Just wondering about y'all's opinion on the game, I've heard some good things about it but I'm not really sure what it's all about. Can anyone fill me in on their experience? Thanks.

EDIT: thanks for the input guys, I went ahead and bought it; it was on sale for $5 so i figured what the heck. Peace and good luck to you all.

12 years ago*

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I'd say so, since i entred over 100 giveaways to get it and still nothing :<

12 years ago

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haha alright well it's on sale, i'll grab it and try it out then. I kind of want to anyways.

12 years ago

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Since it was in HIB you could try to get it cheaper on steamtrades. To the game: It's good and you'll like it if you liked the 1st one. Only missed the Coop campaign.

12 years ago

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problem is people act like the keys they have from hib is skryim or something

12 years ago

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I don't really have anything small to trade for it, I'd rather just buy it. Haven't played the first one but so far people are saying good things about it, it's $5 on steam so i'll buy it.

12 years ago

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Side scrolling beat em up.

What annoyed me: The first one you had set angle attacks, say hitting up and shoot would make you shoot up same for down etc. The second one has free aim with a cursor meaning you need a mouse to play (or controller I think). I got annoyed with the second one because if you are facing right and hit the melee button but the cursor is behind you, you launch the attack in that direction then return to the previous side.

Can't remember if the second has local coop but the originals was hella fun.

12 years ago

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I see. Does seem like it could get pretty annoying until you adapted to it.

12 years ago

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i thought it was enjoyable. i played with a controller. the bosses and game can get quite difficult at times .. some people find it tedious.. but i enjoyed it. i personally wouldn't pay more than 5 bucks for it but i have nothing bad to say about it. i had fun

12 years ago

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First one was better IMO, it was longer and it had coop campaign.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by NemoKhan.