What was you favourite Steam sale?
Yes, the badge is called "Arenque Rojo" in Spanish
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So ridiculous that we never got anything that cool again 😭
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Yes, it was the first time that I came into contact with SAM. Back then Steam still notified you live, about every achievement your friends gained. And I had one "friend" who would start one game after another, unlocking every single achievement. It was a nonstop achievement spam. Her first explanation was that Steam was broken. ^^
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The clicker game was actually irritating for me. Trolls (or individuals who had been trolled into using a troll script) would come to a group and ruin things for people who wanted to go as far as possible.
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Hm, the coals one was nice. I think I scored like 3 free games. The 2011 summer sale was also quite good. Scored some free DLC and stuff there as well.
But I was kinda new to the whole steam sales thingy back then. I don't know how much fun I would find it these days. And the discounts were kinda pants back then, were they not? I mean 66% of seemed like it was actually a good discounts.
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I remember buying a bunch of games by 85-90% off, thanks to the flash/daily deals. When I game was part of the daily achievement hunt it was usually highly discounted. I hate roguelikes, but I remember that I got Dungeons of Dredmor just because it was in the daily rotation and for 90% off.
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Year of the monkey. Last year on april or may (can't recall). Counter Strike Complete was on 75%.
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It was this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_Sack
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It was an ARG for the release of Portal 2. It wasn't a store wide sale, but more of a bundle thing, where you could play the bundle games: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_Sack
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Personally I voted for Summer Sale 2014 (Team based competition), because it was the least troublesome and was actually a nice addition to the sale and not event itself. There were also pretty good discounts that didn't happen in last two.
Many people will vote for clicker minigame, as it was really unique idea and really well done, but I still consider it userscript chore to get maximum possible score. Valve could stop on some low score, but then people would drop playing it pretty soon, so they kept bumping the badge until it reaches impossible to gain number for 99% of people, if not more. Despite of actually reaching the "top badge", I'm not satisfied with it. It wasn't possible to achieve without cooperation of 1k scripters.
Awards sale was meh, idea was good, but I wasn't that satisfied with the outcome.
i hated gems + auctions one, still looks like a huge jump on cash to me. The idea was decent, but you couldn't really win anything for cheap, so usual sale was still better.
Everything else I still remember more or less, but I wasn't that active back then so I didn't participate enough in those activities.
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Winter 2013 was my first Steam sale so I didn't get to experience the coal thing.
I don't know what my favorite would be but my least favorite is whichever one they dropped daily deals and discounts that great forever.
Edit: Just looked at that web archive of the coal sale. Holy shit, there was seriously a grand prize of every game on Steam?
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Yes. Most people got at least 1-2 free games just by playing the games they already had or the ones they bought during the sale... It was an amazing sale/event.
Unfortunately some people started using SAM to unlock achievements (the prizes were tied to a achievement in each game) and get free stuff faster and ruined it forever for the rest of us :/
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My first one was Winter 2014 but I was still using steam very "casually" so I barely even realised there were flash sales, events etc. The first sale I fully "participated" in was the Clicker one so that's gonna be my pick, the last time we had a "side-event", even if it was horrible, and last sale we has Flash Sales :(
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The Great Gift Pile was the event where games that had 'Gift' achievements and you had to play them to find the gifts in the game. The Binding of Isaac apparently had the worst RNG to ever find a gift, though. You had to own the games, though, which was the worst part to participate. It was still fun.. if you were okay with playing games (or just using the achievement unlocker tool)
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Winter 2011 was definitely the best one for the coals, especially since i managed to get a free copy of Mafia that sale :D
Then next might be Summer 2015, with the monster clicker game.
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I was reading this thread and I started remembering how good some Steam Sales were. After a trip down memory lane, I tried to find a bit about my favorite sale and then I found this:
The Great Gift Pile. Does anyone else remember this sale? So many hidden gems discovered and so many games bought just because those pieces of coal you'd get for playing your games. The sale itself was also amazing - so many good flash and daily deals! It's a pitty that some people ruined it for the rest of us by using SAM to exploit the system and get a bunch of free games. No other sale had the sense of camaraderie that I experienced in this one. People were helping each other to get achievements. Dead multiplayer-only games were revived for a week. People were having so much FUN being nice to each other. It was amazing!
It was definitely my favorite sale in a time when they meant more then just -%.
Anyway, here's the obligatory gib
ps: Let me know if I messed up the sales. My memory is not that good and google searches can be deceiving.
edit: Here are the achievements that you had to unlock to get a piece of coal. most of them had a holiday theme. I think some were even introduced in those games because of the event.
edit 2: I'm starting to remember more funny stuff. There was this task to write a review with a simple Portal example:
task However, most of my friends were too lazy, so they just copied the portal example and pasted in an unrelated game they owned. Good times xD
edit 3: I just learned that the reason you cannot get steam keys on HB for 0,01 anymore is related to this sale in 2011:
"Humble Indie Bundle 4 was going on at the same time, and the name-your-own-price bundle included Steam keys for some of the games whose achievements were needed to win prizes. People were screwing over the Humble Bundle by only paying $0.01 and then activating the HB games onto, literally, hundreds of dummy accounts. Humble Bundle was then forced to raise the minimum price for Steam keys to $1.00."
Fucking cheaters! Abusing a charity drive so that they could exploit a generous giveaway. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ︵ ┻━┻
edit 4: Here's a video showing how it was back then
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