Hawken is pretty damn awesome. Definitely worth giving a try.
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I tried to play planetside 2, I keept dying like over and over (I think I got something like 1/40 on 50 minutes) and I quit.
I could not make head nor tails of it.
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you need to get into a platoon if you want to survive, and doing it quick is better
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Hawken is great, I've played Planetside 2 it gets pretty repetitive in my opinion, and World of Tanks, I've heard of it but I never played it
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I play all of them (i have rather tight scheduled now so i hit it when i can) all good games especially PS2 and Hawken
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I play Planetside 2 from time to time. Pretty fun game.
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I played WOT briefly - didn't like it much (mainly just because the tanks are too small but also seemed to run pretty slow for me)
I've played Hawken briefly and absolutely LOVE IT
haven't played Planetside2 yet but looking forward to it - same with War Thunder
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Planetside 2 is a fun shooter, I played it for a bit, just doesn't run smoothly on my shitty internet. Last time I played it, the purchases were cosmetic and there might have been early unlocks (i.e. unlocks before you get to the level) of weapons but the weapons seemed to be fairly balanced i.e. there was no one who was killing people stupidly quickly compared to anyone else or people with massive K/D without substantial skills.
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Thank you everyone for your replies =) I will def, check out Hawken (I can be a mech fan, it all matters on how the mechs are.) I'm glad the ps2 stuff is mostly cosmetic, I'm not much into pay to win f2p games. As for world of tanks (I watched Yogscast play a little of it.) really doesn't look like my style (plus they have some Pay to win stuff)
Is Hawken pay to win? or mostly cosmetic stuff? (checking my info for the comp. it looks like I'll have two, fifty dollar codes for each game. Because of an issue I had ordering it.)
But seems like I might be able to trade out some of the codes at least. So that will help, seeing I wont have much cash for games, for awhile. Once the codes get here (three weeks to a month at max.) is it within the rules for me to give away one or two of the codes in the forum?
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Oh...just saw that thread.
I am playing WoT since 2011. Pretty awesome game but it is full of noobs right now. Especially company battles and CWs are a great thing if you have a decent clan. The game gets pretty tactical in those matches. It isnt that much p2w but your progress will be slower without premium or a premium tank. I can tell you more but it seems like you aint interested in it anyway :D
Planetside could be much better if it wasnt lagging that much, even on minimal settings, it lags like hell when I am entering crowded areas or bigger bases.
I still have a 50$/36€ Hawken key from that Nvidia f2p thingy. If anyone of you doesnt need his key, or wants to trade, just add me to steam. Would be great if I could get another WoT or PS2-key.
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i tried Hawken, but I didnt like it very much. Furthermore I did more than 10k games on World of Tanks, so I dont have the time to start a new one :-). As you dont play WoT, i would like to ask you if we could trade the code somehow. I have a planetside2 code from the 110 € version if u like. The Hawken code I already gave away for free, so sorry if you would have liked that one.
Greetz EDIT: sorry if I broke any rules. As you maybe can see I am new here. In case i did, please delete my comment
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From that list i only play planetside 2, is a really good game in a lot of aspects but is repetitive, you always do the same and the game never end, just kill a lot of people and take capture points and lose some others, and try to capture again and again and again....
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I played very little PS2, so my experience is nil on that.
I played hawken for a little while. The fast paced combat is fun, and it looks awesome, but it can get repetitive quick.
WOT im very familiar with. Ive played tons of it. Most tanks have different play styles. You really have to be into the meta part of the game to be good at it though. Armor thickness vs penetration is not always the way to look at it. Slop of armor, small weak spots, ammo size, ammo type, and sooo many other factors come into play to help you win. So if that stuff does not interest you, then WOT is not for you.
You should also look up War Thunder. It right now only has airplanes, but the creators want to add both land and sea vehicles to the game. It has a "Sim" type mode where you almost require a joystick, But the "Arcade" mode is Really fun and easy to play. It is SOO much better than World of Warplanes in that department. Worth the install.
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I'm wondering because: I've order a new computer and one of the "specials" was freebie game cash for those games. I'll either end up trading the code's for a steam game or just giving them away.
I am going to check out planetside 2 (I wanted to play the first one but it was completely dead by the time I heard of it lol) Does anyone know the kind of things you can purchase for planetside 2? (like just cosmetic or in game advantage stuff?)
Zero interest in world of tanks
Not sure if I should bother with hawken or not.
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