A really odd one. I doubt it. Us, Poles, aren't this tricky.
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Probably not but given how misterious somethings are with CD project it could be.
Lack of updates on the new project and some rumours may have soured CD projects image - not with us exactly because as long it takes when they release any update on it we will be frothing all over it - but with investors.
If this story is fake its more probable it has something to do with spun tales around delay/slow progress with investor then any 'real need' of hype or leeway with the gamers.
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may have soured CD projects image
Not a chance. Gamers are fiercely (arguably, to a fault) loyal to the companies they love.
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Read again- i was talking about their image with investors not gamers. At this point its pretty much impossible for then to lose our trust.
Like, they'd have to personally kill gabe newel, erase steam servers and release a crap title full of dlc for cash to lose any points with us. And people would still be defending them
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Oh good call, I totally forgot that CD PR is publicly traded
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I'm buying whatever their next release is anyway, they blew my shit away with the witcher games and I'm sure any other rpg they make will be gold.
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I'd say Visual Novels, as their oriented more around the plot, dialogue and your path choosing rather than their gameplay (there is actually no gameplay involved as there is only a left click :D). HOGs could be included in that, even if I do not like them, and Point & Clicks.
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I suspected this. I guess any Telltale game qualifies as well? Anyways, regardless of your answer I feel like a game with a good story and so so gameplay will always be better than a game with a good story and no gameplay :)
I'd say that awful gameplay as a description for The Witcher is very much an overstatment generally speaking. Might not be an awesome uhm, what you'd call them, action game control scheme but The Witcher is a role playing game with strong story.
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The first Witcher was the first project from not-experienced noname studio with a very limited budget trying to enter video game industry, released in 2008 that didn't even age well. It was their "to be or not to be" as a company - looking today at CDPR based on first Witcher is painfully wrong and incorrect - try to imagine your friends/family looking at you today based on when you were in primary school.
W3 is the best game I've ever played in my whole life, it's not appropriate place for another monologue how good that game is, so I'll just say - play it, you'll immediately realize why people are that supportive towards their next title.
And W1 was not a bad game, it was really good back in 2008. Not excellent, true, but playable with a really decent story. It simply didn't age well and it's ancient according to today's gaming standards. It was also something I said multiple times - if I played W1 today, I'd probably not enjoy it a lot, and if I played it after W3 then I wouldn't even believe it's made by the same studio.
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You seem misunderstand me here. I didn't judge CDPR based on it nor on any other of their games. I actually didn't even judge them as there was no mention, in my comment, of the Developers/Publishers involved. I just stated, that I find the game bad and that's all. You can of course express your opinion but please don't put words into my mouth.
I just don't see how W3 being a good game has anything to do with W1 being bad or good or w/e else. They are 2 completely different games, created by the same people. Judging one based on the others is somewhat off. I find it bad enough for me to probably not give it another try, but that does not mean that I hate CDPR or that I would never touch any of their other games.
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So you were just saying it to say it? That's cool, I guess.
Btw everyone, I think water is good.
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Well when did you try it? It was pretty amazing when it came out in 2008 but I certainly wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole now.
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I'm replaying the first Witcher with Rise of the White Wolf Enhanced Edition mod, and the game is quite good actually. Very different from the other two in the series, but with a great story. I would say that the gameplay is not good in third person, but it's perfect in isometric mode, like the old rpgs.
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June 8, 1917 Headline: "Voracious videogamers viciously break ground! CD Projekt Red announces Cyberpunk 2077."
Checks out.
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5 years is like a century ? I agree it's a long time in the gaming world though
And no, it wasn't cancelled, it just never got a solid deadline and well, they had to finish Witcher 3 first and all that.
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Reminiscent of when HL2 files were hacked during development.
Regardless, it's cyberpunk as hell that their shit is being ransomed.

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I don't think it would help them much in achieving anything. A wee bit of publicity maybe? But I don't think it would be worth the risk of soiling their reputation as well as losing their fanbase. I honestly think they could have thought of a better idea to get attention if it were really the case.
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CDPR has long since earned my trust and respect. I'll back them 100%, and throw my money at every release they make for as long as I'm able.
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Any publicity is good publicity. I don't see why the developers or anyone else would care if some unfinished stuff gets released. It will just get more people talking about the game and cause more copies to be sold.
I think the people wanting a ransom are complete morons or this is a publicity stunt.
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If you don't defend your copyright trademarked property, you can lose privilege of it.
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"CD Projekt Red Reveals It's Being Blackmailed For Stolen 'Cyberpunk 2077' Files"
You can see Here the official announcement regarding this situation.
Or just click on the image below
What do you think about this?
I think that CDPR did well with this announcement.
And I don't really want to see anything if it gets leaked, specially if they are old files.
I will be waiting for official releases.
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