So today is the day :D
Today is DC Rebirth Day :D

If you don't know what that means: here
It should be pretty fun and I'm definitely going to pick up a copy of the Rebirth book (I think it's just $3 anyway), so NO SPOILERS PLEASE!

I've only relatively recently been able to indulge my lifelong repressed interest in comics and I have a few favorite ongoing series/IPs, but regardless of which book/series/world/characters you like best, there's no getting around that today is DC's day.

What's your favorite memory of DC lore be it comics, books, movies, cartoons, shows, action figures you totally didn't mean to swallow because I mean COME OOOOOON I was 5 and it came in my happy meal, or fan content?

I think mine has to be Batman the Animated Series or the old Adam West Batman show that I'd spend ALL of my time at Grandma's house watching because we never had cable. The animated series was pretty enthralling when I was watching it in grade school and probably part of why I enjoy dark and scary TV/movies now. I recently went back and started watching them again now and they STILL hold up well (unlike my memories of the X-Men cartoon from the same era, sadly...that thing...that thing is hilariously bad...soooooo bad). Speaking of Batman...:D.

8 years ago

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Are you excited for DC Rebirth?

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Something smug about Marvel's superiority
Something smugger about IDW's or Dark Horse's or Valiant's (and so on) superiority


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8 years ago

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bumpity bump :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No comic shops nearby

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8 years ago

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That's the perfect image.
Maybe pick it up on Comixology then.

8 years ago

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Good idea, but I'm not sure... I like it better if a have a real book in my hands, you know?

8 years ago

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Very much agreed there, but I've read many a books on the can too, so I'd definitely say there are advantages to both.

8 years ago

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Comixology was giving away free copies with some codes from the DC TV Universe.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I really don't get why comics are so cool now, but I think Batman is cool.

8 years ago

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You mean why the characters are banking so hard at the box office or that the actual comic books are cool now?

I wanted to get into comics ever since I was a little kid, but my parents were the type that thought everything fun was evil so comic books were never something I could do when I was younger. Now I'm a little older and have kids of my own, so I'm starting a small collection for me that I can pass on to them if either of them get into them.

8 years ago

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why all of a sudden they are so trendy now. Not only at the box office. 20 years ago or so, people would look weird at an adult who claimed to buy comics for temselves, and now it's somethin totally normal.
Which is cool, don't missunerstand me, but it came just out of nowhere, all this buzz around comics.

8 years ago

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I think it is because in movies and tv is getting easier and easier to translate super powers due to CGI.

8 years ago

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The people who read comics 20 years ago grew up and didn't give up reading comics :)

8 years ago

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that could have happened also with the people who read comics 40 years ago and didn't happen. Childhood has been reading comics since almost the invention of printery, and probably (?) this is the first time ever this phenomenon shows up.

8 years ago

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Yeah, but the storylines have changed since then. Today most of the stories are aimed for 16+ readers, and there are less comics for children - at least from DC and Marvel.

8 years ago

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that could be actually a very good explanation.

8 years ago

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Oh yeah. They start this year's total universe reboot today. I wonder how long will it last. I give it… let's see… 50 months tops. Less, if their lineup yet again will be "25 Batman books and Everything Else".
I wish I could share your enthusiasm, but as long as DiDio is around (and maybe Lee and Harras), I cannot even begin to hope that they make anything enjoyable again.

As for the question: All-Star Superman. Funny how All-Star Goddamn Batman and Dick Grayson, Age Twelve was one of the single worst comics ever released by the Big Two (next to Marville), and the Superman counterpart one of the greatest moments I ever had with comics (only overshadowed by Straczynski's Midnight Nation).

8 years ago

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Hopefully it lasts longer than the new 52 did, lol

I haven't gotten to read All-Star Superman. I'll have to look that one up. Thanks :D

8 years ago

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Bump. :3

8 years ago

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Death and Return of Superman
babloyi runs and hides :P

8 years ago

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Excellent choice :D

Unfortunately it appears their trying to cheap it out in the movie version somewhat :/
Hopefully they can salvage it though :)

8 years ago

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bump ~

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Haha, yeah spider-man's the best!


8 years ago

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This one's for you, Paul! :D

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8 years ago

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LOL that show was so fantastically hammy

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Love me some early Brigade, Cyberforce Image comics also. DC has some gems that are worth reading also.

8 years ago

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I haven't had time to get into many of the other publishers yet.

I'll have to look up Brigade. It sounds good and it's Liefeld, so I'd expect it to be good stuff :D
Cyberforce looks worth tracking down too. Thanks.

The only non-big-2 stuff I've really had time for so far was the Dresden Files books that Dynamite has the rights to, but that's just because I really liked the Dresden Files novels.

I'd take any other suggestions you had too :)

8 years ago

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One of my favorite memories:

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8 years ago

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Is that Mongul getting blown up?

8 years ago

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I think that is Kilowag's death during issue #48-50 back in 1994. I have the comic somewhere.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't know Green Lantern all that well, but I have skimmed through some of this one as I've seen it mentioned a number of times.
I'll have to look into it a little more. Thanks for the comment agomezpont :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm sorry I had to pick NO cause currently I don't purchase comics (and when did rarely were about classical superheroes), although I watch some (most) comic characters' films.

8 years ago

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If I'm honest, I'm getting really tired of DC wiping out and rewriting their main universe every 3-5 years. Especially since it never goes over without new and interesting ways to take well-established characters and fuck them up beyond recognition

8 years ago

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Or just pretending they never existed. misses Cassandra Cain

8 years ago

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I think they are bringing her back, aren't they? I thought I saw her name dropped in one of the 3 I read this weekend (Justice League 50, Superman 52, and Rebirth).

8 years ago

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Yeah I can very much understand that. It seems like they need to get away from doing whatever it is that's making them feel like they need a clean start every time. It's pretty annoying and confusing for me too as I've more recently gotten into it (finally) and it's hard to keep straight which iteration some plots apply to and which don't.

8 years ago

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Wow, they are rebooting everything again?! Isn't it too soon? I thought that fans loved New 52

8 years ago

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The fans loved it so much that DC was on a great way to sell half that Marvel does. (In January this actually happened, by the way.) They put everything, and I mean everything on Batman, and it was just too much for a single character, especially after people started to get tired of him being in every title at one point or another. Even Snyder's run got a little tiresome with the constant conspiracy-within-conspiracy-within-conspiracy plots; although it has to be said, it was overall a damn good and popular run.
Also, it didn't help that The Outhouse still doesn't have a reason to close their 'Has DC Comics Done Something Stupid Today?' blog, as DiDio and Harras provide plenty opportunities to keep it posted with fresh content.

8 years ago

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Holy crap! That bad huh? Well, hopefully they will bring new life to their extense cast of heroes... or at least the main Justice League roster!

8 years ago

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Well, for starters, they would have to put an editor there who doesn't think a comic editorial office is a concentration/work camp, and second, they would have to ensure Geoff Johns cannot even suggest plot lines for the book. (It's sad to see him turning into another Bendis. He used to be one of the greatest writers ten years ago.)

8 years ago

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Well I love comic book superheroes but I live in a country that we have practically 0 comic book stores (there are a couple, but not with fresh issues to keep track of things you know, also they charge $10-15 a piece). So I thought that Bendis was like a legend writer wasn't he? And I don't knw who Geoff Johns is :(

8 years ago

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Bendis used to be revered as a god at Marvel editorial. Mostly by himself. He kinda has a large ego. But he delivered the successful books up until he decided that he was so good he could rewrite two entire universes from the beginning, replacing his versions of every story ever written. It… didn't work well. (Even in Ultimate, the universe he practically created.) And the books started to slip.
Then he was removed from the Avengers core books after Avengers Prime (a series made to get new readers by doing a team book about the first movie's characters) failed spectacularly. Then from the Avengers line altogether after he produced one of the company's biggest flops with Spider-Woman. (Then with Moon Knight.) He was put on the X-Men and Guardians of the Galaxy, and now he is a medium-range writer doing medium-range books.

Geoff Johns is the guy who resurrected DC in early 2000s. He put the Teen Titans back on the map. He made Green Lantern into a high-selling franchise for years. He made some of the best comics in the first half of the decade for DC.
Then he started to get too big for his own good, and he really started to live in the past. His Superman run literally put the character back to the 70s: supporting cast not seen since '83 came back, Clark Kent was using a typewriter again, and the entire Daily Planet looked like some retro soap opera mocking the early 60s. The books sold well, because the arcing plot was great, but the character moments really felt weird. Then he got free reign over the DCU and… well, read the New 52 JLA to see where that ended up.

8 years ago*

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To be fair I picked up the New 52 and dropped it and then picked it back up recently. It wasn't that bad. Then again, I focused mainly on the Harley Quinn series, Suicide Squad, Batman and Robin and Teen Titans, oh and Green Lantern.They weren't terrible, but eh.

8 years ago

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Yeah, what Talgaby said. I know there are a number of longtime DC fans, like myself, who really disliked New 52. I've basically sworn off DC titles, with the exception of some Vertigo stuff and that weird title China Mieville wrote, ever since New 52 went down. They did very ill-considered things with a lot of beloved characters, and often with seemingly no motive beyond shaking things up and being outrageous.

8 years ago

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I wasn't aware of that... I'm a little more in the loop with Marvel outrageous moves (black Captain America, asian Hulk, black Spiderman, female Thor, female Wolverine... etc).

8 years ago

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Marvel's biggest problem is their crossovers. Once upon a time, that's what made marvel great, the shared universe, the frequent cameos, 2 issue crossovers, etc. Starting in the late 80's crossovers started getting bigger and more frequent. The Executioner Saga was 12 issues. Apocalypse Now 40. Fastforward a decade, and Civil War was over 100 issues. In the meantime, those crossovers have gotten more and more frequent, with several large crossovers occurring every year.

Way back when, the crossovers were cool, and if you collected only one series, it wasn't that big of a stretch to get a few issues, for completeness' sake. But now, (a) normal stories keep getting interrupted by crossovers, (b) nobody can afford to get all of it, and (c) the crossovers have become meaningless.
Each crossover tries to go bigger and bolder than the last (good luck with that), and they always try to make some lasting change, a reason for reading. Well, within a few months, whatever change was made will be unwound, if not before, then during the next crossover.

Long-time readers try to keep up, but, if I was a kid these days, no way would I get invested in Marvel comics anymore. They're cannibalizing their future to milk their current customers. Not a good business model.
not to mention that Tom Brevoort is only focused on making a quick buck, Joe Quesada has no self-control, and Brian Michael Bendis is better at compact and focused stuff than at big-picture events

8 years ago

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Holy shit... didn't know Civil War was that big! I suppose Fear Itself was as big or bigger... I read a lot of World War Hulk and a little of Civil War and liked it, but I wasn't aware of that huge scope; I agree that it might be too much to collect!

8 years ago

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yeah, fear itself was also over 100. Plenty of other crossovers are 50+ behemoths, and even their smaller ones often are about 20-30 issues. It's basically mega event after mega event after mega event. I stopped reading when one event would start before the previous one had finished.

8 years ago

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Ouch, presumably that sorta cuts into anyone doing deep individual story arcs for characters and leaves the focus on events themselves rolling out and the things that happen surrounding each event. That would kind of suck IMO as some of what I enjoy the most of about comics is the character exploration they can do pretty well at times.

8 years ago

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Outside of the events, stories are told in 5 or 6 issue increments - so it can be packaged as a graphic novel afterwards. The long subtle stories that took a year or more to unfold are gone, the 2-3 issue story arc is gone. The medium has changed, IMO for the worse.
note that this is someone who'd actually collected comics back to the '60s, and read probably about 2/3 of all comics marvel published since 1963, plus plenty more from before then

8 years ago

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Yeah, that seems to sadly be the case. I REALLY enjoyed reading through the original run of The Amazing Spider-man. For me it was as much fun seeing American culture develop and evolve through the lens of what was still at the time very much a young and emerging artistic medium.

8 years ago

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I only read the main arc stuff and the respective comics that I normally read. So basically I'm getting one more comic series. I don't care what moon knight is up to or daredevil or even the punisher during certain events. Because I don't read them. Like this new CW II event, I'm going to read CW II, and whatever comics I'm reading at the time. I am not going to go and find out what Dr. Strange is up to because I really don't care. I do not have to read every single CW comic to enjoy the event.

8 years ago

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It seemed really soon to me too, but I'm curious to see what they do with it all the same :)

8 years ago

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New 52 was not well received from the moment it was announced. Rebirth was having mix reviews when announced with some people excited and some reluctant, but it seems that after Rebirth #1 everyone is on board.

8 years ago

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Glad to hear it! :D

8 years ago

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So what, is this a parallel dimension/universe or there was an event that rebooted it all (like Flashpoint)?

8 years ago

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It seems this is a serious revamp of the New 52 universe, and they are trying to bring back elements from the pre-Flashpoint storylines. They also are mixing in a well-known and DC-owned universe too - but it would be a major spoiler to tell you which one :)

8 years ago

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But how did they revamp it? They started from scratch Rebirth out of the blue or was it some kind of cosmic event?

8 years ago

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I'd say event. It has a connection to Flash. At least one of the pre-Flashpoint Flashes :)

8 years ago

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Ehhhh. No. I'm not on board. The moment that god damn smiley face was introduced, I was like no.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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marvel vs dc. Robin + Jubilee = Sparrow

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8 years ago

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Hahahaha, I don't know if that's hilarious or just kinda sad. Sparrow? Funny idea. Marvel vs DC was definitely a very cool things that I'm very glad the two giant competitors were able to get together to do :)

8 years ago

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Marvel vs DC was pretty cool, but the amalgam comics were awesome (even the not-so-good ones). The repeat a year later was just as fun.

But for something completely unlikely, that worked surprisingly well, check this:

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8 years ago

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LOL, that's fantastic. I'd have to think there's be ample opportunity for awkward moments throughout the "vs" event, but that's a good one.

8 years ago

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If you liked that one, you should check out Archie vs Predator. Unlike the example you posted, this one is DARK and there is a lot of death and mayhem (some humour as well). And unlike Afterlife With Archie and Sabrina (both titles I collect), this mini series actually LOOKS like the mainstream Archie comics/digests for the most part, and that is due to Fernando Ruiz doing the art (he is one of the regular artists at Archie Comics).

I also recommend the other two titles I mentioned, but Afterlife With Archie (and Sabrina to a lesser extent) is coming out with a LOT of time between issues. Issue #9 is supposed to have come out for my pull yesterday, but I haven't been into the comic store yet to collect my comics.

8 years ago

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My favorite memory is the Death of Superman series since my school library had the whole collection when I was little. I was actually shocked at the time because I didn't realize that he would just come back.

As far as rebirth I'm pretty annoyed, I actually thought the New 52 was fine but I just can't handle all of these "events" anymore, and I'm including Marvel here. Still, its always possible this will be good. Enjoy the comic! :)

8 years ago

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Death and Return were pretty fantastic. I'm really hoping they're not going to continue to half-ass such major events in the new DC movies though :(

I'm not really glad they're rebooting...aaaaaaaaaagain either, but I'm trying to stay optimistic about it :P

8 years ago

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Yeah, looks like people are actually liking Rebirth so I'll give it a chance! :)

8 years ago

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One of my favorite memories was the death of the Question. Vic Sage was amazing, and how many heroes get a death that actually works? Also I didn't know for certain he was going to die. Unlike Superman the news was not splashed all over the cover.

(Maybe now that DC is reversing some things, and making nice with Greg Rucka, we can get Rucka back on the Question and get some comics featuring Renee Montoya? Please, DC, don't be a punk for once...)

8 years ago*

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Isn't Montoya on the banned character list, along with Steph Brown and Cass Cain?

8 years ago

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Is she? I didn't even know there was such a list. I just knew that she ceased to be with the New 52 reboot, and that her place in continuity was pretty effectively removed (what with the question now being a supernatural entity, and Vic Sage being alive again).

I never cared for Steph Brown, but I'd also be sad to hear Cass Cain was blacklisted.

8 years ago

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DiDio and a few editors flat-out refused to acknowledge the existence of a few characters. (And as a great marketing strategy, majority of them were female…) Then again, given the many questionable decisions around the launch and the first year of DCnU/New 52, I guess it was easy to lose this among the other news.

8 years ago

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Huh, I didn't realize there was any official structure to it. I figured it was just part of the general policy of screwing all and sundry up. But yeah, you're right--and after a short while I just stopped following DC very closely. They screwed up, or changed arbitrarily, so many characters I was fond of. I'd been almost exclusively a DC fan for years, and DC did what Marvel never could: got me to switch.

8 years ago

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I thought Stephanie Brown (Spoiler) and Montoya were still around? I know that I saw Montoya (no longer The Question it appears) is Bullock's partner in the task force with Commisioner Gorder in the Robo-Batsuit.

I'm miffed about Cassandra Cain, though. I liked her run as Batgirl, but I think she's still alive. I read in one of the comics that she was off doing something for Batman Inc.

8 years ago

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I'd never seen the Question before, but you've peaked my interest. I'll look him up. Thanks much :D

8 years ago

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Yeah? Happy reading!

I think the first DC series, the one written by Dennis Oneil, is pretty good. I also like pretty much everything Greg Rucka wrote (you might try 'Batman Huntress Cry for Blood'). For a different take, but a fun one, a very paranoid version of him is also a main character in the first season of the cartoon 'Justice League Unlimited', which is surprisingly good.

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8 years ago*

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Thanks very much for the suggestions. I'm maintaining a recommendations list to make sure I don't forget to look all these up from all the various people on the thread.

Huntress is one I've only really come across in passing, so an arc that focuses on her a bit more will be interesting.

8 years ago

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My favorite memory would have to be the Batman show, with Adam West, I use to love watching that show:)

8 years ago

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It was sooooooooooo fantastic :D
It's VERY different from how all of the Batman properties are handled now, but I rather like it for the time in history it was created. It seems to fit so very well.

8 years ago

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