bows with a flourish of the hand Thank you, thank you ^_^
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Let's hope support flushes the toiled and the guy disappears off SG. Congrats on spotting him.
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Yeah, with the total number of games NOT redeemed and the evidence that they is trading their newest wins, here's hoping they actually get banned for that many offenses. I know once or twice, the person gets suspended and warned, but this person has won 13 times (not counting mine) and of those, only a couple were redeemed, and none the rest in their game list when I checked. If they were a couple months new, and it was only a game or two, I could see and the suspension would serve as a warning, but they've been here at least two years now, and I've seen them in the forum from time to time, so there is no excuse for not knowing the rules at this point.
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Terraria was one of the first things I ever won in an online giveaway! <3
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Definitely a fun little game. I have it on my Kindle and play it more on there than I do on my computer. The touchscreen makes it easier.
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Good work...what i do when i gift a dlc for example is check if person already owns it...not that hard when you use Steam store and person is on your friend list.
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yeah, saw that that post here on the forum. Hopefully its's some good stuff.
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Good work I've seen a lot of profiles today abusing the system.
I understand that DLC owned cannot be checked by SteamGifts but atleast they can check the giveaways a user has won to prevent him from winning.
I saw a profile that had won the same DLC three times and another DLC two times. He had then created giveaways for those extra DLCs.
Creating giveaways for a game you've won should not be allowed until proof is provided. Will also save the mods some trouble.
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Yeah, I've noticed that about DLC, because sometimes things I have will still show up on the giveaways page. (Yay for EasySG add-on though! Blacklist and done)
This person never create giveaways of the stuff they won, so I am assuming most or all were traded if their widget is anything to go by. But totally agree, wish there was some way to prevent someone from trying to create a giveaway for something they just won.
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XD Perfect reaction gif of how I pretty much felt when I discovered everything. Out of 13 games the person has one, at least 10 have been unredeemed, and several are currently in their "up for trade" list.
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If it takes too much like I think it's advised to bump the ticket.
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Figured a few people might think that with a heading like that.
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So, I had a giveaway last week, and guess what!!! I got my first reroll! Well, need for one, at least, still waiting on them to reroll for the new winner.
So, little story about it:
Unless I am having internet issues or out of the house, I generally check winners on my giveaways within an hour of it ending and notify them. Since this was for something that I had to send through steam instead of emailing a link or key, I checked the person, saw they'd recently been on SG within the hour, and followed the profile link on over to Steam. Person was online, so I clicked add friend and waited. And waited. Hours later and nothing, so I went back, wondering if maybe Steam was being glitchy, deleted the request and resent it. And waited. And waited. The person being online all this time. I checked and they were finally offline, so I began to wonder if I had blocked them at some point even, and went to check my blocklist. Nope, not there. Maybe they had blocked me at some point? IDK. Their name and avatar were familiar, so I know I had come across them at some point here in the forums. Something vaguely poking at the back of my mind, about something done or said that rubbed me the wrong way, but not enough so to warrant blocking them. Anywho, I started wandering their profile here and on Steam, trying to get a clue as to what or why. Didn't get any, BUT did find something VERY interesting. Seems that despite being here a couple years, the person hasn't read the rules OR just doesn't care and shuns them. There are SEVERAL things this person won, but never redeemed, some from over a year ago. And then I started to look at their NEWEST wins, and glanced at their profile....and they have them listed in a widget as available for trade. They also happen to have won a DLC twice over a year ago. ALL things that break the rules and warrant suspension or worse on here. So I removed the friend request, and took screen caps of everything. Filed a reroll request the next day. I made sure to read the reroll rules very thoroughly several times through to make sure I was in the right. And from my understanding, I am, because the person has broken the rules, and should be suspended.
So, on to the good stuff. In celebration of my first REAL report and reroll request, I am doing a giveaway. Nothing fancy. But it is one those games that lots of people still want, even though it was in a HB not to long ago. So for those that want it and do not have it yet, I give you the chance to win Terraria. Ends in 3 hrs and CV is $30.01.
On a side note, I plan to have a big series of giveaways for Halloween in a couple wks. I have over 21 games and DLC that are somehow Halloween like in some manner or another. Some are from bundles, some are not. It is a mix of things. I may have more things by the time it gets closer to Halloween, esp if some sites start to have "seasonal" deals for Halloween.
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