You are the GA creator. This is the text. How do you interpret it?
If someone approached me like that they would then be waiting a full 7 days before getting the game they won.
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Such rude behavior might be ( depend of the mood view on that) be a reason.
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Same. I'd send it in the last possible millisecond.
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I didn't think so, so I didn't request one. Actually now that i think of it, i had 2 giveaways open for the same game, same level requirement and this guy won both so I guess I did re-roll on one of them.
I didn't even make him wait 7 days XD
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Giveaway creators are allowed one week to send the gift after the giveaway has ended. Depending on the type of gift and the giveaway creator, you might receive the gift to the e-mail address you have listed on the account page, a key might be added beside the gift you won, or the giveaway creator might have sent you a friend request on Steam to make the exchange. Please remain patient, and do not contact the giveaway creator during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you can mark the gift as not received, and attempt to contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.
That's not a hard rule, but winners should never harass givers for their prize. They should wait for you to contact them rather than contact you prior before the 7 days are up, and absolutely should not rudely demand that you give them the game. Open a new ticket requesting a new winner, reason "Suspended or Inappropriate Behaviour". You won't necessarily get a reroll, but you have good reason to request one, and have a decent chance of getting one. Regardless, don't give him anything until the week is up.
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If you find THAT rude, then wait till you get one of my giveaway winners. xD
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Some examples (I don't remember the exact words that they used obviously, but they were like the ones below):
1) - Hey, congratulations. You have won my steamgifts giveaway.
2) - Hello. You have won my steamgifts giveaway.
3) Me sending friend invite to the winner -----> blocked as usual
Me sending an e-mail to the winner (= please unblock me and accept my friend invite in order for me to give you the gift, except if you don't want the gift)
4) - Congratulations, you have won my steamgifts giveaway.
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Heh, but I want to be sure that they got the game and activated it. :P
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Heh, don't worry, I can't spend too much on giveaways anyway and I love level 0 users, so I don't mind some rude people. :P I prefer rude winners, rather than rude traders. >:(
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If you love to win shitty games, then be my guest. :B
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You love level 0 users...
You're some kind of magnanimous masochist, TheLuckyShamrock.
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Yeah, see, there's gotta be a cream or an ointment or a pill or something that you can take to prevent those nasty nastards from growing on you. Level 0 Fungus is a serious health hazard.
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We were all level 0 at some point. Also, everyone should have the right to participate in a giveaway, so I never put any restrictions.
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I get that. It's more of when you see someone who is level 0, has 30 wins, is from a first-world country, and owns 1000 Steam games. This is not the kind of person I want to win any of my shitty, shitty giveaways, because my shitty, shitty giveaways are still worthy of better human beings than black holes of ingratitude.
But I'm glad there are TheLuckyShamrocks out there whom have no such qualms with level 0s. I just got a bit annoyed with what the profiles of my level 0 winners looked like.
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True, but still, if someone, who would even want to give away games, would join the site at some point and see zero level 0 giveaways and only high-leveled giveaways, do you think he would actually stay in the site? The site would look like a pay to win site. :P
Also, we don't actually know them. It's not easy to acquire e-currency. I acquired my steam wallet only thanks to trading. And maybe they are actually doing good things in their real life. I've recently seen an ad. Check it out and you'll see what I mean.
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True, although they have made this video in order for you to understand that, no matter how asshole you are, you can still make a positive difference to some people's lives.
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Ahh man don't say that. I love to talk to you guys :-)
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Number four is not that bad. He was just suspicious which is understandable if he ran into such a scam at one point. And he did react immediately and check. Don't know how the chat progressed after that.
As for number two. Why did you tell him? You could have let him run into the knife. Wait until his time for activation is over and just tell support. Granted it takes some while until they react but it didn't like as you had a special connection to the game you gave off in that case. And sacrificing a key to annoy rule breakers may be worth sometimes.
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But he could just simply check steamgifts before accusing me. xD And my profile doesn't look like a bot's or a scammer's profile. >:(
As for number 2, he got permanently banned, because he didn't activate other games. xD
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Hahaha thanks for a funny read, I would be most upset with the first one you described. Even though I almost only giveaway bundle games a small "thanks" is always in place.
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I've become a laughing stock now. ;_; Well, not everyone thanks me, so I love to ironically say "Don't thank me that much, I'm blushing". :P
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Oh no don't get me wrong I wasn't laughing at you but with you :))
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even if you want to have your winners in your friendlist, some want to keep thei friendlist very small - including me^^
its nothing against you, but i dont need everybody in my friendlist, just cause they gave me a game or got a game from me...
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I don't give a damn about getting virtual friends. xD I just want to be their steam friend till they activate my game, so that they won't have an excuse for not activating my game. After that, they can delete me instantly, I don't care. xD
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Yeah, like I wanted to BFF with them or something. xD I just wanted to ensure that they would activate the game, that's all. After that, he could just block me, for all I care. xD
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He's still stupid. He could have just checked out steamgifts before accusing me.
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Well, nobody knows. xD And my profile doesn't even look like a bot's or a scammer's profile. >:(
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I was going to put you on my whitelist, guess what? You were already there :D I just thought wow some people... I have had nice enough people that i've messaged on here though, its not all bad :p
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Oh, thanks a lot. ^_^ Yeah, of course, not everyone is a bad person, I already know that. :P
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Haha no problem its not that I use my whitelist at all, just that you have a moral victory (in my books) over some people :') Yeah it's just people don't make it easy and sometimes I forget cause of all the baddies :p
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Yep, that's what he said. And I also hate that he couldn't write the whole word (ok), but only 1 letter (k).
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Some examples (I don't remember the exact words that they used obviously, but they were like the ones below):
1) - Hey, congratulations. You have won my steamgifts giveaway.
2) - Hello. You have won my steamgifts giveaway.
3) Me sending friend invite to the winner -----> blocked as usual
Me sending an e-mail to the winner (= please unblock me and accept my friend invite in order for me to give you the gift, except if you don't want the gift)
4) - Congratulations, you have won my steamgifts giveaway.
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The original short was soo much better than the full length movie.
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Worse? Now you got me intrigued... what's the worse you've seen, if you don't mind me asking?
Also, what's the most common, rude traders or rude winners?
And why that stance against rude traders? I mean, rude is rude... whether you get that kind of attitude from a trader, winner, clerk, teacher, boss, whatever... to me they are all on the same level so I would like to understand your point of view. Why do you think rude traders are the worse? :)
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I was talking about worse things in general. Like, in the outside world, for example. And I'm pretty sure you have seen worse things too.
Most common for me are rude traders, because I'm a trader and I have done more trades than giveaways.
Because a lot of traders act like superiors when they have more +rep, because the trading world is infested with scammers, because an extremely big amount of traders will try to fool you in order to pay less than the original price (like the 80% of traders), because nobody ever reads the trade's description, because people love to send you irrelevant and stupid offers, because they end up calling you a rude person while they are rude themselves, because they mock you if they don't like your prices, because they're trying to make you believe that you will not sell it to anyone else and you should accept their ultra low offer, because a lot of traders are actually beggars, etc.
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Oh you were talking about worse things in general... I thought you were referring to SG specifically. ;)
Besides a condescending/rude attitude, I think what I dislike the most is when a trader offers only freebies. I kinda expect to see that from someone who is new to the trading world but when it comes from seasoned traders, it really, really annoys me.
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Looking at your giveaway history he was prolly afraid you wouldn't deliver :p
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Much like Artki said, I would leavy a snarky note in the chat for him, deliver the game and blacklist him here/ unfriend him on Steam.
Or, if he was new to SG, I would probably explain how things work instead of the snarky note.
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Seems like a rather impatient fellow. Other than that there is not much to interpret. Maybe you can assume that he expected a Steam Gift because otherwise the question concerning the Authenticator does not make much sense. Also he seems to think that he is funny. And I think that is everything I can extract with my non-existing profiling skills out of those few lines.
If your (hidden) question is how one can/could handle the situation then there are different possibilities. You could wait for the 7 days to deliver like others mentioned. You could also just not deliver at all if you feel like it although too often and support will take consequences (I think it was you who made a forum thread once about intentionally not delivering). Other than that you could also try provoking like: You know that I don't have to deliver? Depeding on his temper (one could assume again that he has a rather short fuse) you could even try to get him into rude behaviour which is an accepted reason for re-roll? You could also become his next best friend. There are just so many possibilities -_-
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"Gimme teh game lol" is never an appropriate way to communicate. I wonder if this is a new user who is anxious, a leech who doesn't give and is obnoxious because they've never been on the giving end, or just someone who doesn't into social skills.
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I would go to the 50 shades generator and paste it line by line into the chat ;)
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We ought to teach children how to be polite, not find excuses for rude behaviour. A child's proper social development is based on three pillars: family, school and society. If even only one of them fails to convey a clear message about what is acceptable in a society and what is not, then all other efforts crumble.
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he sounds very young (almost like a kid), pushy, rude and not even the slightest bit grateful: blacklist would certainly be an option
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If only there was a rule where you don't have to deliver a game if the recipient is rude/pushy... unfortunately, people would end up finding a way to abuse that rule (if something can be abused, it WILL be abused). I'd wait and give the game at the last minute, and then proceed to blacklist them.
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"That asshat didn't say a thanks message ever since the giveaway ended, no way I am delivering this game to him, reroll now!"
"That user hasn't even been online since they entered the giveaway and don't even know they won."
"Idon'tcarejustrerollnowbecauseIsaidso!!!1!!one!! >_<"
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Background: I notified a winner of one of my GAs that I'm about to send him a friend invite on Steam to deliver a key. I then sent the invite, and the following day he approached me over chat with the following:
3:46 PM - [Winner]: Hi
3:46 PM - [Winner]: Gimme teh game lol
3:47 PM - [Winner]: If I don't have Mobile Authenticator, will I still get the game instantly?
3:51 PM - [Winner]: hey
3:52 PM - [Winner]: I won [game name]
3:53 PM - [Winner]: you gotta deliver it
3:53 PM - [Winner]: ha
This text ^ is what the poll is about.
Further clarification from the winner after I sent him a link to this thread:
12:02 AM - [Winner]: Lol man, people seem overly upset
12:02 AM - [Winner]: it';s sad that they don't know the context
12:03 AM - [Winner]: you should mention that you were online and I sent those messages to wake you up
12:03 AM - [Winner]: And it's a shame you can't convey emotions through the chat
12:04 AM - [Winner]: I meant to sound like a "bro" when saying "gimme teh game lol"
12:04 AM - [Winner]: people interpreted it as rude thoughg
12:06 AM - [Winner]: but if i see you online in chat, it communicates: "I'm ready to chat", therefore ready to give the key
12:07 AM - [Winner]: 7 minutes of waiting when you think the person is ready is long; imagine waiting 7 minutes in some game lobby
12:09 AM - [Winner]: The paradox is, I'm reportedly so rude but it's me who doesn't make mountains out of molehills
Note that I didn't see this clarification so it should not factor into your vote (which is about the text above the line). If it changes your view in any way, please add a comment.
The Aftermath
I just had a long chat with the winner. He explained his point of view further and I'm now pretty sure that this unpleasant situation resulted from a combination of (1) me not making it clear that I will contact the winner rather than the other way around, (2) the winner expecting that people who are seen on Steam as Online are actually available for chat, (3) the winner not knowing what to say when he initiated the chat and awkwardly choosing the wrong words, feeling they they are lighthearted and not understanding how they can be perceived, and (4) the winner, as a new user, not knowing what's accepted and what isn't in terms of rushing GA creators.
Bottom line: Key delivered, activated and marked as received. All's well that ends well :-)
One more
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