I don't know how long your ticket has been open, but this thread was closed 8 months ago. Also, we don't know if the thread was closed from a user report or if the mod just happened to see the rule violation and close the thread immediately.
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So this looks more like a smear campaign
funny, it's exactly what you're doing here. you have no clue what my ticket is about, yet you come here to make me look bad.
the irony...
Even if there is a 3 year old topic with donation links, its not on top pages so not relevant.
it's always in the first/second page. like i said, you have no idea what you're talking about.
but it's ok, i suppose you're just making stuff up to cover your imaginary friends. ^^
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yeah. you see, i'm not ghandi, so when idiots pick a fight with me, i don't fight back with smiles and flowers.
don't get angry you get treated like trash when you act like it.
So this looks more like a smear campaign
you're doing a terrific job here, keep it up.
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That topic closed because Mully said so. What happened was there was a fundraiser topic asking donations directly and mully pointed out that it's against the guidelines. So support closed it down. What she didn't mention of course, was her friends PR topic. But I pointed out that topic was up for a long time with donation links so khalaq closed that then and there. OP was there too It's not like he just saw the topic.
So this looks more like a smear campaign against khalaq. Even if there is a 3 year old topic with donation links, its not on top pages so not relevant. Just an excuse to make khalaq look bad.
And please dont delete old comments! I'm wiser now I took screen caps :D I just don't want to bother uploading them.
Mully never called out any names or many any direct accusations towards any individual. You did.
Mully hasn't violated calling out rules, you have.
That staff member doesn't need (and hasn't received) any further smearing past what comes naturally of his own actions; However, given the kind of behaviors he supports, there does seem to be clear cause as to why you'd be inclined to defend them so strongly. Though, given how you seem to have made matters worse for them with your post, it seems you're not a particularily effective ally for him to have.
Also, you've a history of going out of your way to create conflict with Khazadson, so you trying to make justifications in regards to your efforts relating to having staff shut down his topics is something we have to be rather dubious of to start with, especially within the blindly, broadly accusative framework you presented above.
Nevermind the nonsense that is "Mully should have" [informed Khaz about the donation links] when it was something you yourself didn't do. Unless you were trying to state that Mully's issue with a particular thread means that she should have issues with all other vaguely similar threads, which is similarly lacking in merit. Personal or promotional donation links are always going to be less excusable than disaster relief donation links, for example.
Of course, if you'd just focused on the "it's 3 years old and shouldn't be brought up again as part of this particular thread topic", I'd have had to agree. That should fall under calling out as well, and only serves to derail an otherwise productive and meaningful thread. Had you simply presented that point alone, you'd have been in a position where you could claim the superior stance, and you'd be lacking in clear weak points to criticize. Instead, you've bumbled all over yourself with your hostility until your own flawed presentation has obscured whatever flaws Mully or the OP may have had in their presentations.
Also, don't worry, FameTaker. I'll make sure you don't have to worry about accidentally deleting your history of "wiser" comments such as
Cover up my imaginary friends? Insulting by saying I don't have any friends is the real irony here since you are the owner of "You are not alone" page
Heavens forbid we lose such.. wisdom.
P.S. You would have avoided this entire reply had you just not made that awful last comment.
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Even if there is a 3 year old topic with donation links, its not on top pages so not relevant.
You clearly have no idea what thread she's referring to. I do. It's always on the first two pages (more often than not the first), and has been for years. The OP of said thread has asked for donations (to him personally) directly of users multiple times. Enough times that any other user would be perma-banned for it by now.
Just an excuse to make khalaq look bad.
How can it be an excuse to make Khalaq look bad when you don't even know what thread she's talking about? Khalaq has nothing to do with it, and you're the one mentioning his name. Looks to me like you're the one doing the smearing here.
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Since [staff] apparently closed the other thread, here we are.
I've always been appreciative of the fact that a particular staff member will close productive threads on technicalities without any prior warning, and yet will not only not give any warnings whatsoever toward hostile rule-breaking bigots making threads solely to exhibit such behaviors, but will actually openly support them or excuse their behaviors, and has evened usurped such threads to express their own hostile viewpoints based in similar perspectives.
Of course, we're talking a staff member who believes they know more about minorities than they do, because they "studied it a bit in school".
Still, aside from a small number of carelessly impulsive new staff members, there's no doubt that staff has significantly improved from what they were a few years ago, as far as behaving with respectability and professionalism and politeness. By this point, I think that it wouldn't be too hard to get a thread reopened by another staff member after a quick edit, and the most vicious bigotry.. sometimes, occasionally, maybe gets attention now. Which is still better than not at all, right? :P
Also, while criticizing site staff is not in violation of site rules, calling them out by name or specific post can be; As such, the current thread topic may get you in a bit of trouble if you leave it as-is, especially since the matter in question is already dominating the comments enough to distract from the thread's topic.
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The legal situation of Puerto Rico is quite interesting, as there are both advantages and disadvantages to being a territory rather than a state - which is why every time it's come up to a vote, there tends to be a fairly even split between becoming independent, retaining the status quo, and becoming a state.
Besides, at least Puerto Ricans are citizens, and not just U.S. nationals (see e.g. Guam)
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Ah, right.
What happened to the delivered aid that was rotting away on some runway on Puerto Rico? You know, the news actually did report about that, but I guess they forgot to do any follow up. At least we have the photographs..
Has the corrupt island government been held accountable in the meanwhile?
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Do you know anything about what you're actually talking here you clown? The fucking National Guard of Puerto Rico? That's the responsibility of the local government (states' rights, yay!). If you make any ridiculous claims about who ordered what and when, you should provide some original sources. And besides, disaster response coordination is the job of the FEMA. They made the plans. Looks like you forgot the usual FEMA blame game in your comment here. Did you mix up your talking points? Already overwhelmed by the situation?
If you would really care, you would've tried with reading the statements put out by the responsible officials from FEMA (and also from the National Guard of Puerto Rico) first. It would help with understanding what actually happened. But maybe you wouldn't like it, because that would portray the situation a bit different from what the media has done. The only conspiracy here is pushed by nutjobs like you who actually believe that this has anything to do with the White House.
But you obviously know everything better. I assume you were there in 2017 when the hurricane hit and observed everything with your own eyes, yes?
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Thousands of Americans died in PR on Trump's watch. But he threw out some paper towels so let's give him a humanitarian award I guess?
But wait, it gets better. Trump threatened to divert disaster relief funds from PR to help build his useless wall. For a guy with such small hands, it's not surprising to see such a fragile ego. xD
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don't want to edit this up here, so: i was talking about our comments and not about doctorofjournalism's post
and 100% sure he wrote this post for Puerto Rico, not for Khalaq.
also: we really don't need more "toxicity", please peeps... kinda begging you :)
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It also seems a bit in poor taste to draw such a conclusion over a subject that directly affects at least one member of the OP's family, and thus hits quite close to home with him. This looks more like an update than any sort of "revenge posting."
But what do I know?
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Reaction removal? Ah, now we get right down to it, don't we?
I simply don't much care for people who can't handle the opinions of others while making a point of stating their own not once ... but twice. I did try to politely tell you that with my comment on the initial post ... without even posting my own opinion. I do try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
TLDR: Every opinion has value. Telling others to silence theirs while posting your own is just a touch beyond my tolerance level.
EDIT: for clarification, I'm speaking about Robilar's posts in the Steam activity feed, and not his posts here.
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I can imagine the shoe'd be on the other foot had I actually posted an opinion that differed from your own (and yet I chose to post no opinion at all, differing or otherwise, just to make that point). You'd have been the one doing the removing, and claiming you were perfectly justified.
And yet here, for some strange reason, "it's all relative" and my removing you was a "reaction removal."
Hmm, funny how that works. C'est la vie.
Edit: Oh, and just for the record - I'm not that petty. You were still on my whitelist until you blacklisted me.
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Blame-shifting? Seriously? You brought it up (the Steam bullshit), not me. It was long forgotten for me.
You're also wrong about how the whitelist and blacklist work, but I'll let you figure out how all that works.
I'm just going to facepalm and try to forget I ever had this discussion with you. Enjoy that corner you've painted yourself into, bro.
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Threads around here tend to do better with giveaways... so here are a couple of giveaways. (Level 1)
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lvl 1+
edit: little pause for me
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lv: 2 - end: feb 17
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263 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Cromwell
47,308 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Gamy7
269 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by vinirockman
1,218 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by XJ777
11 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by RhoninMagus
42 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Jastrzap
16,709 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Axelflox
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11,070 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by jbondguy007
97 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ilan14
Since Khalaq apparently closed the other thread, here we are.
Edit: canis39 and Mully did a thing
Feb 17Feb 17Feb 17Feb 17Feb 20Feb 21Feb 21Feb 22Feb 22Mar 1Mar 14Mar 15Mar 18Mar 23Mar 24Mar 29April 5thApril 5thApril 21Comment has been collapsed.