The gift cannot be sent, as the price in the recipient region is significantly different from your price.
What should I do? = (

6 years ago

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Don't think there are keys on Kinguin or G2a for Slightly Heroes, best to ask the winners accepting to have the giveaway deleted.
Or you could give them $5 steam wallet (yeah for a $1 game) so they can buy it, but that's not optimal.
Or just live with the not marked as received.

6 years ago

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Contact the support page, I had same issue, but my giveaway was created only for EU and the winner was from SWISS, so I contacted support and they re-roll the winner.

6 years ago

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Only thing you can do is provide a working key or ask for permission to have it deleted. You should typically stick to your own region if you plan to buy it as a gift to avoid this happening again. However as LightManIs pointed out even certain pleases can cause trouble for that

6 years ago

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Slightly Heroes · AppID: 982440 · Steam Database
Country Russia?

If purchased at the Steam store and sent by gift, there is a case that it can not be sent if there is a difference of about 10% or more in price.
Если вы покупаете в магазине Steam и отправляете его в подарок, вы не сможете отправить его, если разница в цене составляет 10% или более.
Раздаваемые игры могут иметь региональные ограничения в рамках представленных на нашем сайте регионов. Если ваш гифт или ключ имеет ограничения, которые не охвачены выбранными нами регионами, их раздача запрещена.
Region restricted gifts and keys are allowed for a select number of regions. If you have a gift or key for another region, it should not be posted at this time.
A good way?
In the case of a public GA, there are cases in which it can not be deleted for the convenience of the above-mentioned regulations, and if the winner does not allow re-roll or delete, there is a possibility of temporary suspension.
set up a "discussion", describe rules such as "delete if key is invalid", and provide an invitation URL attached.
If it does not work, you can consult with support and delete it.

6 years ago

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Yes I am from Russia. There was no mark on the product, which has restrictions by region. Please reply moderators how to solve the problem, so as not to get fines and bans on the site.

6 years ago

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Easiest thing to solve the problem is to ask the winner for permission to delete the gib, a reroll will not be granted when region restrictions prevent the delivery. ;)

6 years ago

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I thought rerolls were granted if the winner and the giveaway maker both agreed no matter what the actual reason was?

6 years ago

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As far as I know support denies rerolls in case of region restrictions problems, because the next rolled winner could also be unable to receive the gift. ;)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Yeah shit happens. :D
I think support wants to avoid these unsuccessfull rerolls as they needlessly increase the amount of tickets, thus they generally decline those specific rerolls. ;)

6 years ago

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+1 this
since I've had this issue before, it's the best solution rn

6 years ago

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You tell him,
"I did not intend to deliberately offer invalid keys."
"I did not know that I needed it, I forgot the regional restriction."
"I'm really sorry, I am in a state where I can not provide a valid key, I'd like to delete the GA, restrict the area and give me a GA again. Could you agree to delete?"
With this, if the partner who was "invalid" agrees, it is probably no problem.
You can contact support and proceed.
If rejected, explanation to the support member is necessary.
You may get a "stop for a few days" penalty.
Ты говоришь ему,
«Я не собирался намеренно предлагать недействительные ключи».
«Я не знал, что мне это нужно, я забыл региональные ограничения».
«Мне очень жаль, я нахожусь в состоянии, когда не могу предоставить действительный ключ, я хотел бы удалить GA, ограничить область и снова дать мне GA.
С этим, если партнер, который был «недействительным», соглашается, это, вероятно, не проблема.
Вы можете связаться со службой поддержки и продолжить.

Если отклонено, объяснение члену поддержки необходимо.
Вы можете получить штраф за «остановку на несколько дней».

6 years ago

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It wasn't the product that was the problem, it was you trying to buy from the steam store at Russian prices, since they are much lower then normal you won't be able to send gifts this way to most of the rest of the world

6 years ago

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Seeing that the game is so inexpensive maybe you can discuss with the winner and trade them marketable items (cards, gems, emojis, etc.) to buy it themselves.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Yes the 10% difference works both ways

6 years ago

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That works. It's only cheaper region to expensive region that is restricted if the difference is more than 10%.

6 years ago

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They must have changed it at some point as it was like I said when they first put it in to practice.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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There are 4 winners
1 Got a Gift
2 Allowed to cancel distribution
3 does not add to friends
4 does not add to friends

What to click to cancel distribution?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Send the last two an email explaining the situation.

6 years ago

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Sent by mail do not answer me. In Steam, despite the fact that friends are not added to friends.

6 years ago

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