first of all - Stick to PC. PC's are for real men, consoles are for weak people. Except the Wii. gotta love the Wii!
second, I don't have Battlefield 3 but as much as i know Battlefield, you just need to buy the premium pack. Shortcuts and seasonal passes (What ever they are) are not even needed for this game. Tho, if you wsnna wait to spend big sum of money, i suggest you to wait couple of more months and get BF4.
Edit: You can pre-order Battlefield 4 here and also get Premium pack for free when it comes out. Costs same as BF3. in my opinion, much better price ;)
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That is not true. You will not get the whole Premium Pack for 4th for free. You will get only one Premium Pack. And that is if Amazon keeps the promise as it states this: Amazon reserves the right to change or terminate this promotion at any time.
I got the BF3+whole premium for 12 Euro from the Polish origin, so it is nowhere near the price of the 4th BF.
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Its the controls that get me, everything like this game that needs precision I feel needs a mouse, but consoles aren't terrible, I feel they use to be better though....
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its in light of the dead space 3 micro transactions, the simcity DRM fiasco, MoH warfighter being a flop. SWTOR totally shafting preorder people by switching to f2p after many plopped down 60 bucks (their response was no refunds suckers!), BF3 shat out 3 $15 dlc's, a "premium pass" for $50, and 10 "shortcut kits" ranging from $7 to $40. Sims 3 has 10 expansions at about $20-30 each, countless other "add ons" premium packs, and "plus" bonuses. Mass Effect 3 was a flop to (most) people. Dragon age 2 was a huge letdown, and lets not forget the yearly money grab Fifa...
So to say the least, I have very low hopes for BF4, and bf3 had "mass DLC".
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Shortcut packs are packs of weapons- or vehicle-upgrades. But you can unlock all of those upgrades as you play the game, its just a shortcut for people who want all of the upgrades NOW. So you can ignore those packs..
BF3 is a good game, ofcourse if you want to play multiplayer. But then you almost 'HAVE' to buy Premium, beacuse 80% of new game modes and 50% of unlocks/achievements come from the 4 DLCs. You do not have to buy another pass or DLC besides Premium, you get all there is (excluding shortcut packs) for buying it.
If you don't care about game modes alá capture the flag, air battles only or gunmaster, then you're good to go with BF3 only. There are enough weapons you can use if you do not have Premium.
PC-User here
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It's a blast to play, but yeah BF4 is on the way. This does mean that BF3 will be cheaper soon enough though. You can probably pick up the Premium on PC for around 25 to 35 euros, keep an eye on sales.
It needs a decent rig to run smoothly though.
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Don't buy it, BF4 Release soon.
also look like same.
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Maybe not awful.I mean the production value is nice.But as far as I'm corcerned 'modern day military epic first person shooters™' stopped being fun or interesting ages ago.
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battlefield 3 premium edition was half price a while ago on origin, that was a great deal, battlefield 4 does not look impressive at all so far though just battlefield 3 with naval combat and better graphics.
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BF3 is an amazing game to play on PC! It's not really good on consoles cause the servers are only 24 players (or 32...? Don't think so) but on pc you can play up to 64 people. Since BF3 maps are HUGE, 24 players really suck on it. so Yeah go for it.
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It's really nice game, especially if you play with friends. I have the ordinary version without Premium, and i really feel "bad" that i haven't bought it in 2012. Wanted to buy it in march 2013, but then BF4 was showed and i changed my mind. Gonna pre-order BF4 Deluxe.
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Why not wait for BF4 since it's already on it's way?
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It has Great Multiplayer , but sinlgeplayer is crap full of copy and past from other shooter. they do not even have skirmish mood just like in BF 1 and 2 , so if you are not going to buy the online version I suggest you buy it Preimum Edition or wait for BF 3
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BF3 was a major let down to veterans of the series. All the awesome features that were removed, and all the lies too (PC lead developed, 2 weeks after release said it changed mid way through dev).
It should have been called Bad Company 3, Bad company 2 is better than BF3 anyway, so get that if the older titles don't pick your taste.
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I don't have Premium or any of the expansions, and I think the game is great. Multiplayer is really fun without having to pay anything extra. Maybe if I played more I'd buy some more maps/expansions but for now (and I've had the game for probably about a year) I have plenty of fun with the base game.
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Just to clarify (since it was asked), I'm looking at BF3 for PS3 because a local store has a copy for $8.99 and that's something I can afford. I won't be able to even look at BF4 until it's lying around used, and then everyone will say, "nah, screw that, get BF5!" lol
I'm not a huge console fan, either, but like I said, they do have their moments. Sometimes it's nicer to sit in the living room with actual friends, playing games on the big screen, instead of being hunched over a little monitor by yourself. Being a veteran Thief player, I'm not knocking the small screen or solo play, of course, but honestly, I just need a change for awhile. :)
The big thing I still need to know is whether or not I'd be able to use a webshop-purchased (Gamefly, GMG) premium upgrade on a PS3 version of BF3, or if those are intended only for PC versions and I'd end up having to buy the upgrade through the PSN Store. I hate that store; everything's so flippin' expensive, and their idea of a sale is 5 or 10% off at best most of the time.
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I'm mainly a PC gamer, but lately have been in the mood to do some gaming on the PS3 (easier sometimes to play games with friends that way). I went looking at local game shops for second-hand shooters, and ran across a copy of Battlefield 3 for $8.99. at first I thought, "Wow!", but decided to pass on it for the moment because I remembered all the horror stories of people needing to spend more and more money to actually use the damned thing. Ten bucks for a new "online pass," Another fifty for the Premium upgrade. Seasonal passes, shortcut packs (wtf are those, anyway?), and God knows what else.
So, has anyone else here already jumped through these hoops, and can tell me what's actually needed, what's not needed, and if it's worth the headache in the first place? Sometimes the premium service goes on-sale here and there, but would it work if I bought it from the usual PC-download type sites, or would I be forced to use a PS3 specific version to upgrade?
Appreciate any advice and wisdom. :)
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