Which OS do you use mainly?
Yes. I'm testing Linux right now too. On a second Computer. That's why I asked
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I made the mistake of "upgrading" to windows 8.1 free with dreamspark. Then windows 10 got leaked 3 days later >:(
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W10 is free for W7 and W8 owners. It was, for a time. M$ pushed the upgrade to 10 to the point where I started treating it as malware.... every time I'd start my PC there would be this pop-up "your free copy of W10 is ready, install now!". Annoying as hell.
Had to figure out how to uninstall GWX without uninstalling the Windows Update it came from (otherwise it'd just come back)
Anyway, if you don't mind getting spied on, W10 is a perfectly reasonable OS.
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Dreamspark version doesn't qualify for the upgrade.
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it does, my windows 8 is from dreamspark and I was able to upgrade to 10
but I have to say that it didn't appear instantly and I had to follow some tutorials and download some updates to make it appear
but after that everything went flawless
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I was just consutling someone at best buy, and I'll try a couple tricks. So far I haven't been able to get it though.
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I would help you but I don't remember what I did to make it work
what I do remember is having to uninstall windows 8.1 and install 8 and upgrade everything from there because I wasn't unable to get some upgrades that were needed to get win 10
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Yes. Maybe I'll make this poll again in 1 year. I bet there'll be much more linux users then.
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I think 'other' are for those of us who use more than just 1 or 2 of the OS in question.
I have Windows 10 on my desktop, Turbo Linux on my laptop, an Android 4.4.2 on my phone, and my iPad is Mac iOS.
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No Win 7 was great, but 10 is better performance-wise. I meant I don't like OS' other than Windows, Linux, Mac, SteamOS whatever you call it. I just don't see the point of using a Linux.
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Yes, but allready 7 voted for linux. Mac has 0 votes. If there would be a possibily to buy stock at Linux I would invest in Ubuntu :D
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There's more to it than popularity. There are many various (hundreds) Linux distributions, and while they all come from three or four different builds, they're very varied. Things that work on Ubuntu may not work on TinyMe, things that work on Red Hat won't work on Mint, etc etc etc.
It's a gigantic pain in the ass, and making complex software to match as many as possible is very hard, as performance will vary. With most software you can handwave it away, assuming you even notice, but with games and other very taxing software, it may get to the point of being unusable.
All Windows OS after Vista (included) are more or less the same under the hood, and it's hard enough to account for all the hardware variety, but Linux... jesus...
Fortunetly, almost every casual user, (casual as in "not a scientific group/corporation/business, just a single person at home/work") uses a Debian-based distribution, so that makes things a lot easier.
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^this. Also just the huge amount of distributions fears customers. I literally don't know anyone aside my computer science collgeagues who uses linux. Also too much fiddling with drivers and packages. Most distributions are for technical users. Before someone replies with "distribution xyz which is as easy as ios": There they might exist but no one wants to search them. Also a lot of people feel better putting their trust in company's hands to keep security issues fixed and updates flowing in. I don't see linux' popularity anyway near windows' in the next years.
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I haven't had an issue with it except for getting a couple drivers to run, but non-essential stuff. Haven't run it more than a month now though.
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Fedora Linux, Windooze 7 for games (and I don't plan to upgrade until support runs out in 2020).
I'd like to keep fun and work/productivity strictly seperated. Meaning, I'd never install steam's nosy
client on linux, regardless how many games there are for linux.
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Win 10 meets als my needs. Windows 8.1 was even better with the metro menu. I think it is bug free enough to have. I recommend O&O ShutUp10.
I used Linux in the past, but it sucks especially with exotic devices like wifi cards. I need a system that works and is common, and this is Windows.
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Well, this happens sometimes ^^ I have no problem so far with about 10 devices ... tablet, desktop, laptop ...
I think I'd try Linux as a secondary installation again. Some years ago it was really upsetting as I first had to find a way to do installation from DVD and load packages with LAN. Later I had to try to get the wifi stuff running ... and hours passed by ...
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Windows of course, because I'm used to it and because of gaming. I don't have any problem with Linux, it's comfortable to use, I like it and the concept behind it, but way too many games don't support it. Maybe some newer and upcoming games support it, but older ones don't, and they are not likely to support it in the future.
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I have zero driver issues on any of my Windows machines. Everything works, and works well.
With that said, I'll be happy to give Linux another try if I could use the software I need* and get it to work without issues. My experience with WINE in the past has been less than stellar. Anything better these days?
* The software in question: DxO Optics Pro 10, Corel PSP x7, FastStone Viewer, Windows-only games (mostly on Steam).
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GIMP is still a joke compared to PhotoShop though. The utterly different UI is one thing… that can be get used to. But the terrible plug-in support, weak hardware acceleration, lacking significant parts of the features (such as the smart brush, which is essential now to work on almost anything) still make GIMP a very large MS Paint compared to commercial competition.
There are many SW categories where there are sufficient freeware alternatives, but media creation/editing is not one of them.
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Smart brush is something that… well, imagine that you have a picture of some gothic building. But there is a very obvious telephone wire on it. Smart brush can retouch the picture in a way that you draw a line and it removes the wire by substituting the pixels calculated from the surrounding area. In many cases it is one-click removal, and this is just one of the common usages of it.
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I just installed Windows 10 the other day (as an upgrade to Windows 8.1). No driver updates needed. All worked out of the box. Granted, it's an up to date PC, so it's no surprise the OS includes built-in drivers for all components.
I'm using SSD for the OS and software, so defrag isn't needed.
The GIMP is a powerful app but one that has a terrible user interface compared to PSP X7. Moreover, spending the efforts to be fluent in it (as I am with PSP) wouldn't be worth it, even if the interface was better. I'd rather use my time for other, more enjoyable, things.
There's no open source alternative that's as capable as DxO Optics Pro. In fact, for some things (e.g. noise reduction) there's no commercial alternative that's even close - on any OS. I did like the open source RawTherapee (which is also available for Linux), but in the last couple of years its user interface has steadily gone downhill, with dozens of useless / experimental features cluttering everything.
I'm not familiar with Viewnior, but from the screenshots it's not even remotely comparable to FastStone - not in features nor in the brilliant and innovative user interface that the latter offers.
Are you actually expecting regular users (e.g. my mom) to use the command line to burn CDs when there are so many GUI-based solutions for Linux that are as intuitive to use as their Windows counterparts. Why?
Most games on Steam (not only AAA games) are available only for Windows. Or are you suggesting to that I play what's available instead of what I want?
In short, it seems I wasn't missing any ground breaking changes in Linux which would allow me to use the games and apps I care about.
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Yes, for choosing the brand with the open source implementations which would make one assume that the Linux community could make something out of. But they can't. And as for NVidia, their driver is always almost a year oreven more behind the Win/OS X versions. When Valve itself can't make their own games run even at half of the frame rate as on Windows– even though they are pouring assloads of money into Linux gaming to push their upcoming "console"–, you know that the driver support is anything but good.
Linux is a good OS. Good for servers, good for coding, decent for browsing, decent for office work, but it is not good, at all, for one thing, and that is video games.
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Really? Because even a year ago, the difference was ranging from +10% to almost +100% on the DirectX version of CS:GO compared to the OpenGL Linux version on NVidia:
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