I'm trying to find games that are either Free to Play or fairly cheap (especially when on sale) that I can play to earn marketable/tradeable drops from. It's becoming painful watching my balance slowly decrease over time because I can't control my bad habits of finishing off card sets to earn badges, emoticons, backgrounds and XP. (You could say I'm a perfectionist collector with a virtual compulsive hoarding disorder. Self diagnosed though...) So I'm hoping to find games that can help increase my balance but won't drop cards, because my god, if a card drops it's going to be crushed into gems or added to the 'This'll become a badge someday' pile.

I currently own CS:GO which is a great game for drops but the time it takes to get them is just...ridiculous... not to mention having to play competitive matches with particular people becomes unbearable after a few games. I've played a very little of TF2 which I know is a good game for drops but their resell value is not even worth the time re-downloading the game. Not a fan of Unturned or DOTA 2, I'm not saying they're bad games just games that I wouldn't be into. If you can persuade me otherwise, however, I will give them another go.

Never played RUST but I would like some opinions on it from people in this community who are refular players of the game. How often do drops occur? What are the chances of rarer drops occuring? Is it really worth buying in it's Early Access Stage or should I wait a little longer until it's 'finished'?

Thank you to everyone in advance for your time, help and opinions - it is very much appreciated.

7 years ago

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PUBG is a great way to earn little amounts but the best way to earn crates in it is by playing solo and doing decent (few kills every game, winning is a bonus) and waiting for the weekly crate wipe to repurchase crates for cheaper because it gets very crazy after 4-5 crates... and yes it is $30 but from what I have found there are no cheap games with a reward system like PUBG has in place. Rust drops are approx every 50 hours and are complete garbage. Wait a while till rust gets more major updates because it's super fun to start but the grind is very real and you will notice that instantly. I don't even think there are such things as "rare drops", you just buy the "good" skins from the market.

7 years ago

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PUBG is definitely getting purchased now and Rust is getting put on hold. By the sounds of it PUBG will earn me a full refund if I play for 24-72 hours straight which is good to know. Lucky for me I'm patient enough to wait till the end of the week for a reset on the crates. I assume the loot becomes better the more expensive the crate becomes or is it still just random?

7 years ago

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+1 Me and my brother both earned our money back that we spent on PUBG. I have less than 130 hours gametime

7 years ago

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Did you get lucky opening crates? Or is it just because I'm Australian and prices suck

7 years ago

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My brother saved some Gamescom crates and sold those when they got removed and for me I broke even just selling the crates for $2-$3.50 each when they first came out.

7 years ago

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Lol no...2 crates 1 is .50usd and the other is .70 usd. It will take way more than 72 hours to earn 30 dollars lol. The idea is to play and have fun in the game then u can either sell the crates or try ur luck for something expensive.

7 years ago

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If you like coop-shooters, then you should try killing floor 2 :)
You get an item every few rounds i think. These items aren't worth much most of the time, but you get a lot of them.

7 years ago

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Normally, one item every 12 hours, as long as you play for 30 minutes between "resets".
During Ticket Events (like now), reset happens every 4 hours.

7 years ago

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That's good to know, thank you :)

7 years ago

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By "resets" I assume server resets?

7 years ago

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No, it's just your own playtime. You even get drops if you play in SP.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You can be either in "you can get drop" or "you can't get drop" state, you need to wait X hours for "you can't get drop" change to "you can get drop" (X depends if there is any event or not) - that change is simply called reset.

Just so you know, if you're doing it for money, PUBG is probably much better, when new cases will be releaesd, they should sell for over a $1 for few weeks, your chance to get $1+ item in KF2 is pretty small...
(but then, during Tickets Events you can get so many tickets, they should sell for nice amount of money).

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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22.5 hours this week and I'm still poor (:

7 years ago

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I recommend killing floor 2, too. It's an enjoyable first-person, wave-based shooter. The community is really friendly and just likes to have a good time. The action is really good and satisfying. You get one loot drop every day after a few games and that's it, so you aren't sinking the entire day trying to keep getting drops. The loot is pretty nice, i've gotten some pretty nice hats and guns. And i've made some nice cash off of selling rarer guns I gotten from my random loot drops. Also the game lets you break down versions of its lootcrates that you have to buy a key to unlock, into material. You can use the material to build new cosmetics and weapon skins. It's a great game, I really recommend it.

7 years ago

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Killing Floor 2 seems like a good game for me to let off some steam committing virtual murder. Knowing there is a definite drop for me to claim daily is enough for me to buy it. Definitely getting this next time it's on sale!

7 years ago

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Do you have to play co-op to get the drops, or can you play single person?

7 years ago

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Just found out you get drops in both!

7 years ago

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You can do single. You have to win to get a drop, if your team dies, you don't get a drop.

7 years ago

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Definitely PUBG is your best bet. I've made like 3x back for what I should've paid for it (A friend gift it to me, that's why I didn't spend anything). If you don't play that much, you get at least $1 USD a week for certain just by selling loot boxes. If you play a lot you can make much more, and if you get lucky you can get a nice drop from one of the loot boxes worth the game's worth or twice, or maybe even more, depending on the item you get.
I used to run CS:GO and go to drop servers, just to get drops, even bought the Hydra Pass, and still, PUBG is where I've made more money from and even more consistently.
Another option is Don't Starve Together, and just let it sit there and farm the drops, you won't be playing much, and you just have to get lucky to get a 4 USD drop which is really rare, most of the time drops are worth a few cents.

7 years ago

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Seems like a promising game to make money from. Just checked the game marketeable items and by page 3 it's jumped from 8c to 37c which is a considerable amount for a game like this one. (Considering CSGO is mainly 3c for crates and $2.49 for keys.) I will definitely be playing a lot of it in my spare time - will just wait for the sales and my next paycheck.

I've always wanted to give Don't Starve + DS Together a go, but I might wait a while longer before I make any decisions.

7 years ago

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With Rust drops are kind of rare in general, but what's worse is the value, I've never got anything worth over 20 cents and I have 900+ hours.

7 years ago

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Just knowing that makes me reconsider purchasing it.. I'm sure it's a fun game but considering it's still early access I might give it a pass for now. Thanks for the info!

7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by anje.