I've found this from 2015:
It's very old and beta.
Also, I'm assuming you're using a Win10 64 bits and en-US locale.
This may not fit your actual config.
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Did you try using something like Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) and then reinstalling the latest graphics drivers from Nvidia? Maybe try a couple older Nvidia drivers and see if anything changes.
What operating system are you running? Have you tried other games? Does the solid colors happen in all games? I had a similar issue with only one game and all the other games I played worked fine, but that was because I was using Windows XP and the game just wouldn't work correctly on XP.
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A single frame is not that helpful, show the entire procedure: https://9gag.com/gag/a1RqQnY
EDIT: but I was looking for this one, https://img-comment-fun.9cache.com/media/agNnzvv/aKVYXJPa_700wv_0.mp4
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Now I know the correct way to do that! Going to change my PC part's thermal interface right now according to this guide. See you in a few minutes
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80F isn't very hot...if it was 80C, you'd have a big problem. So if it's really just topping out at 80F, I'd go back to the driver suggestion.
Also check your version of DirectX. Some older games are really looking for version 9 (and you're probably on 11 or 12, whatever the latest is that your card supports). Sometimes, if you specifically install the old version of DirectX alongside the new one, it fixes some graphic issues.
Also, some older games give you the choice between DirectX and something like OpenGL. Try out other options if they exist and see if you're still seeing the same glitches.
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Oooo...79C. That is getting really warm. Yeah, pull that cooler off of there, clean everything up, put fresh thermal compound on and reinstall the cooler. It should make a huge difference. I'll bet that both of them are suddenly a lot closer to 40C-50C.
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idk dude, that red ground on mgsv looks pretty awesome if you ask me. tbh honest though, as others are saying, it probably is just because it's an old card. i was thinking.. you might wanna try nvidia's streaming service called geforce now, assuming you have decent internet. you'll still get to play your entire library (i think?) and your hardware won't matter as much. might take some getting used to, but if you just need something to hold you over til your 3070 comes, it might work for you.
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Tbh it would look cool but all the red flickers and it is kinda distracting and makes the experience a little less fun lol. Sadly I have the worst internet but I hope next year that they install a Telus Fiber then I will get good internet, and i mean it works for none 3D games which is good!
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in MGSV: ground zero works fine but the gravel turns red?
That game shouldn't even stress that card, and your screenshot looks like a VRAM issue. Things like that tend to happen when information isn't being "translated" correctly in the GPU's memory. Could be the VRAM is running too hot, or it could be that the VRAM is just crapping out.
I remember some of the early 680's had an issue with the thermal pad not making full contact with the VRAM, but I don't recall if it affected the 690's or not. Might be worth checking into, as thermal pads are relatively cheap and easy to replace.
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I'd do a bit of googling before checking it out, to be sure you don't break the cooler while removing it. It's not difficult or anything, and once you've done it, it's basically the same procedure for every graphics card.
Here's a decent image of thermal pads on VRAM modules, with the GPU in the center (I just chose a random image, a 780 IIRC), and then thermal pads on the VRM modules (far right in the photo). They're relatively cheap and easy to replace. Maybe $6-$10 all told. You then just use your normal thermal paste on the GPU itself (in the center of the VRAM modules in that photo) and put the cooler back on. If you're ever going to re-apply thermal paste, you'll need to replace the thermal pads anyway, so it's a good skill to learn.
For your first time, it might take about 45 minutes to an hour. After the first time, it's easy-peasy. :P
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I had the same issue with a faulty 560 ti years ago, it was overheating (till it died and had to be fixed by cooking it). lots of artifacts and broken textures.
go with what others are suggesting and try some cooling solutions (adding thermal pads and new paste).
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Your Vram is faulty aka your card is dieing.
Try Tzaar's advice above but you better start saving up for a replacement.
Edit: Don't waste money on a different or better cooler, it's not worth it.
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now I know it is an oldie, I just got it because it was cheap and I needed something while I waited for the 3070.
That list is my parts.
All games run just now well, even if I have them in ultra they glitch and kind of stutter. I have tried a few things as well and turning down the resolution, disabling SLI, and turning the graphics on super low. in MGSV: ground zero works fine but the gravel turns red? https://ibb.co/1fjdtM0 It seems to be only gravel 0_0 and in other games, parts of everything goes black like this https://ibb.co/WH6K6N1. So it seems to just be the graphics card. It only glitches in games and not while running windows but this is a fairly new build, any help would be appreciated, and please don't comment about my GPU being not great, XD I know it sucks. I tried to get help from the Nividia community, and Nividia them selfs but to no avail. Peace :)
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