GreenmanGaming gives you $.25 per review published that you write but you only get the credit if you meet the websites review standards which includes no plagiarism, no inappropriate language or cursing, and not just explaining the game but giving your review/opinion about it. Also, it will have to be a substantial length too. It's an easy way to get DLC's and cheap games free or a way to make games cheaper! Also, you won't get credit immediately it can take a little bit sometimes, just keep that in mind. Just wanted to share that. :)

8 years ago*

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Oh nice! Did not know that. Thanks for telling us :)

Can you review all games you've played so far, or only the ones you have bought on GMG?

8 years ago

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You can review any and all games on the site, whether you've played them or not tbh.

8 years ago

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Please don't advocate that.

8 years ago

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So if you review 100 games and every game takes 1-2 hour of review (given that the length and the writing quality should be good) you'll be getting 25$ for 100 hours work. Washing cars or flipping burgers are a much more profitable work at this rate senpai.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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By lengthy I don't mean an essay I mean a well written paragraph that's all really. I could probably write 50 reviews in about an hour so I think you're just overthinking it.

8 years ago

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So you can basically write a review per minute that people would actually find useful?

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I said about an hour give or take some only take a couple of minutes to write especially when you know the game well.

8 years ago

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Don't put so much effort into it. it's funny what some people think qualifies as a review. I would hope that GMG is smarter than to publish such nonsense.

8 years ago

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interesting, but could you please elaborate how to get it ?

do i have to make the review on their site or steam ?

8 years ago

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You make an account on their site, and click on a game you've played or know enough about, scroll to the bottom of the page and there will be a place that you can rate the game our of 100, then just below the rating you title and write the review and post it.

8 years ago

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awesome, gonna try it when i got free time later

8 years ago

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^^ this

Not worth it if it's about the money and not for the sake of writing itself.

8 years ago

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SO you wouldn't write 20 reviews to get a game on sale free which is typically $20? And I only write them for games that I've actually played so.

8 years ago

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Uhhh no. As pointed out by zidan4000, can make more guaranteed money by working literally any job.

8 years ago

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All I'm trying to say is that if you have some spare time in your day why not do it and if it's a legitimate review then I honestly see no downside to it.

8 years ago*

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What does his giveaway history have to do with anything? That doesn't make his opinion or point that was made any more or less relevant. You are reaching for straws.

8 years ago

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All I'm trying to say is that I think it might be beneficial to people okay. So what's so wrong with that? because you get money/credit it makes it bad or because you don't get tons of money? If you work a job then what difference does it make to writing reviews? It's irrelevant because if you work a job and you have spare time in your day and you'd like to earn some credit while writing reviews then go ahead and do it through this site then.

8 years ago

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That's fine. If you want to pump out a bunch of 'reviews' like Digital Homicide pumps out 'games' then go for it.

8 years ago

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That's your opinion, so if that's what you think of it then okay don't use the site then.

8 years ago

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By that reasoning then I shouldn't shop on the Steam store either given what I've seen at times.

edit: blacklisted right back. I have to laugh at people who frivolously blacklist others because they can't handle someone having a differing opinion. I'll see if I can make a giveaway from a game on your wishlist to celebrate this momentous occasion.

8 years ago*

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I find it hypocritical honestly because this was my discussion posting promoting the site and your opinion differs from mine as well and you have to try and bother me that way because it really doesn't I could care less if you added something from my wishlist. I've been here less than a week so I could really care less. I blacklisted you because you continuously have just proclaimed and assumed that I will only write bs or unhelpful reviews the funny thing is you believe it so much that you are attacking me for a site that you don't believe is good. So PLEASE DO waste your money to try and bother me because that's your money down the toilet.

8 years ago

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I didn't really have to try to 'bother' you, you created this reality yourself in your own mind. Also, I don't really have a problem with GMG. Not sure where you got that from. Again, your fabrication.

As promised here is a giveaway open to 'everyone'

Poker Night 2

Not to worry, it's not a waste. Who knows, I might even do more if the fancy strikes.

edit: We may not have seen eye-to-eye but at least you stood by your opinion, which is more than I can say for foe (ironically appropriate name). Blacklist is on cooldown but I'll consider taking you off after the giveaway ends.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yep, and the only reason I blacklist preemptively is for rulebreakers.

edit: Apparently you are on my blocked user list on Steam. You must have done something bad then because I don't do so lightly.
edit 2: why delete all of your comments unless they lack conviction??

8 years ago*

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What rule did I break then? Like honestly will you not just let it go? All I was saying is that I support and am promoting this website and you think its a big waste of time and are arguing with me about that. I don't get what the problem is.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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you blacklisted me because I asked a question?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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So who did you already have blacklisted then?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Oh, I thought you meant me because just promoting a website and my opinion seems to have gotten me blacklisted by like 10 people.

8 years ago

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I had said "normally", which is the majority of cases. Edited the wording for clarity since you have trouble with reading comprehension though.

8 years ago

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WHAT DID I DO? Like seriously, what did I do to make you just attack me and be so damn rude and insult me?

8 years ago

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As I said, this was created in your mind because like so many other people on the internet you cannot handle someone with a different opinion. I don't blacklist those who don't agree with mine, but that's just me. I will however blacklist someone in return because to me it should be a two-way street. Good luck with your review writing though. I hope you make good money.

8 years ago

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You do realize I was simply expressing and defending my opinion right? my opinion that it is worth it to write reviews, and your opinion is the opposite. So how can I not handle your opinion if you couldn't help but disagree that it is not worth it so discussing and defending my opinion means I CAN handle someone else's opinion and take it into consideration. Never said I didn't agree with you either.

8 years ago

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The mere act of you blacklisting me (following this comment) for disagreeing with your opinion is why. I'm not sure why that is hard to understand. Did I do this to you simply for disagreeing with my opinion? No I did not. It may be your right to do so, just as it is my right to consider it hasty and irrational.

8 years ago*

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Hang on let me get this straight... I won't get into the rest of the discussion because I have a feeling this is going to be unpleasant but the fact that zidan hasn't given away a single game yet makes his point that you can make better money doing pretty much any job less valid in your opinion ?

I'm not saying that he's necessarily right I'm just curious if I got that correct that you're saying there's a relation between somebody's GA history and how serious you take their opinion.

8 years ago*

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What I said was that someone's giveaway history should not have any bearing on their right to express their opinion on a subject, or that a point they may be trying to make is somehow rendered meaningless because of it.

8 years ago*

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It's getting hard to tell who replied to whom because of multiple levels of replies but I was trying to reply to foe. Did you get the notification because then I must have misclicked ?

8 years ago

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What I was trying to say is that using the site and writing game reviews for in store credit is worth it and he disagrees. Also, I was saying you could get games cheap there and possible do giveaways here using the in store credit and I specifically meant the comment about the guy not giving games away on here because he was saying that working a job could get you more money then writing reviews, which was weird since someone so approving of spending their hard earned money on games hasn't given away any is what I was trying to say.

8 years ago*

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What I wrote had nothing to do with the debate if it's worth it or not.
I was asking foe if he thinks that somebody's GA history determines the value of their opinion.

I'm not getting involved in the debate whether the reward justifies the effort. Everybody has to decide that for themselves.

8 years ago

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No that's not what I think, I was involving it with relation to the debate.

8 years ago

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I was asking the other guy anyway but it's ok ;)
Just FYI if you edit your replies and add new arguments after I post a reply that makes it appear as if I ignored part of what you said so it's often better to post a new message or mark the new part with

Edit: at the end of your post.

8 years ago

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Okay thanks for the tip.

8 years ago

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You've barely been here a few days, just given out two games and already arrogant?
Get off your high horse.
What world do you live in?

8 years ago

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I'm not trying to be.

8 years ago

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Well thats what it looks like. Someone has a different opinion and you try invalidate them by remarking that they haven't gifted anything.
A few days ago neither had you!
And then blacklisting Shad0WeN?
Why didn't you write in the intro that you don't opinions that differ from yours?

8 years ago

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Not everyone lives in the previleged country you do. There are tons of people out there that may appreciate this.

8 years ago

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I may live in a privileged country now (was not born here) but I certainly don't live a privileged life. If anything the opposite, especially when you factor in the cost of living. Have to scrap for everything. Despite this, my point still stands.

8 years ago*

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Yet there is a huge difference between paying 60$ for a game while you are making 7$/h and paying the same while making 3$ per day.

Plus, there are people who are not willing to spend their hard earned money on games or hesitate to do so.

8 years ago

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'Profitable' is not the only measure of work. I've often chosen jobs which paid less but were more enjoyable over better paying jobs, and I think that was a good decision.

Lots of people post their reviews for free. Now they can also get something for it. Win.

8 years ago

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Good point and I can actually relate to that. I often offer to teach people Statistics, Math, Operations Research and everything related to these subjects for free because it is enjoyable, even though I am broke as hell. But the satisfaction of revealing to people how easy and simple these subjects are is priceless to be honest.

8 years ago

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On what planet can you just decide on the spur of the moment, at home, to wash cars/flip burgers for as much or as little time as you want? Because that would be where this isn't an apples-and-oranges comparison.

8 years ago

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But at that moment I would be spending my time looking for a job. The amount of money for the reviews is not meant to be a job even if the money is intended to purchase games. I just see it as some sort of a symbolic "thank you" gift and nothing more. Using it as a source of income is not efficient at all.

8 years ago

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What if you already have a job? And... are you actually saying any given single second of the day you don't have a job, you'd spend looking for one? It's not an either/or proposition unless you're literally spending your every waking minute job-hunting.

8 years ago

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If you have a job then you won't need to go through the effort of writing down a review for pennies, you would have much more important things to do like actually having some fun or spending time with family.
And if you are jobless, then yes, you should work your max to finding a job instead of wasting time hunting for pennies.

This is my personal opinion, other people might have a different outlook on life and I respect that.

8 years ago

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That pretty much hits the nail on the head. To ignore that is self-defeating, why some people are stuck where they are, and it's like Catch 22. In a way it reminds me of the quote from Fat Bastard in Austin Powers: "I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat".

8 years ago

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People are stuck where they are because it feels comfortable. Improving oneself requires effort, sweat, tears, and blood and it often involves risk. Not many people want to go through such a daunting task so they just settle for what they have.

8 years ago

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Good to know. Thanks :)

8 years ago

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Can it be something I've already posted elsewhere (like on Steam) or does it have to be specific to GMG?

8 years ago

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It depends usually, but I believe that if you have posted it on steam and it was you specifically who posted it, that I assume you could copy it from steam.

8 years ago

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That changes things significantly - I guess I'll look into it.Thanks

8 years ago

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All my reviews there were copied from my Steam reviews. I even pointed it out and they were accepted.

8 years ago

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Nice. :) I don't know that I'll ever buy from GMG, but you never know~ Gives me an incentive to spread the reviewing-love :D

8 years ago

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They are still mostly free from the Steam reviewing drama and group exploitation—like GOG—but like GamersGate, their reviews section isn't too big and taken too seriously by most when trying to determine whether a game is good or not. To be frank though, I think currently their setup is the best, even if I find it unlikely that they really read through all that, it is most likely a simple automated content check.

8 years ago

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I'd agree, especially because it forces better written reviews than you might have posted on steam or makes you fix them up a little bit.

8 years ago

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Might be worth it, if you're living in a low income region, but i guess even there nobody will put any effort into it.

So, in the end you're basically becoming a human review bot, earning less than slave labor. Who needs real bots, if you can just buy humans this cheaply -_-

8 years ago

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so Ive posted about 2 reviews and no money, do I have to wait for them to make sure the review is legit?

8 years ago

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Yeah, I said it can take a couple of hours or a day and there's no guarantee they will post it because I've written a lot of reviews and not all of them were posted I assume. So yeah they take their time with deciding whether or not they are going to publish them.

8 years ago

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Where is the link to this on their site?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the link. Will give it a try in the future.

8 years ago

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Here comes the fake reviews!

8 years ago

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I thought I read that they were discontinuing this credit practice.

8 years ago

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I wouldn't mind doing this if I could just copy-paste my Steam reviews, but I bet that's not allowed... and I'm not willing to write review for the same game twice so fuck it honestly.

8 years ago

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It is allowed if they are your reviews.

8 years ago

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Can I? That's pretty cool then.. thanks for the info.

8 years ago

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I didn't realise this was still a thing, but I bought games before now with credit from copying and pasting my reviews from Steam so that is probably still worth a try...

8 years ago

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Alright, I'll give it a shot.

8 years ago

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I think there is some kind of review process but if my crap can get through it can't be that strict...

8 years ago

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Noticed at the weekend that WinGameStore/MacGamestore have a rewards programme. It also rewards reviews - must have bought the game from them first.100 points = $5 store credit. A review gives you 5 points. You also get 1 point for each $ spent, 25 points for each 10th purchase and there are other bonuses. Details here

Might as well mention GamersGate - remember to to give a rating to every purchase for 50 free blue coins.

8 years ago

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Only english reviews, right? :(

8 years ago

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Yeah I think so but not 100% sure.

Edit: There are other languages on there not just English reviews if you change the language of the site.

8 years ago*

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I used to write reviews to get credit, they accepted some of mine, and then stopped after a few of them. Also, they seem to only accept positive reviews.

8 years ago

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Yeah it does seem that way sometimes

8 years ago

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Is it possible to change your account name on Green Man Gaming? I'd copy over some of my Steam reviews except for some ungodly reason my GMG account is my real name, and I like having the illusion of anonymity.

8 years ago

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Well, there goes the review system on GMG ...

8 years ago

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They had this since a looong time and still only very few reviews over all.

8 years ago

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