What do you think of the movie?
Everyone has different taste and expectations. A lot of people hear about bad reviews and jump on the bandwagon garbage truck?. As long as you find it entertaining there's nothing wrong with your taste.
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I prefer character-driven batman over action batman. And there hasn't been a good Superman movie in 30 years, because, let's be honest, he's boring. Shoehorning Wonder Woman in, eh. Also, Ben Affleck..... eh.
I also think the dynamic between the characters is quite different from the avengers, where in-fighting has been a hallmark since the very beginning.
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I was too initially sceptical about Ben Affleck but he played the role quite nicely though.
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Haven't seen it yet and don't intend to. Some bunch of people who have no right to call themselves critics have and will never influence my movie watching decisions. The only reason I won't watch this one is because for some reason I'm just not a big fan of superman. He's kinda boring :3
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I understand why you might be curious about this, and I might have phrased it wrong or something. Honestly, in my opinion of course, even if you have a lot of experience in movies, even if you have seen all the movies in the world, you cannot judge a movie. Everyone has their own opinion and a few people who are called critics cannot judge a movie and say its bad and make me not want to watch a movie. They can always say that the fight sequences were bad for example, or that the acting was bad. Those are facts and not opinions. But you cant go around the internet and say this movie was really bad! I disliked everything about it! How does that help me decide whether or not I should watch that movie? I dunno, I hope this explains at least a little what I was trying to say.
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I think most critics typically try to give reasons or facts of the sort you mention in providing overall verdicts on movies. Unfortunately, the distinction that's typically lost in these discussions is that critics, almost without exception, are judging movies as ART, or at least as a CRAFT with objective standards for excellence, and not particularly (or at least not usually) as ENTERTAINMENT. Then the people who got a lot of entertainment value out of movies that are poor examples of filmcraft look at the critics and call them idiots, when in reality they're often just talking past each other.
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Superman is really lame. It's very difficult to have any plot tension when you have literally god on one of the sides.
Not to mention that the superhero genre is starting to feel overdone. and there's still a gazillion movies coming next.
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DC has no balance in anything, they're terrible at creating superheroes. I love their "detective" comics but characters like Mr.Manhattan and Superman are just ridiculous and boring.
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In all honesty, it's just bad. It's like a rush movie to gather and introduce Justice League. It's non-comparable to any one of the movies from Nolan's Batman trilogy. I expected more from Superman - Batman argument, it was just an average action superhero movie ...
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Batman was awesome, as always. Still, the storyline was pretty much nonsense. And I never really liked movies where they were mixing a lot of super heroes together, except in X-men. :P Superman was pathetic. I liked him in Man of Steel though. Lex Luthor was a bit....strange. Lex is supposed to be evil, but not really that much crazy. xD Wonder Woman was interesting, but we didn't see much of her. I'm excited to find out a lot more about Aquaman (especially), Flash, and Cyborg.
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Lex was more of a ... Joker, than Lex. The actor was okay but the writing seems pretty bad.
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True, true. The actor was doing his best. But he....wasn't Lex. :/
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I meant that he has no good intentions. And I'm pretty sure that the original Lex isn't that much crazy. xD Also, why Batman brands his enemies? xD
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I believe that's a movie's gimmick. I've seen all of the Batman movies, live action and animated. I've read Legends of the Dark Knight. I haven't read anything anywhere about branding criminals. Although maybe in the later Batman issues there's something about it, I don't know. But I highly doubt it, since it is so not like Batman we all know.
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Exactly. Batman and Superman were different. They didn't have the same morals. Batman was shown as a violent hero, branding criminals and wanting to kill Superman. And Superman was thinking of killing Batman. They didn't have the morals they usually have. :/
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Actually, Superman wasn't considering killing Batman, but we're entering the spoiler territory here, so I'll go no further. And a godlike creature with failed morals, questioning himself, could be an interesting thing to show, would've made the movie better.
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I've watched the movie and I know what you mean, but don't you remember that he was considering at some point? Or at least, that's what he said. Anyway, to be honest, all the storyline was nonsense. It's the first movie with Batman that I didn't really like. Batman was more "human" in this movie and that's not something bad. I liked his fights though. xD
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easy answer...It wasn't a good movie. but if you are pointing to the hate that followed the RT score, lets just say that site has no credibility...they gave almost a 50% to Daredevil the movie but for some reason Batman V superman got a 29%
The issue here, is that its poorly edited, it tried to cram in as much bullshit as possible to set the grounds for the next movies and ended up cutting really important scenes short
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I think it's fair for movies that come later to get lower scores, even if they would have been equally bad had they been released at the same time. In a world flooded with superhero movies, there's less of an excuse for making a bad one and not learning the lessons (both good and bad) of previous superhero movies.
This is also true of games: if a sequel is just a cosmetic reskinning or its "innovations" are to add more map area with the same missions repeated, it deserves a lower score than the previous game in the series. I think the Arkham series, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, and many more AAA franchises are guilty of this--the second and third are usually genuine improvements, and then they just keep releasing them to cash in on the IP without trying to doing anything better, and sometimes the changes make it much worse.
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I don't think the movie was all that bad, the end was amazing with the battle between the heroes and the main villain, but the movie had a lot of information thrown for no reason, like lex luthor creating Doomsday. Zack snyder should make a longer movie with all the scenes he cut off (that explain a lot of the main plot) or make a smaller movie, and introduce wonder woman and the other heroes and separate movies and then make the justice league.
I'm trying to improve my english, if someone can give me feedback i'll be grateful.
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never read critics to see if im going to watch a movie, i see the trailer and think ''is this something i could like'' if yes then i watch it, if no then i don't.
personally i loved batman v superman, i think Ben Affleck did a great job at playing batman, and im pretty sure im gonna like both wonder woman and justice league coming next year.
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dc or marvel movies almost feel like cod games nowadays imho - they're just not as entertaining as the first ones, let alone can't hold the standards the previous installments set, they just feel so unimaginative. plus i find batman vs superman ludicrous. but just my opinion, might be a good movie to some, just not for me.
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I think Gambit is gonna be a really interesting super hero movie to watch. Since he's a really interesting character, and seeing Channing Tatum play him.
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I think they were trying to squeeze too much inside of one movie so they could make Justice League asap and catch up to Marvel's team movies like Avengers and X-Men. If there were 1 or 2 movies before BvS, I'd probably like it more. BvS was 2.5 hours long (3 hours without final cut). That's really long movie. Could've been 2 times 2 hours instead.
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I really enjoyed the movie, and I think it did manage to convience people who were sceptical about Ben Affleck as Batman, and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. Those two were fantastic, however Jessie's Lex Luthor was waaay overacted and it felt like he was trying to portray the Joker.
However there are several things I didn't like:
What makes me like DC movies better than the Marvel ones, is that you actually feel like the heroes got something to lose. While watching Marvel films you have the impression that everything is fully under control, when everyone is cracking jokes every minute. This one is especially true for Age of Ultron, when the film even features a 2 minute long slow-motion scene, where the entire Ultron army gets destroyed, in a supposedly difficult battle.
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There have been 2 DC movies to Marvel's what? 20? So comparing the entire DCU to Marvel's well Marvel still wins. Obviously BvS didn't learn from AoU because it still had the same pacing problems that AoU did. Also say what you want about AoU but again it also doesn't mash 7 different story lines into one movie.
Bottom line, I have a problem with the characters, I have a problem with the tone of the movie and I have a problem with Zack Snyder. Also, I have a problem with Frank Miller, who is not some genius, he's told like 5 good stories and then the rest of his comics are absolute trash. The problem that I have with the characters is simple, I hate Superman but the one thing that has been his thing more than anything is that Superman is seen as a beacon of hope. This whole Superman and Batman are okay with killing? MOS, yes it was a situation which made sense but honestly, a psychotic Batman? Joy. I knew that after the Nolan trilogy, I'd never get to see my batman on screen again and he'd simply just end up more and more psychotic till he growled at kittens in his spare time. Even in the comics, even with the Joker going absolutely insane, even after Red Hood, the one that isn't the Punisher in a bat-suit.
Which was something I honestly didn't need. It's not as if I haven't seen batman torture criminals in the comics to get information but at the same time. He's supposed to be the greatest detective ever. Can we just do that for a while? Let's go with Earth One Batman. I am completely loving that series.
BTW: Totally looking forward to the Lego Batman movie.
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What I'm saying is for me a movie isn't as entertaining when there's no feel of danger, hence there's no tension. I'm not hating on the Marvel movies, since every person sits down for a movie for a different reason. It's just for me the Marvel movies aren't exciting for the reason I mentioned above, while their Netflix series are excellent.
About Frank Miller, yes, he does have some shitty books (All-Star Batman & Robin is atrocious, Holy Terror and other garbage) but the material both Marvel and DC are taking inspiration from are quality content. (His Daredevil run and The Dark Knight Returns)
As for this interpretation of Batman and his rather impulsive behavior, it comes down to the tone of The Dark Knight Returns. I feel like the Punisher comparison is a bit harsh, because Frank Castle specially target people and kill them in cold blood, while this Batman has the same attitude as the 1989 Michael Keaton Batman: "If the don't die, it's good for them. But if they do, then I don't care."
As for the showcase of Batman's detective skillsin BvS, I absolutely agree. It was poorly done.
Anyways, it's always nice to discuss comic book topics with people, who don't share the same opinion.
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I might be being a bit harsh, and yes the let's save everyone in AoU was silly but at the crux of it that's my problem I guess. It's that it isn't really a super hero movie unless they're actually being heroes, the editing was bad and even as someone who reads DC/Marvel, depending on my mood, I'm a little irritated at the cut but the forcing of the multiple story lines, I get at least doing two, but Batman V superman is an arc on it's own. There were other ways they could have introduced the Justice League, and Doomsday again, arc in and of itself. Like yes as a comic book fan it's like sweet, I know what this is and this is and ooh, but some of the arcs that they brushed upon well that's my major problem I guess, they could have been full blown movies.
Also, not a fan of Lex.
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The Death of Superman arc was used way too soon. It could have been much better if Superman died several movies later, when they have an established cinematic universe with several heroes. Plus after this, the impacts of important characters will be less meaningful.
However I think I get where they are trying to get with this direction. Best described with the words of Batman from Infinite Crisis in the pic below.
In the "Snyder-verse" everyone is sceptical towards Superman, so as stupid as it sounds, the best way to finally win everyone's trust was to make the ultimate sacrifice, eventhough he was helping everyone ever since he defeated Zod and saved the Earth.
Anyways, after BvS I'm really optimistic about the future of the DCCU, there was just too much pressure on this film to establish a complete world. So even if they did a half-assed job, it's finally out of the way and they can focus on one story at a time now.
"It's always darkest before the dawn" lol.
PS: Lex was horrible, yep. No arguments there
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the movie was some close to be a very strong superhero movie but the stupid lois lane fuck it all......., man she got to many screen time for do shit in this movie she was so irrelevant to the story plot in my opinion shes the weakest point of this good movie, also im a little disapointed at the flash dream cameo, i know its for justice league but he was irrelevant to the theaters film i was thinking he should be just in the directors cut, i also hate the superman moments the camera shot was so anoying like APPA AT THE LAST AIRBENDER he just get strong dialog moments but weak accion moments. 3 negative points in this film to be the perfect superhero movie....
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I finally managed to get to see the movie and I was pretty amazed at the subtle details like the Batmobile chase and the hand to hand combat between our heroes. Also set a very well staging ground for the upcoming Justice League film and the origin story of the other members.
I'm no critic and you can call me a DC fanboy but I feel the film was better that Avengers movie imho. Totally looking forward to the upcoming DC films.
EDIT: And the Rocksteady's Arkham series like combat in the fight to save Martha Clark, that was superb.
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