This is my Problem:
My L4D2-Game is a low-violence-cut-version and there was no uncut-version(ROW) or free-patch(Australia) released in my country.
This means i can not play multiplayergames with uncut-version players. I can just play with other cut-version gamers !!!
I don't really care about the gore i just want a bigger multiplayer community.
Well if it is possible, it would be nice if someone with L4D2 from Australia could add me to talk :)
Thanks in advance!

Screenshot of the free-Addon available in Australia

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9 years ago*

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Is it possible to gift the free Left 4 Dead 2 Uncut-Patch (Add on) which was released by Steam?

View Results
Yes Potato !
No Potato !

This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Begging? where the hell am i begging? it's a question!
Btw it's free downloadable content so this shouldn't be considered begging ;)

9 years ago*

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He's asking whether or not it is possible for someone to send him the (free) patch. I am not familiar with this patch, but it sounds like a content adjustment patch.

9 years ago

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That's right. It's just additional content, which enables (Cut-Version) L4D2-Players to play with (Uncut-Version) L4D2-Players. Since i am not from Autralia i can not access the page for this mentioned additional content, because it's region locked!

9 years ago

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Hmm I thought this Un-cut version was for because Australians had their L4D2 game slightly censored. Shouldn't you be asking the Americans or am I completely wrong here.

(source: myself, I am an Australian but I don't have L4D2 but I still remember the big debacle around it and for many other "R18+ rated games")

tl;dr Australian Censorship Laws are whackety-whack yo.

9 years ago

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German censorship is even worse... :/
It's not just about the can only play with people, who got a censored version, which are way less!
Americans have a different base version. Australia and Germany got the same (Low Violence) Cut-Version. But if i am not mistaken your Goverment decided that it's okay to make L4D2 uncut now.
Could you try to put the dlc in the (steam shopping) cart? It should be possible if it's like any other dlc..

9 years ago

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Yeah sure I will give it a try and see what I get.

9 years ago

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Sorry mate all I got was this. I don't have Left 4 Dead 2 so I don't think I can be of much help. I missed out when it was free that one time I think around December/Christmas or something :(

sorry mate.. :(

I hope you find a way. All the best. AlienC.

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9 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your help AlienC :) And also thanks for providing these screenshots!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I can't view that as I'm in the wrong region but Google pointed me in that direction a few times.

And a page dedicated to that problem as well but you have to translate it.

9 years ago

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Thanks for your effort! Yes the first link is the additional content, which i am looking for, but since it's a region locked page (Australia). I also can not access it.

The second link mentions that download the add-on method is the best option for cut players.
I don't want to use a proxy program and risk my steam account, that's why i am looking for someone from australia. :)

9 years ago

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Here's an I dunno bumptato! Best of luck to you, xcloudx. I hope you find what you are looking for.

9 years ago

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Thank you! :)

9 years ago

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I don't think it will work this way. There must be forums in German that discuss these type of issues as I'm sure most gamers would want to find a way around the over the top censorship. What about games with nazi villains like wolfenstein? They banned as well?

9 years ago

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Actually there was a time, when the Download page for the uncut page was not region locked and many german gamers could download it and can now play the uncut version!
And yes nazi symbols are banned in germany and censored as well! So Nazi Villains are "normal" villains here.
And there is almost every time a way to undo the censorship. Some people are using external programs to undo the censorship somehow (don't ask me how). But like i mentioned above i don't care much about the censorship. I just want a bigger gamer community available.
Sometimes not only the gore factor is cut away but even game features or you only have restriced access to the "community".
For example Sleeping Dogs is cut in germany and there is no way to get the DLC's and Patches working with the cut version we have here. Also it's not possible to run or buy the definitive edition! So we enjoy a buggy version with less content.

9 years ago

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Not sure if you'll ever be able to use it. Maybe try asking around this steam group?

9 years ago

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I am already in this group and this is the only method without risking my steam account to get access to a bigger community but thanks a lot for your help :)

9 years ago

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I just activated the Uncensored Version on my Steam Account (haven't downloaded the Update to go with it yet).

All I did was go: Library -> Games -> L4D2 -> Store Page (Right hand side, it asked for D.O.B.)

it had "Downloadable Content For This Game: l4d2 uncensored - free"

I clicked on that, it took me to the page you have, where i clicked download, and it was done. there was no Add To Cart.

I doubt there is a way for you to get it unless Germany allows it to become uncut. The same way us Australians have a censored version of SouthPark: The Stick of Truth. the only way to play the uncut version is to play a pirated copy.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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I see :) well it was just a hope of mine. And since there is a wide player base on SG i thought it wouldn't be wrong to ask someone from Australia.
Thanks for trying to help me mate!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the information. Didn't know it's impossible to gift free stuff.
I am not sure, since i bought it quite some time ago, but i think i bought the game from a retailer and it should have been the row version. But i think once i activate it with a german ip it will be the low violence version.
Then i guess the only option would be to ask someone to gift it to somewhere that the game will be uncut if you get an uncut copy gifted. Well Thanks mate for the input!

9 years ago

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Thanks for all the help guys i will close this topic since i got my answer.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by xcloudx.