) to give yourself achievements, if you are so inclined (as some people are wont to be) you can even make it look real by leaving a game running and give yourself achievements in the order other people have gotten them, etc.

12 years ago

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Because its easy to fake, you can just leave it open in the background. Also: Some people have to play offline.

12 years ago

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I think, that SG can create some program like raptr and it will be control it!!1 Isn't it good idea?!

12 years ago

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Nah, you could still fake it easily.

12 years ago

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You can always make a forum topic and send the link to the private giveaway only to people who meet the requirements :)

12 years ago

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There were already giveaways like this, but with achievements, if I remember correctly :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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the idea itself is good but with all the cheating...its just pointless

12 years ago

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You can create a private giveaway and set an achievement rule or gametime rule yourself. That way you can do your fun giveaway without forcing the workload to implement for the whole site.

12 years ago

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It soulds like a fun idea, but as said before, it's easy to fake and not really a needed function.

12 years ago

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It's too easy to buff your time. I know some people who use SAM to do it, with SAM you can 'run' multiple Steam games without actually running the .exe and Steam will still register time spent, so the net effect is you can run hundreds of games if you were so inclined at the same time on a completely shitty machine. I mean it's a cool idea for private/group giveaways where you trust everyone to be honest about it, but if that's the case why not just make a rule for it? :P

12 years ago

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This is really subjective. Mabye you want first bioshock, then what you have to play? More rellevant would be: For Bioshock Infinite you gotta have ofer 500h total play time, or something like this.

12 years ago

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Or even better: for a fps title you gotta have over 50 total hours in fps games

12 years ago

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Steam does not have tags for easy use of "an fps" you would have to create a DB of all the fps/genere games to be fair and tag them all, not worth the time or effort to do for this sort of thing, and can STILL BE IDLED FOR.

12 years ago

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I don't like this because not every game I own is a steam game. Some of my older games are retail(bioshock being one of them) and I don't feel like that is a terribly fair way to decide who is allowed to enter. And as many have said before it can faked too easily.

12 years ago

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Please don't, there are people who don't have massive amounts of time and don't play hours and hours of games. If you really want to do that, you can already do that with private giveaways, but I still think it's unfair. Also, people could have played bioshock 1 on their PS3 or 360 for hours on end, but don't own it on steam, which locks them out of it. To me, this just sounds like a stupid idea which locks out people for unfair reasons. Some people don't have time to play a game for 2 hours a day, and you can also cheat the system by just letting the game run in the background. I remember seeing someone with 630 hours played in the last 2 weeks, yet there are only 336 hours in 2 weeks. It is open for a lot of cheating and I think it will help cheaters more than honest contributors.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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Easy to abuse. If you own the game, just start it up, have it in windowed mode and click off it and do something else and it still counts that as playtime.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Fair enough, it was an interesting enough idea to share it. As i've said before some of the best ideas come from the worst - it would be easier to manipulate game time over CV but there are loop holes in everything if your that kind of person to exploit it.

12 years ago

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Worst suggestion ever or worst suggestion ever?

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by H1N1337.