There are pros and cons to every feature on an online store ofc. And wishlists and carts do slow down the impulse purchase instinct.
But they also can help with discounts, user profiles and yes also buying things lol
I guess it's always about finding the balance.
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For those interested, and who don't care about DLCs, Far Cry 4 + Far Cry 5 - coupon = five bucks.
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Far cry 5 + New Dawn had the same price on the last sale of Epic (atleast in my region).
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I haven't bought anything in Uplay for a very long while and I just learned now they removed Paypal for my region. Huh.
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Started about a week ago, they increased the number of countries that can subscribe to Ubisoft+ through Stadia and this offer to promote that.
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Ubisoft is probably the only store, where I can't set the store language to English? It's redirecting me to the German site and I can't find any language settings. I refuse to even consider buying something with those silly product descriptions in German and (what's worse) with them constantly addressing me informally with "du".
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Top right corner above the cart and Wishlist heart there is the option to change language
Or you could try to change it in the url to en_US
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There's nothing there for me ... and I've tried every combo with the URL, e.g. adding what you said, or replacing "" with "" or "" ... I always get redirected to the German store site. I don't suppose it's possible to buy with VPN? It's effectively the only method to browse the English site and it would be cheaper as well (e.g. Odyssey for $5 instead of €5).
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Are you actually in Germany ?
Try: (International Store) (US store)
I'm in Egypt so the international store is what I get, and its prices are in €
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Thanks, both links work just fine (And yes, I'm actually in Germany).
It's funny though, the US store tells me the FORWARD code is invalid, while it works just fine with the International store. It also works with VPN on the the US store, but I suppose the purchase wouldn't go through in that case? (I haven't tried). Guess I'll have to think hard if the game's worth €5 to me (which is probably over $7 with Paypal's horrendous conversion fees...) Thanks again for your help.
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I only use VPN to claim free games that are for specific regions/countries
The very little money I can afford spending on games I would never risk using VPN to do the purchase, if they ever decide to screw me over I would only got myself to blame then.
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Far Cry New Dawn
Ultimate Bundle
Wonder how long it will take before its added to library. Has been like 20 minutes and still nothing. Restarted uplay several times.
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Thank you, i was waiting for a deal for Anno 1800 year 3 pass and 10€ for that is a great deal (it was added instantly to library, theorically it's very fast but maybe it depends on payment method).
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iam also waiting on items to appear in the ubi connect launcher. Bought on the website via paypal. Have not recieved the confirmation mail from ubi, but from paypal i got the mail that the money is spent. On the customer support page is a notification.
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Got the entire Splinter Cell Collection for less than 10 bucks. Ubisoft Games Catalog completed! :)
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Just tried adding the code to the division 2, and it said it wasn't compatible with that game, though it's part of the forward sale.
Tried the same with AC: Odyssey and it told me the same thing:
So what's that about?
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A tip for all who want to buy more than one game and the single price is just nearly 15 € / $15: You can use the coupon multiple times, so you can add a cheap game to reach the limit. So it still is cheaper than buying the games with just one coupon.
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Why wouldn't you?
Ubisoft games rarely go on deep sales on Steam. And you still need a Ubisoft account and Uplay installed to activate and play them.
They are the only games I bought on Epic as well because once activated you can play directly from Uplay. (Similar to Origin)
I just add my shortcuts to Steam and its exactly the same.
Also if you have a Steam base game like AC Odyssey, you can buy the Season pass with this Coupon and complete your game (Steam wouldn't show this), because the games / dlc are all activated on Uplay
The only exceptions to this are the very early Ubisoft games like Prince of Persia, FarCry 1 / 2 etc
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Just a heads up
If you own a game like AC Odyssey on Steam and buy the season pass from Uplay .. neither Uplay nor Steam will download the dlc files
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The Division and R6 Siege (and I think also both The Crew games) are a different case, those games their expansions/dlcs files are already part of main game files so they don't require separate download
But games like Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Watch_Dogs, Ghost Recon .. most of their expansions/DLCs require separate files to be downloaded which are not included in the main game files.
This can be checked through Steam DB, if a game has in its Depot separate file size for its dlcs then those are separate download files
And since Steam version of Ubi games, Steam handles the downloads and buying the dlcs/season pass from Ubisoft store in that case Steam doesn't register you owning those dlcs and so it doesn't download their files
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You still didn't understand me . for the games I mentioned (Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Watch_Dogs, Ghost Recon ..) base game owned on Steam and then Season Pass or expansions/DLCs bought from Uplay > neither Uplay nor Steam will download those DLCs files
This has been tested extensively, Steam has it that way (not allowing Uplay to perform any downloads) so Steam can make sure to get its cut from selling extra contents
This was one of the main reasons EA left steam a decade ago, Steam didn't allow EA to sell extra contents without Steam getting a cut
But Steam has cut EA some slack now, so now if you purchase EA Origin game from steam and then buy its dlcs/expansions from Origin you can download those dlcs from Origin to your Steam version
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I think you will also find whether you can access the DLC varies depending on whether you try to launch the game from Steam or from uplay. My uplay library shows me as owning 3 copes of Far Cry 3 (originally bought it on uplay, also claimed a free copy on uplay via a link on reddit freegamestuff that used a different region of uplay, then bought it on Steam because i decided i'm sick of separate libraries and want everything to be in one place so I'm only buying games on Steam now). uplay tracks the 3 copies as separate games in my uplay library. When i launch from Steam, uplay prompts me to ask which copy of Far Cry 3 i want to play. If I pick the deluxe version that wasn't bought on Steam then it launches but Steam doesn't show any hours played in activities or profile (i assume it also won't trigger Steam achievements) but the DLC is available in game. If I pick the copy I bought on Steam, i only have access to what I bought on Steam (so if i didn't buy the DLC on Steam then the DLC isn't available, but my game hours are recorded in Steam correctly on my profile etc).
It's a mess - hence I'm only buying on Steam going forward. I have a backlog of about 30 years of games to work through on Steam, so if uplay doesn't want to put The Division 2 or Anno 1800 or AC Valhalla on Steam that's their problem.
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As AbdAllahMohamedRefat said, this is wrong. Uplay and Steam's base games and dlcs are not compatible. I know from experience.
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What does it matter? From your comments, doesn't look like you're gonna stop spreading misinformation anytime soon.
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I recommend Anno 1800 Season Pass 2 and Season Pass 3 (buy separately, so you can use the code twice). I was waiting for them and it is historical low, which is even better deal than HB + monthly discount. The lowest on grey market is about 14 euro each + fees, so 10 euro each is a great deal.
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I'm a bit confused about the AC Syndicate versions; what's the difference between gold edition vs season pass?
Or should I just get Jack the Ripper + standard and leave it at that?
(mainly looking for DLC that adds missions with good plot, not interested in fluff and items)
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All of the DLC's buggy mess except Dradful Crimes DLC.
Dreadful Crimes DLC are not available in season pass or gold edition so you need to buy that dlc separately. Or you can buy Gold Edition + Dreadful Crimes DLC its your choice. Jack the Ripper story is interesting but the DLC is unplayable because of BUGS you can read the reviews on the steam store page.
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Thanks for the heads-up, will look into Jack issue.
As for the fact that Dreadful Crimes isn't included in season pass OR gold edition is just scummy behaviour by Ubi, and is just one of the reasons I tend to avoid them (but they do have the AC and FC franchises...)
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Gold edition is worth it, only down side it doesn't include the dreadful crimes (which was a PlayStation exclusive for a time)
I see gold edition for €17.5, so after the coupon that is 7.5
if you buy standard edition alone that is 10, coupon won't apply.. dreadful rimes is 1.7
Season pass besides Jack the Ripper expansion has a couple of mission packs (Last Maharaja & Darwin and Dickens conspiracy) and a few side quests
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Ubisoft has started its Forward sale. While the discounts aren't that impressive (you can often get their games chaper at resellers), they added a coupon called "FORWARD", which saves you 10 € upon your cart reaching 15 €. According to user reports the code can be used more than once.
Since it's a code, you can't combine it with those 20% discount vouchers you can buy from Uplays' rewards shop, but it's worth it for a combination of some of their older games.
Forward sale
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