Hello I have started a twitch channel and was hoping some people come support me! I am a college student right now and can't get a job so I thought about doing streaming as a hobby!
Any who here the link: https://go.twitch.tv/col_cybrgoclone
and its supposed to be Col-Cyborgclone but the o got missed place! also I didn't know where to post this.
I play a lot of games from the classics to newer games (If I can afford them) also I play games from RPG to Strategy to FPS.
I do kind of sound like a 15 year old but I am not one... I don't get people watching cause of that sadly..

7 years ago

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Have a bump :)

7 years ago

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good luck dude! :D

7 years ago

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I am going to be negative, so prepare yourself:
I don't watch that many streamers, but looking through your videos, I can see why people don't watch your content. You don't say anything, basically. Making some "hm" and "oh" sounds every minute or so, is not exactly quality time. I find that your contribution to the game lacks wit and charisma.
To my mind a stream is only interesting, if your character and what you say, is more interesting than just playing the game.

7 years ago

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I agree. You're too quiet and need to talk.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the feed back!! That is what I need! most people don't even say anything and I needed to know why people won't watch so Ill try to talk more. Thanks again! Also you have any tips on what I should do about that?

7 years ago*

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One more thing, just describing what your are doing is not nearly enough.
Streaming is much more than just recording yourself while playing some random game. Try to formulate a cohesive idea, who are the people, you want to reach?, what do they like?, what do they dislike?, how can you entertain them? what can you do, to make them watch your other streams? etc

7 years ago

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Thanks again man! I really need this kind of feed back, all of the other people who have followed me just say IM fine or not say anything at all. I just want to show people my style of gaming where I don't give up at all even if all AI are against me.

7 years ago

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