Just a couple days ago I finally managed to beat "Deus Ex: Invisible War".
Despite it being pretty much a console game that runs on PCs, it still allows to save your progress whenever you want, so I could easily go back and savour all the endings.

Well, I must confess I actually enjoyed the game. Vastly inferior to the first title, but still a decent experience to my taste.
And now that I started playing "The Fall", I realise how underappreciated Invisible War is... Or at least I can see how it could have been even worse.

P.S. Worth mentioning that I played with a hi-res texture pack/mod, but I don't think graphics would be the main thing to criticise about the game...

Anyway, this is just a poor excuse to give away some cheap stuff.

8 years ago*

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How did you like the game?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)

View Results
Didn't play.
Didn't like.
It's alright, could be better.
Actually good.
Best of the series!

PC gamer recently did a "re-review" of it comparing it to newer entries in the series and testing how well it holds up compared to the very first Deus Ex. They were pretty fair and I enjoyed reading about it http://www.pcgamer.com/revisiting-deus-ex-invisible-war-one-of-pc-gamings-biggest-disappointments/

8 years ago

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That's an interesting read, cheers for that.
Most of the criticism is in fact justified, I would say it's not a bad game per se, just a bad Deus Ex game.

8 years ago

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I check the option 'didn't like' because for me the best is the the first game. The 2nd (this one form your poll) haven't good something what have the 1st one - this fresh point of view. Also the our alter ego have better story. For minus i notice the a lot of loading screen which disturb us in visiting the world. Other thing for minus is change in mechanic of reciving the biocomponents and small inventory.

Ps. If you don't play in 1st game just do it and install the revision mode - the graphic i sboost a lot and the game still be pretty.

8 years ago

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The first is also my favourite so far. I played through it recently with the "Neo Vision" mod or whatever it's called, and it was awesome.
I haven't played the new ones yet, but I will in due time.

8 years ago

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I have invisible war a non steam boxed version but I never played it mostly due to all the negativity I've heard surrounding it. I loved the first deux ex, played it, enjoyed it and keeping fond memories of it, I've played human revolution as well :D

I'll have to fish it from some box and play it :3

Digital foundry made a great analysis on Deus Ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWWrBt6xlWA I greatly suggest watching it :D

8 years ago

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Very interesting analisys, thanks for the link. It also mentions some of my all-time favourites (Ultima Underworld, System Shock I, Thief I...).
I didn't even know that there was a PS2 version! :D

Now, while I stand by my statement that Invisible War wasn't that bad after all, it still is way inferior to the first chapter. The maps are tiny, the weapon mods are often useless, and some things make just little sense... But I still had fun sneaking around with a stun prod, disabling security cameras and bots without leaving a trace!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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simplified ammo, inventory, implants
no weapon upgrades, no skills

the game was ok but it could have been x1000 times better if they used the same system deus ex 1 had.

8 years ago

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To be fair there were weapon mods, but they were pretty much pointless. Waste of pixels.

8 years ago

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oh, it had upgrades. now i remember the glass breaker :3

8 years ago

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Aahh yeah, the Glass Destabiliser, and you also needed a silencer on the same weapon for it to be effective, thus using all weapon mod slots just to have a gun that breaks glass silently...
...And there's only ONE optional alarmed glass in the whole game!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It sure has heck could have been worse... but I still did not like it.

8 years ago

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I preferred The Fall over the PC version of Invisible Wars, but part of that is because I could actually play it. The Fall was flawed, but I've played much worse games.

Need to hunt down a XBox release of IW for the gamepad controls.

8 years ago

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Maybe I should have played IW with my Xbox controller... I don't know, I just can't aim without a mouse :(

8 years ago

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The PC version has no gamepad support to my knowledge. It was simply released on the original XBox. I'm trying to hunt it down (along with the third Thief game) since I have issues with keyboard controls.

I also played the console version of Deus Ex, Half-Life, Portal and other popular games. :P

8 years ago

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Haven't played yet. But from what I hear, I expect to be a great game. Just not a great Deus Ex game.
Also I clearly understand why The Fall would get so much hate. But playing on my iPhone, it was really fun. But I have better things to play on my PC.

8 years ago

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Yeah, The Fall really feels like a phone game, which is a shame.
I kind of like the plot, and it's supposed to be very short so I'll keep playing, but clearly it's not made for PCs.

8 years ago

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On the plus side, it is a pretty solid phone game. I can imagine playing the same game on PC being really underwhelming.

8 years ago

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I remember finishing Invisible War on the original Xbox and thinking, "is that it?". It was such a let down in all aspects over the first one. They made up for it with the 3rd though.

8 years ago

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According to Steam I finished the first Deus Ex in only 12.5 hours, which is quite surprising as it felt huge compared to Invisible War.

8 years ago

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I finished it (DVD version) many years ago and i liked it :)

8 years ago

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deus ex invisible war was a good game but had a lot of crashes so i used mods to make it playable and in my opinion it feels rushed compare to the first game like the devs wanted to finish the series and passe to another game

8 years ago

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Congrats and glad you enjoyed it. I have yet gotten around to playing it yet.

8 years ago

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Invisible War is super underrated. I played it on both xbox and PC (unofficial fan patch/content pack is awesome). Cyberpunk 4 lyfe.

8 years ago

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Bump ex machina!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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