Just got the new Trading Card beta. How rare, exactly, are these foil cards (and what is the point of them)? They're going for $40+ in the marketplace, which seems ludicrous for a card that is no more than a collection of pixels on a computer screen! Am I missing something?

I picked up an Alyx & Gordon foil card from HL2, which I have no use for. Will it do anything funky in the future, or should I just get rid?

11 years ago*

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I read somewhere that they're just rare. It doesn't really do anything special.

11 years ago

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Ok - thanks for the info :)

So you can't actually use them for anything? Only flaunt them, like some sort of virtual todger extension?

11 years ago

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Well, crafting foil cards will give you foil badge. But that's about it. The rarity is what makes them so pricey.

11 years ago

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It's like buds in TF2. They don't have other purpose other to show people that you are one of the few who have them... but some people are ready to pay money to be able to do that.

11 years ago

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You may as well just sell it. It is just a collection of pixels on a computer screen.

11 years ago

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Thanks. That sucker is on the virtual market. Goodbye Alyx :)

11 years ago

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So is the steam wallet you get for it.

11 years ago

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Up to you. They seem to just be rare versions of the cards and thus sell for higher amounts to collectors. Since the beta just came out yesterday, we don't know if crafting them produces different results. You have to be level 10 or higher to acquire them people say.

11 years ago

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Ah - ok. Just found the screen that tells you how many card drops are remaining. Interesting :)

11 years ago

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It's free money, if you can find a buyer. Asking $40 is not the same as getting $40, sadly... :) But if you check the history, a few have managed to sell for these sorts of silly prices. Why? No idea.

I hope it's credit card fraud, since at least that makes sense. Buying them with your own money, that's a tough one to explain... :)

11 years ago

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Why so? Collectors don't care about the money - to them, it's all about the sentimental value of the item.

11 years ago

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Was the one month necro necessary though?

11 years ago

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Wow, you are really lucky. Sell them, fast!

11 years ago

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Well, I listed them for a tenner, but as Fiftykyu says, asking for $10 and actually getting it are two different things!

Here's hoping :D

EDIT: Wow. Someone actually bought it :-O

11 years ago

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based on what other people saying you sold it too low, someone gonna make some money off buying at 10 bucks but at least you got some free money either way and valve is gonna double dip

11 years ago

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Well, maybe and maybe not, but I just sold a heap of next-to-useless pixels for ten dollars. That pleases me greatly!

Besides, looking at the item histories, very few people have actually BOUGHT these foil cars for forty dollars. Most of this just appears to be hopeful pricing in a market in which nobody really has a clue what anything is worth :)

11 years ago

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The demand mixed with a bit of sentimental value is what determines the worth of an item. "Hopeful" pricing is done by those who know that a specific item may end up having a high sentimental value to someone - even for an item that is nothing but virtual. Most of the people who buy these items at those high "hopeful" prices, are usually also those who are not buying this purely for the rarity, but for the sake of HAVING that item.
Remember the saying "One man's trash is another man's treasury."

11 years ago

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congratulations. that's free money :)

11 years ago

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Thanks. Can't believe anyone thought it was worth that...


11 years ago

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Nice idea, at that price I bet someone just relisted it hoping for an easy profit. So you're both happy. :)

Lowered the price on my foil demoman before I fell asleep, and woke up to:

Wallet Balance: $29.26

11 years ago

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Wow! Congrats :)

Money for nothing and chicks (who normally retail at $14.99) for free...

11 years ago

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you must have 3 invite in inventory for the beta, can you send me one <.<

11 years ago

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No begging, Mr Bear...

11 years ago

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lal ok, i don't want it <.<

11 years ago

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Well, if you change you mind (as you appear wont to do) invites are currently around 20 cents apiece in the marketplace...

11 years ago

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The whole TCG feature is just about making your profile a little prettier, and they really don't do anything special other than that.

The foil cards are just a little more prettier, and a lot more difficult to find. My personal opinion is to sell them right now for the higher price you can get, since no one is aware of how much they're worth yet! By the price you sell them right now, you'd probably be able to buy 10 or more when more people start getting them.

11 years ago

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Sell it for 40 dollars, thats how much they are worth in the market

11 years ago

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I sold it for ten, and I'm delighted :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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So is there a market included with this beta for buying/selling the cards?

11 years ago

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the cards (as well as the invites to the beta themselves) are a valid commodity on the existing Community Market

11 years ago

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sell, can't picture them going up from $40. feels like a bubble.

11 years ago

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I made 10$ out of selling Don't Starve and TF2 Cards. :D

11 years ago

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You didn't read the whole thing, did you? If you get full set of cards you can craft a badge of the game which increases your steam level and has a chance to give you coupons/DLCs profile background and chat smilies.

11 years ago

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But will the items you get be better if you have a foil card?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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While your post is not entirely without merit, it doesn't really shed any further light on the mystery of foil cards, and how they can be used for the betterment of society...


11 years ago

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You my friend are looking for a cake that isn't there, the foil cards has only but two purposes; improving Valve's income and make people even more obsessed with Steam than they were before. So basically yeah, the foil cards are completely useless from any non-business / non-fanbase logical view.

11 years ago

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I think I just misunderstood everything, I thought you meant just those trading cards, I have absolutely no clue what those foil cards are, never seen, never heard.

11 years ago

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Foil cards make your life better. You'll be happier because they're shiny.
Source - a magpie.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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...and a trip to look around the Valve factory, with Gabe, and his oompa-coders.
Just gotta find that shiny ticket.

11 years ago

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According to the FAQ:

What are Foil Trading Cards?
Once you reach Steam Level 10, there is a small chance whenever you get a Trading Card from playing a game that it will have a special foil border. You'll need to collect a set of foil cards in order to craft them into a foil badge. There is no extra benefit to having foil cards or foil badges aside from their rarity.

11 years ago

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Level 10 requirement was dropped.

E: Ahh one month old thread...

11 years ago

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Yeah, I'm just gonna close this one because of things like that.

11 years ago

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Made $10 off of these silly cards so far. :)

11 years ago

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I don't think they're that silly if you earn money from them :p

11 years ago

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13 drops at level 10, no foils...

11 years ago

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If you manage to collect a full set, you can craft it into a special foil badge. The foil badges only have one level.

11 years ago

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Man you're lucky, I didn't get any foil cards from Portal 2. Not to mention I got a dupe of 1 card, so I didn't even have half a set. Instead of getting 10 bucks or more straight off the bat, I had to work my way up by buying and selling for a pretty long time...oh well...when you don't have a job, you'll do anything for extra money.

11 years ago

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I got a foil Mannequin from Portal 2 after not touching it for like six months and then playing co-op two nights in a row with a friend, I got two cards on the first day and two Mannequins, one foil on the second day. The most it's gone for is $20.. I'm thinking about selling it but I haven't decided yet.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by AtomicWoodchuck.