Bumpz. If someone needs a specific offer then I have sweet brand new Borderlands 2 GOTY key :P
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Look for XNova. It's a simple OGame clone. You should have enough things to say about it, and even more things if you can talk about maths.
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But the thing is that I need to create one (or someone create it for me). Like you know. My name on main page and access to source code.
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Do you really have to create it from scrap? You may be able to modify the source code of the engine, which is available for free.
I also remember something like OpenRPG.
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Well, basically I can use everything that won't pop-up a message 'game made in ... creator' when someones enter that website. As long as it will be simply to do and won't require much time then I can try to do it by myself.
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this game is awsome --> Cookie Clicker and this guy hase some more, mayby you can ask him nicely
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So instead of buying essays, you're buying game source codes.
While I do feel for you, it's really not that difficult to poop out a simple shooter in Flash or GameMaker.
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I'm pretty certain this violates your school's code of conduct. At the very least, you're looking to outsource something that you were supposed to do yourself to demonstrate your competence and learning of a skill.
Even if you DO find someone who can/will do this for you (and you'll be lucky to find a competent programmer who will do 30+ hours of work (games, especially Flash games, aren't easy) for a few $$$ worth of Steam codes) you are not only committing plagarism but you are cheating your future self.
If you can't do the work, you shouldn't be passing. Take the class again now that you are healthier, attend the classes, and learn the material. Do the work, and you can then be proud of the game you create, instead of lying your way through and then having to fake it your whole life.
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I'm not asking for a new game made only for me. I need it for 1 day, then the creator can do with it whatever he wants. If he already made a game then I believe that's not a big deal to share it and get something in return. I won't use it for commercial purposes.
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I fully believe the point went absolutely over your head.
What you are asking is immoral and unethical.
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Fishy... I don't believe you.
By telling us about hospital you want us to pity you? Most probably it is just a lie. You don't have time to do your job but you have time to play games? 40 hours in 2 last weeks... that's planty of time to create simple web game.
You sir are sad excuse for a man. You want somebody to help you cheat your teachers? That's exactly what you are asking us.
Also if it was true about your hospital thingy... you would just ask your teacher for permission to submit your work bit later.
Liar you lie.
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implying that you've never cheated.
Can't ask to 'do it later' because it's the last year of my education. 40 hours in 2 last weeks, sure, I'm guilty, but fyi I did application for win8 during 'playing' FTL and other hours was card farming.
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That still doesn't explain why you don't have a game. Seriously man, just sit down one weekend and don't get up until you're done.
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No I haven't, don't speak like cheating on university is something normal. It is not! What's the point of paying to learn in school if you want to cheat? You are just immature brat who even doesn't understand that what you are trying to do is: A. pathetic B. illegal
I wish you to fail whole term. You are not worthy to be called student.
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Butthurt much?
Sure cheating isn't normal, but that doesn't change a thing that most of people (who have possibility) would do it. I'm done with you, take a chill pill & come ba... never come back :)
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It's not normal and it's not common.
Simply put - cheating sucks and you suck for trying to do it.
Play on Steam less and study/work more.
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If you can read only that one sentence, then here you go, I've edited my post specially for you :*
@Simowl Correct. University, people who I have classes with know about that. The main problem is lack of time, that's why I'm asking in here.
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Borderlands 2 GOTY is 45β¬ at steam store. So I wouldn't have a problem with giving someone 20$ for that. But since the site name is steamgifts thought that would be inappropriate to offer money :D
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http://www.funwithruby.com/buttons-halloween-dress-up/ here, this is awesome. lol. brb BUSY WITH PLAYING THIS GAME FOR "GIRLS"... !!!!
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I'm looking for someone who'd like to make a browser game/already have one. Reward of course will be in steam codes/gifts (number/value depends on you/your game). So, what do I exactly need is a game (doesn't matter what genre) that I have to describe in some words (something like 5 A4 sheets, so it can't be a walking square fighting with triangles). Also would be good if it was in english, polish.
Contact me in here or via steam.
Cheers and thanks for reading.
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