Nice to finally see it available. Adding to my wishlist now.
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Even if metacritic and user scores are in the red, I will sill prepurchase this game just to support jRPGs on Steam.
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As a person that loves JRPGs, and works on this field, I have two things to say about this title:
It's a horrible game. Stay away.
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+1 It's hard to recommend this even to fans of jrpgs/tactical jrpg like FFT/TacticsOgre/etc. - game is VERY slow paced, battle system seems complex but also kind of random at the same time, there's lot of trial and error involved in the evolution of your characters - you have to randomly try out every combination of skills between characters to get the special combination attacks, there is no logic behind them. Also, I usually don't care about graphics in this type of games but the backgrounds in this one are just HORRIBLE. Unless you are willing to put in looong hours needed to get this game going and you don't mind grinding to discover randomly associated combination special attacks - don't bother, it's better to emulate NDS or PS2 on your PC and play something way better.
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Combat looks decent enough, but nothing else stands out for me. Also, all that day 1 DLC? Big no-no.
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lol fair enough, the thread is quite misleading with "new" in the title then xD
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So... they ARE day 1 DLC... to PC?! This is a mess.
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Yea usually old console ports to PC are a "complete" version that has all DLC or extras included.
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None of the PC DLCs correspond to the listed ones. Maybe they bundled a number of the console DLC into the each PC ones.
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You sure about that? I see all of the prepurchase DLC listed there.
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Oh I see them, okay.
I was looking at the Agarest: Generations of War section (European version) while they are in the Record of Agarest War (American version)
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It's probably very depressing to sing in a language where rhymes don't exist.
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To be fair it's actually several years old already. It's just finally getting a pc port.
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Like the fact that more and more JRPGS seem to be hitting steam.
Yes I am one of those nutballs who likes JRPGs..
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I believe most of the paid DLC is just adding overpowered items at the start of the game anyways. Essentially they're only there if you want to breeze through the game.
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FF7 gave that option included in the game price. So the objections do make sense, as it would have been better to just bundle them all into the game.
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"The Really Naughty Limited Edition" hahahahahahaha :D
Why is there a breast mousepad with a 360 game ? :p
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cant tell if trying to funny/racist.
Metal Gear Solid isnt like this. nor are a lot of other "Japanese" games and quite frankly im kind of disappointed you wouldnt just say anime games. BUT EVEN WITH ANIME GAMES, theres a lot that dont resort to big booty/boobies, lesbian girls touching/making out, sexual faces even though nothing might be seen or taking place, and crotch shots. I mean this is just sad to see what appeals to people and it sort of alienates people who dont want all this erotic business in their games. Maybe more people could have enjoyed it if there was good gameplay and not this discouraging cover. I've not seen the gameplay but i can only imagine the characters are very similar if not the ones on the front cover. Oh well, this is why these kind of games arent for me i suppose and as long as someone likes them, they'll keep making them so someones happy, thats fine i guess.
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really now? i feel its a way more mature approach than this with only the occasional boobs or sexy poster which of course you arent really FORCED to look at ever. Even so, I wasnt saying just MGS, im saying ANY japanese game in general is not automatically like this, this is targeted towards a specific market and its sad because it pushes away people who just want to play a game and not have all this sexual content thrown at them.
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According to the trailer there is a lot of this sexual content in the game itself. Scantily clad girls, revealing postures, oversized breasts, it seems Japan just can't create anything without it.
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Demon's Souls.
Miyazaki (Dark Souls director) even said he didn't want to include Gwuinavere's design in Dark Souls, but he didn't want to disappoint his lead artist who was pretty gung ho about it.
Also Kazumo Kaneko's human character designs are often pretty classy in Shin Megami Tensei.
And lastly, take a look at 99% of American comic books sometime before implying that an overabundance of sexualized characters is a uniquely Japanese media phenomenon.
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They're marketing it as a hybrid rpg/dating sim.
These are the type of promotional items that come with dating sims so I don't see any issue with that.
Its just a different world.
Comment has been collapsed. congratz to people who love JRPG and old school turn based RPG. It came into my eyes today, but after a little search, I moved on. This is not my type. I want a hack & slash RPG like diablo 3 or torchligh series but I don't like that characters in those games are cute and cartoonish. I want a realistic hack & slash game with horrifying atmosphere like diablo 2 and cancelled diablo 3(a project made by Blizzard North), also, some epic cinematics.
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Old games so there's already reviews for the console versions. Doubt the port will be much different.
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I googled it a bit, and I just can't find a review for it, unless they renamed this game. If that's the case, the score suggests it's a decent game.
In any case, I can maybe even make something extra if I sell this pre-purchase copy after the game is out. That of course if I decide it's not a game for me. :)
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Available: 3 October 2013
This game will unlock in approximately 2 weeks, 1 day and 15 hours
Pre-Purchase Agarest: Generations of War
Pre-Purchase Agarest: Generations of War and receive the following DLC for free!
Upgrade Pack 1
Upgrade Pack 2
Dull-Things Pack
Fallen Angel Pack
Magic Fighter Pack
Legendary Monster Pack
Basic Adventure Pack
SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends 3 October
Wow.. I was interrested at first but.. really ? No..
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Why? Because the DLC? Keep in mind this is technically a 6 year old game.
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company of heroes is a 7 year old game and it only has 2 expansion packs
hell even postal 2 why surely has a lower budget and was made in 1998 also only has 2 expansion packs
so you gotta keep in mind that is not how long the game is out but the mentallity of the devs
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That doesn't stop tons of people from play Borderlands 2.:-)
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Final Fantasy 7 seems to have done okay coming out at $12 on Steam and it not having any DLC :p
Then again, for some reason you're paying the same # as I would here in the USA, it's $15.99 here in the USA, you're paying like $6 more, so I get your point.
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Agarest: Generations of War is now available for pre purchase on Steam! You get the base game + 7 DLC for 15,19€ or your regional equivalent :)
Ghostlight also said that they would port more console JRPG to the PC platform if Agarest is successful!
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