I'm here just to answer the questions:
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Aww, thank you! And thank you for surprising not whitelisting me, I guess I have to not whitelist you too which is not adding to a certain Steam group :P This way you won't have to have any patience waiting until my financial status will be more stable and I'll come back to giving again :P
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Hi, I'm interested in joining your whitelist. I have positive ratio and high enough level so I think I qualify ;)
As for the other things: my user name is a mix of my initials (AJ) and a word 'semprini' from this Monthy Python sketch.
My favorite games are deffinitely Mass Effect series and Dragon Age series, since I love compelling stories and RPG games.
My favorite animal is this one :)
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1: Bloom was taken , so i added 3D in the back of it ... and been using that for over a decade probably now .
2: I used to love RTS Games ( C&C Series) Starcraft (broodwar) ... got unreasonable amount of hours in Dota 2 ... but if i had to pick 1 game i would recommend to anyone , it would be Long Live the Queen .
That is probably the dark souls of anime bullshit games :p
3:I like cats ... Big and Small . Not really fan of dogs since i had couple accidents with stray ones .
4:Well not really making much gibs lately ... had issue with Humble few months ago where i lost couple $ worth of bundles that ware in gift link state that i was saving for gibs , and got the middle finger from support ... been kinda just poking on SG since then .
Gona be back soon since my bday is soon and i gona do some gibs then i guess ^^
idealy i just need blue hearts to balance out my blacklist count :D
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0) Here, me :)
1) It's my "my nick was already taken"-nick. It's usually always free. Its the name of the mc (full: Dr. Kenzō Tenma) of my favourite manga ("Monster")
2) If have to pick only one: Baldur's Gate 2, spend insane amount of time in my childhood on this game.
3) No pet atm, thinking about getting a hamster again. Favourite animal: This
4) check
Komm gut in die kurze Woche!
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1) Masafor The Wild was the name of my Ranger at Guildwars 1. A darker skincolor and Dreadlocks. Leaded nearly 10 years the biggest german point Alliance (without farming or other shi*... only from fights in the Alliance Fights -12 vs12-). 6 years our Alliance are seen at every time on the worldmap.
2) One game is a hard decision... i would say the Hearts of Iron Series because i love, deep, strategy games and weapon systems
3) https://i.imgur.com/tKE3r8B.jpg Klein, kuschelig, ein Stinker, oft schlafend und geruhsam.. und wenn es um Futter und Sex geht wird er zum Tier :-DDD
Ich hab dich mal in meine WL genommen... dann kannst auch hier bei allem joinen
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Tenma du wirst mir immer sympathischer (ich müßte eigentlich sagen symbadischer -da aus Baden-) da der Koala auch mein Lieblingstier ist.
Klein, kuschelig, ein Stinker, oft schlafend und geruhsam.. und wenn es um Futter und Sex geht wird er zum Tier :-DDD g
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1.I got my idea for username from COD:MW2 character ghost.
2.My favourite game is C&C generals series(too bad its not working properly in win 10.)Age of empires,xcom in recent days,skyrim and Fallout NV i simply love FNV
3.Dogs -loyal,ever loving creature that human beings don't deserve
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1) Tell me how you came up with your username. No need for 200 word essays.
I have watched a friends stream and somehow he gave me this Nickname.
2) Tell me your favorite game! Can be a mobile app, a ps4 game or from the NES era. Anything! And maybe a sentence or two why you like them :]
Depends on my mood, sometimes I play PES for a few days, but usually I like also Stealth Games(others too ofc). Therefore it's difficult for me to decide for one favorite Game.
3) Link me to your favorite animal, maybe even your pet if you want to share that / if you have one!
I don't have a favorite Animal but I like Dogs and Cats either way.
4) You need a positive Giveaway ratio, that means more games given away than won and also Level 3+.
For yet, it is positive. :)
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1) It's from a washed up hardcore band, the name sounds cool thats all
2) Life Is Strange, i wish i could rewind my memory so that i can play it again and again.
3) No pet, would love to have a shiba but i heard they are hard to train
4) check
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1) Igel is the german word for hedgehog and a nickname I got in RL way back. Reason for this is, I'm a bit on the short side,
very nearsighted and sport a short spikey haircut.
2) If I'm forced to just pick one.... Deus Ex. I've done 6 or 7 playthroughs, playing the game differently every time.
3) No pets at the moment. I don't have a favourite animal, but are cute IMHO.
4) ✅
Schönen Abend noch :-)
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So, it seems that you want to kill some time reading about others... well, let me amuse you.
1) This one is actually pretty simple and kinda stupid. I love the Medieval Period so when playing games that are set in that time I felt that my real name didn't match with the environment. So I thought: "How much different would my name (Nicolas or Nick) if I lived as a knight and had a title?" Well, after testing the sound and different ideas, I came up with the one you are seeing right now.
2) My favorite game? That's like an impossible question for most of us. For now, I will go with an specific one that I finished, again, recently after getting it for the PS4. Shadow of the Colossus was a love at first sight for me. Loving the time of swords, knights and dragons as well as everything related to myths and legends, I was instantly attracted by the aesthetic and graphics it had when it was first released. You would think that God of War should be the obvious choice after saying that I loved myths, but no. SotC had something that Gow didn't. The atmosphere was clearly darker and solemn, the enemies where so big and intimidating and the whole land was deserted but still had so much to explore, to see, to discover. So many questions, so many theories, mysteries to unravel and yet almost no dialogs and certainly very few answers. It was so mysterious, so fascinating and so well made that it became one of my favorite games.
3) Favorite animal? That's kinda difficult too. Since I was little I had a particular fascination with snakes. So I would go with that, but I also like dogs because of how friendly they are, so I will leave you to choose whoever you preffer. No pic since I can't right now.
4) Check. I would make more giveaways but it's not possible by time being. Problems in my country, hope it doesn't take long.
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The name comes from the rightful ruler of this pitiful planet. Ok, so it might also just be my name but you never know right.
Favourite game is really tricky, but the one I come back to the most is the original Bard's Tale from the 1980's. I played it on the CBM64 growing up and it really formed my idea of how dungeon crawling rpgs should play. The setting, character progression and combat just drew me in and still haven't let go all these years later.
Favourite animal would be cats. Any kind. Big cats, little cats, kittens, wild cats, just cats in general, they are awesome. I currently don't have a pet but if I do get another one in the future then it will be a cat.
Yeah I have a positive ratio.
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1.Had the name for almost 20 years!I was at a concert and Staind was playing 2nd stage, I had a sunburn and was moshing when my best friend told me "Man, you got so Staindred you should go to a hospital!" 😜
2.When my Mother was pregnant with me she would play Ms. Pac-man when she couldn't sleep so when I was 5 or 6 I started playing it.Still have it to this day!
3.No pets right now but I love dogs.
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i got my name because my friend from school wanted to give me a nickname and cece it was. so i started using it for only online and the 09 is well because i needed something to add and i removed a number because i was confused by setting my account to add friends.
my favourite game has been since i was younger final fantasy x/x2 i even finally 100% for the 1st time on steam and have it on display. however i do love all kind of games but those 2 games still makes me love it over and over.
my favourite animal has always been tigers and lions. i could never decide which one i preferred more so they are both stuck as no.1 and why i got a lot of mix match of lion and tiger items everywhere
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1-) My nick is similar to how you say my real name with accent form my hometown :)
2-) Hard to pick one really. Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate 2, TES-3 Morrowind comes to mind. Basically any good RPG with open world.
3-)Don't have a pet at the moment, but I am your generic cat and dog lover.
4-)Passed and passed.
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Well, I like answering questions, so...
1) A combination of my last name and the name of a band I liked when I was a teenager.
2) Planescape Torment - it had a great and unique setting, amazing (and unique) characters, and wonderful story arcs for the main character and your companions. Some things, such as Morte learning new taunts from a prostitute chewing you out, just seemed really cool, while other things, such as some of the reveals about characters' backstories, just blew my mind.
3) Um, this is a tough one... Let's go with my first ever pet
4) This... is not a question. ;p
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1) My name is Amanda, which rhymes with panda. And I wanted to add a word that started with A, so I randomly chose "aloof" :)
2) My favorite game is The Walking Dead from telltale. I loved season 1. I watched a playthrough of it originally (because my laptop at the time could not handle it) when I was 13. I cried at the end. It's so precious. <33
3) Here's my favorite animal c:
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My username isn't really spectacular. It comes from these charts with dragon names where your first names first letter equals the first part and the first letter from your last name the second, but I changed the outcome it a bit.
Favorite game? Bioshock! I'm really fascinated from the story itself (I even read the book) and the gameplay is awesome of course :) I like all of them, only the last one is my least favourite but I'm happy they tried for something new.
And my spirit animals are guinea pigs, they are easy to held, cute and like snuggling. :D
I hope I can join your 💙
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I chose nickname Muffin many years ago, but actually don't remember why now (maybe I was eating one? :0 ).
Favourite game of all time probably would be Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I still remember playing it with my father on SEGA.
Favourite animal is my cat Felix :3 Pictures added below.
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1) There's an old comedy skit from the sixties where a guy picks up the phone, hears the sound of tap-dancing, hangs up and says, "It's no good, they're tapping the line!" I've been tap-dancing since I was a kid.
2) Dark Cloud 2 for the PS2. RPG with an interesting story, unique and innovative crafting system, and base-building mechanics I didn't see again in an RPG until Fallout 4.
3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_whale
4) My giveaway ratio is absurd. I think you'll be very happy with it :).
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Hello there!
I really enjoy the whitelist giveaways from the people that whitelisted me, so I wanted to give back in the same fashion. Unfortunately, my whitelist is still too small for some exciting GA's, so I thought this might be an alright idea.
Of course, it will be a bit harder than just "here, me", but if you have 2 minutes you have pretty good chances of being added! (Sorry, that sounded like its something special, oof)
Anyway, here are your tasks!
1) Tell me how you came up with your username. No need for 200 word essays.
2) Tell me your favorite game! Can be a mobile app, a ps4 game or from the NES era. Anything! And maybe a sentence or two why you like them :]
3) Link me to your favorite animal, maybe even your pet if you want to share that / if you have one!
4) You need a positive Giveaway ratio, that means more games given away than won and also Level 3+.
Thanks for everyone thats taking part, I hope I didn't mess anything up. Regardless, here is my first whitelist GA and a game I really enjoyed: Hotline Miami 1
Edit: I didnt expect this to explode, thanks for the comments everyone! I'll read all of them and add you to the WL as soon as possible and if you feel left out give me a reminder. Cheers!
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