the game has cards but I'm not sure they will drop once it goes free.
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Cards do drop for games with in-game purchases. The only example I can think of is CS:GO, buy keys or capsules from Lord Gaben, get rewarded with 0.03 cent trading cards.
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True, mainly just added in there because it shows that cards do drop from free games. A lot of the info I add is usually irrelevant to said subject/context.
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Card drops are tied to the license type (and therefore don't change their drop method based on licenses no longer being available for purchase). Standard licenses will drop cards upon purchase of the license. As with this game, that'll continue to be the case even if the license is no longer acquirable (similar to how we can still download games even if they're no longer listed on Steam).
Free-On-Demand (AKA free-to-play) licenses drop cards based on in-app purchases made through the Steam Client (iirc, at a rate of 1 card per $7), and Free licenses drop cards (in the same manner as a standard license) after the purchase of any DLC tied to the license.
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That's a nice answer explaining it all. Thanks for taking your time to write a detailed version.
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If there isn't a glitch cards won't drop for a free game.
I think when a paid game goes F2P it gets a different appID than the paid version.
So people who bought it from Steam Store or activated a CD key should normally retain their card drops and Booster pack eligibility while people who activate the F2P version won't get them.
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To be exact it's subID not appID. So when it goes f2p, I expect there will be a new "Free on Demand" subID
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Thanks 😉 Yeah, I realized appID couldn't be right a little while after posting this but since I wasn't sure if my next guess package would be more accurate I didn't bother editing it.
So package would have (also) been correct since that's how steamdb lists the various subIDs 🙂
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And to spin off that thought... (I never understood the more intricate parts of steamdb but I think I'm beginning to...)
And the subIDs (often) contain different depositories, right?
That's how one subID can i.e. contain just the base game and another base game + preorder boni.
Or in Paradox's case dummie depositories so you activate the same game over and over if you don't pay attention 😅
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yeah, a package contains one or more apps and depots (a depot being a collection of files which can be shared among different apps, e.g windows release and linux release might share the same asset files aside from the game executables)
so when you activate a steam key, it grants you a package (sub), if you own ALL of the contained apps it won't activate telling you already own it, otherwise it will be redeemed as long as you don't own at least one app in the package (like a DLC).
Sadly like you said, paradox games are notorious for having these dummy apps (of type config or unknown), and they tend to generate different packages for different promotions that contain these dummy apps. So if you try to check the key, you might end up redeeming it even if you already own the game (because of different dummy apps)
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correct, some examples of the different kinds:
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Ahh, so it's like that, huh. I understand everything now
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I don't understand the logic behind setting a very low price then making it free. Why not making it immediately free ? Just for cards drop ?
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Just for cards drop ?
Partly for that and Booster pack eligibility but not just that. With F2P games you have to keep them installed to keep them in your library. (or tie them to your account with DLC purchases)
That's why game collectors, which are a noteable demographic on Steam, usually prefer regular licences.
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no you don't i have plenty of f2p not installed games on my account
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Wow. This is a surprising, nifty move. This is not the typical abandonware that goes free, the game is actually really good; A weird rock n roll racing / FTL hybrid that's fun for quite a few replays.
Definitely grab it when free, or even throw a buck before to support the game they're apparently focusing on next.
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AddFreeLicense( 761776, "Death Skid Marks" );
!addlicense asf sub/761776
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Death Skid Marks on Steam
The developer achieved their goals. Death Skid Marks will become free on August 22.
Following the requests, they've put the game on a final sale. They didn't apply a discount, though. They lowered the base price to €0.79/$0.99 until August 21, marking a new historical low. This might have made it fly under the radar of anyone who wasn't following the game.
Haven't seen any thread talking about it. So, if you want to support the dev in their next project or you're a game collector, here you are.
If you're interested, the game has cards but I'm not sure they will drop once it goes free.
Anyway, This
iswas The Way.Comment has been collapsed.