Happy for France Choice
Many french complaining people dont understand that in France "la vie est douce"
They should go to foreign country and see that every country has their difficulties
In France, we are always complaining it is national sport !!! =D
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Haha i guess Putin is now so mad. He put so much money into that crazy bitch and it didint pay off.
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A glamorous young Russian nationalist is leading her country’s love affair with Trump and Le Pen
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i was going to give him my vote
but i was desapointed by 2 things :
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RIP France.
Hollande 2.0.
Get ready to learn arabic.
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Sorry, let's put this in a better way :
"Get ready to start learning arabic in kindergarten and French will be teached as an option like Latin and other dead language".
Playing tam-tam for Nuit Debout and vote for the guy that passed the law.
Well done people.
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En quoi Livry-Gargan, entouré de Sevran, Aulnays sous bois et autre "chance pour la France" est une petit coin paumé ?
C'est justement les paumés dans leurs campagnes qui votent ce genre de merde. C'est d'ailleurs ce que je déteste en Bretagne.
Une paquet de +80 ans ou des jeunes bobos votant à gauche vu qu'à part Rennes, la Bretagne reste propre.
La France est un pays de merde et le sera de plus en plus.
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Oui je suis d'accord que la France c'est la merde mais je ne pense pas que les personnes d'origine arabe soient le problème - et puis de toute façon ce n'est pas comme s'il y avait qu'un seul problème.
Quoi qu'il en soit très peu de lycées proposent la langue arabe en option, c'était le cas du mien, tu aurais dû voir, ils étaient 5-6 dans le cours, comme quoi très peu de gens (y compris ceux ayant ces origines) seraient prêts à apprendre cette langue. Donc non c'est pas demain la veille qu'on apprendra l'arabe à la crèche.
Le problème avec les personnes "arabes" n'est pas qu'elles sont arabes mais qu'elles sont souvent pauvres et vivent dans des banlieues moisies. Qui dit pauvreté dit criminalité, et je peux t'assurer qu'on foutrait des japonais dans les banlieues ou même de "bons petits blancs" qu'on aboutirait au même genre de problèmes qu'on associe souvent aux arabes.
Il y a des milliers de personnes en France d'origine maghrébine qui ne demandent qu'à s'intégrer et vivre en paix (j'en connais un paquet, toi aussi je suis sûre), seulement quelques connards se font remarquer et c'est tous ceux qui leur ressemblent un peu uqi doivent payer.
Mais bref, je ne suis pas certaine qu'on soit très sympa avec nos amis anglophones à parler français ;)
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Pour la bouffe je sais pas trop, j'y suis juste allée deux semaines en 2012 et j'ai juste goûté de la bouffe de supermarché malheureusement :( Mais il font du requin farci et ça c'est badass ! xD
En tout cas c'est vraiment un pays qui a tout pour lui. C'est magnifique, pas trop peuplé mais il y a quand même une grande ville, c'est le pays le moins pollué au monde, ils ont des énergies renouvelables à gogo (merci les volcans !), les gens sont super ouverts et sympas, la culture historique comme moderne est super intéressante... Et j'en passe :P
Et pis ça caille pas tant que ça, l'été là-bas c'est pas pire que le mois de mars en France. ^^
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Belleville est un coin pauvre et dégueulasse peuplé principalement de Chinois et quise plaignent d'agressions par des personnes d'origines maghrébines...
Quand même les Chinois commencent à gueuler,c'est que le souci est bien ciblé.
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Je fais le jeu de SG. BL dès qu'on est en désaccord.
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I never really got the hype of Bernie. From what it looked like to me, he was an idealist that didn't really realize what was actually going on in the country.
Like the "If I hire more people, I have to pay them healthcare, but I can't afford it... YOU SHOULD ALWAYS PAY THEM HEALTHCARE!" argument. He seems so detached from the real world that it just sounded crazy to me. He means well and all, but it just never really clicked for me.
Now.. the other candidates were also awful. One's an egomaniac, the other was a dying old bat that's dabbing to get votes, the third's an idealist that's detached, the fourth was confused how debt worked and the last one didn't realize that Aleppo existed while promising weed for everyone.
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Bernie essentially wanted a European model. Of course, it would never work in Murica, but the general idea was to introduce them the concept of the actual political left, not just mildly right or "we cannot be openly racist/borderline fascist fucks but we actually are" right.
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Seems like at least France stays rational... as always.
Gotta be jealous as a German.
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I doubt that the AfD actually will pose a threat to the other German parties.
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Macron will be for France what Monti/Letta/Renzi/Gentiloni have been for Italy during last 6 years.
What Germany was never able to do with tanks, now is happening with finance.
RIP France, welcome new Western Province of Germany.
Greetings from Southern Province of Germany.
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Oh wow we should be happy that a fascist almost won the election am I right sorry maybe I'm too pessimistic
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she made it to the second round instead of melanchon. But I will admit that I have no idea how the French election process works
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There's a first round, which is a free-for-all, and a second round between the two highest contenders.
According to polls (which seem to have, if anything, overstated Le Pen's support by a significant margin), any of the other three, including Melanchon, would have crushed her in round 2. Because there were three comparatively "normal" candidates against one extreme one, they split the more moderate vote and she was able to make it to the second round, but it seems like she never had a serious hope of winning there.
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Some people says that she delibarely made it to loose
because there is more "money" to make in opposition
and that if the FN was to put their projet in action every one will see that nothing good will come from it
and so after the FN would disapear and loose all credibility
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You'll see what will happen: more austerity, more taxes, bankrupts, disoccupation, deflation, suicides, wealth destruction.
Already seen it in Italy and France is next.
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Why am I not surprised that you are a Russian nationalist?
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I'm not living in France either, btw :3
Will change nationality soon too.
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Eh, I think they actually don't exist. The only ones I ever heard were lobbyists and politicians, whose views are often bought… or, in some cases, are the goods they sell for the highest bidder. I somehow doubt that there really are any average Joe American-born citizens who genuinely are pro-Russian. We are not that far away from the Cold War yet. I can believe that there are born and bred Muricans who support Erdogan wholeheartedly, but not Putin.
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J'espère que la France aura réussi à avancer !!
et oui elle a le droit
pour BreizhAtao
Mon grand père a fait les camps beaucoup de gens devraient ne pas s'aveugler par des généralités trop simples et ne pas oublier l'Histoire il était alsacien et a refusé de servir un autre drapeau que le sien en 39
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Mon grand-père ne parlait même pas Français en 39.
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Le fait que les Bretons se soient fait défoncer pendant 2 guerres alors que RIEN ne rattifie la Bretagne à la France.
Si vous considérez la Bretagne comme Française, alors les gauchistes qui pleurent sur la Crimée qui pour eux n'est pas russe devraient se faire fusiller.
Le traité de 1532 ne donne aucun droit à la France sur la Bretagne et l'annexion en 1789 est illégale.
Donc le blabla Etrangers/Alsacien/Histoire, je m'en cogne un peu.
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Congratulations, I'm glad that you guys have made the right choice! And the fact that our glorious national leader Putin won't be exactly happy is a nice bonus :)
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Rothschild vs fascists. Hmmm, hard to decide, because both choices are bad. xD
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Still, the old Le Pen is admirable in the way that he is honest and upfront: he hates Jews, he is almost proud to be a neo-fascist, and stands by his views. The daughter is much more of a politician in the sense of telling people what they want to hear in that particular moment, based on her numerous PR advisors/handlers rather than what she really thinks.
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Happy New President to my french fellows. Here is small gift: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/IRJ7N/12-is-better-than-6
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being happy for someone that lie saying he is not a politician and he was First ministyer and a man of those finance that caused the big Crysis after World war 2 isn'ìt so smart, to me.i would vote to mantenin my being french and not east by globalization..hope in italy we can change..stop #UE and stop #troika
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La Francia era una grossa speranza per l'Italia, ma a questo punto mi sa che siamo destinati a prenderla (ancor di più) in quel posto.
Purtroppo siamo bombardati dalla propaganda eurista che definisce fascista chiunque metta in discussione l'euro.
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i am so damned happy !!!
even if many things are not having any solution
a little gift : https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/RJ9OX/spirits
Thanks to Fractard
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