I am able to run games like DMC,Tomb Raider Bioshock Infinite,Metro LL,Arkham origins on a pc from 2006 with 1 gb of ram memory.Everything on low exept dmc-on high.So ita all about the optimisation of the port.If the port is bad you can have problems playing on a high end gaming pc.
I never got to play GTA IV properly tho,i get around 10 fps.:(
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Well, pretty much my whole library, but since I now have a "new" graphics card I can play pretty much everything. Went from playing BF3 800x600 with all settings minimum, to ultra on every single setting.
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I'm running watchdogs at medium settings and my pc requirements are quite low:
Laptop Dell Inspiron 17 7000
16GB Ram
Nvidia GT 750M 2GB
1.8ghz, turbo boost to 3ghz.
To be honest, the graphics look good, nothings wrong. Bought this game even knowing that the pc probably not be able to run the game and the fact that I felt like yolo as well as the fact that the game looked amazing and is.
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I used to have lots of lag, but I never payed attention to it. Until AC:BF it was. So much lag even on low settings, and I was very annoyed and bought a new graphics card. Now I never pay attention to the system requirements since I know my PC can handle it. Ultra graphics without lag feels good man.
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Learn to read system requirements scrub, be a real gamer.
Just kidding, but seriously though, read system requirements...
I can't think of anything I've bought myself which I couldn't run, though I think there's been one or two games I've gotten for free which ran poorly or VERY poorly on my computer, one was Post Apocalyptic Mayhem from one of those GMG Free Game things, the other was Cargo Commander from a giveaway, it runs ok, but when there's too many things on screen at once it chugs.
At the moment nothing else really comes to mind.
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Almost every game launched after 2012. My GPU sucks and I've had to spend all my money on my studies.
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Nearly everything I own. Goodness do I wish I was joking/exaggerating. My mobo fried and took the GPU with it. Right now the machine's supplying half-power to everything, so even my USB ports are refusing to function half the time and my headphones crackle (it's not the devices either; checked them on another machine). Meanwhile, the GPU finally burnt out from that and now likes to freeze games, crash drivers, and BSOD multiple times a day.
And it's a laptop, so replacing the mobo means replacing the CPU and GPU with it, which is quite costly for this model (around $300 before labor charges). I'm planning on buying a new laptop instead of wasting money on this one. It's two years old anyway; the new one I want will run circles around it.
Not having it functioning right is killing me considering I need a powerful mobile computer for a lot of reasons - I need it at work, online classes, I stay with my elderly grandmother a lot (she'll be 95 this year and believe it or not, likes to play too :) ), and I spend a lot of time with ill family members in the hospital, often stuck in a waiting room all day. So on top of the usefulness, it's also sort of my little spark of joy to sit in a corner, play something, and escape whatever's happening around me... particularly in the hospital. Sitting there worrying someone won't wake up only gets you sick too.
/end rant. I just needed to bitch a minute. I'll hopefully have it replaced in around a month and will be playing everything on high to ultra again. <3
edit: Also, ditch v-sync and shadows first off with things that run like butt. You won't notice those as much (aside from possible screen tearing, but that never personally bothered me), but they beat on performance pretty badly. I used to have a really, really crap laptop that had to emulate other GPUs to even launch things, so I sorta remember what used to impact my frames the most.
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How old is the laptop? seems like you need a new laptop huehuehue
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2, and running worse than my 2008 low end laptop. It's just lucky it has a way better screen, and I'm too lazy to move all my files right now. lol
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Because of college I play on notebook so I'm trying to avoid this kind of situation.
However that's happened to me once - Giana Sisters (from HB). After 3 levels I realised it's not supposed to look and run that bad by browsing its discussion - there are several topics like "why my game looks like crap" without any conclusion(some issues with specific drivers after patch, nothing to do with your computer setting) because devs are most likely fully focused on Dieselstormers, which I completely understand.
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How many games have you bought that you know you'd truly love the game. But you bought it and found out you can't run it. (cause looking at System Requirements is for chumps.)
For me it'd have to bbeeeeeeeee...
Sir, you are being hunted.
Borderlands 2(I still forced my computer to deal with it for 48 hours cause I fuckin' love borderlands man XD)
Sanctum 2
But yet I can run Bioshock Infinite with no problems whatsoever :U
Yeah so i'm working through my backlog, so i'm sure there's a few more (like dishonored ; 3 ; (yup, I tested it today. I cannot run Dishonored XD))
What're a few of yours?
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