Generally people buy games with discount to giveaway here, but now we cant buy games as gift, so my doubt is, if I create a giveaway and the winner take a long to answer my friend request or dont answer to it and finish the discount on the game at the store, have the possibility of steamgifts close my giveaway through a ticket? (sorry for bad english)

7 years ago

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No. That's a risk you take unfortunately. Buy your keys in other stores or take a chance and restrict your giveaways to limit the bots and less reliable people.

7 years ago

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The only reliable way to avoid this headache is to not buy gifts on the Steam store and buy keys from resellers instead (, etc...).

BTW, I would suggest to change the title to something a bit more descriptive of the issue, e.g. "Purchasing and delivering Steam gifts to unresponsive winners".

7 years ago

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buy keys from resellers instead (,

Buying keys from the source does not qualify as reselling any more than buying iPhones from Apple constitutes reselling. It's just selling.

7 years ago

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The sites I listed aren't the source (the developers) of the games, they are reselling keys they purchased for the purpose of selling.

A reseller is a company or individual (merchant) that purchases goods or services with the intention of selling them rather than consuming or using them. This is usually done for profit (but could be resold at a loss).


7 years ago

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correct, but when we're talking about an authorized dealer they just call them "sellers". "resellers" in this instance would be g2a/kinguin.

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7 years ago

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thanks for the info

7 years ago

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Adding safe, legitimate, or legal resellers would help lessen the confusion between sites like HB and GMG from G2A and Kinguin.

7 years ago

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If the winner of the giveaway accept , yes you can close ( delete) the giveaway .
But that depends on who win your GA sadly .
Since volvo changed how gifts work , thats kinda weird zone

7 years ago

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make a giveaway shorter than 8 days (so it ends before july 5th), then send the winner his game via email.
if the guy declines it for some reason, just refund in on steam and ask here to delete the giveaway instead of rerolling it.

of course, i forgot stupid valve removed email gifting. πŸ‘Œ

try to stick to keys bought outside steam, they suck.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by gabrielskL.