Is ban them altogether. I suggest everyone gets 10 entries max. An entry is regenerated every 24 hours. This will get rid of all fake giveaways, as there would be no point to making fake ones. It will also keep people from entering things they aren't all that interested in.

13 years ago*

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13 years ago

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cult, it seems like you mostly like this idea for preventing fake giveaways but we could easily solve this problem with the "Award points after succesful giveaway" idea. I don't think the entries thing will work because sometimes there aren't any games people are interested in so they will still enter because they can regenerate so easily. And other times you might want to enter everything...

13 years ago

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Dude, I'm telling you points are useless at the moment, they generate too fast, and they shouldn't be tied to a monetary value, and people are already doing this with points.

13 years ago

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How is it that your suggestion is better? Because it is yours? How is your suggestion going to stop fake giveaways? How is it going to help with the mass "I need to enter everything because I have points to spare" just because the "award points after successful giveaway" is your idea does not make it better. We can cheat that system too.

13 years ago

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I like it better because people wont feel the need to generate fake giveaways unless they need the points. Instead people will remove their entry from something they do not want and put it into something they do like they are suppose to. This Changes nothing for the users as they still have about the same limits on entering a giveaway. It does however create a lot less work for the mods and solves the police problem in one clean swoop.

@ Ellendi ~ It does not necessarily fix the problem of people not wanting a game and entering for it, but in all fairness there is no way to tell someone that they dont want a game more than someone else. get over it and let them be happy they got a new game to play. even if they only have 15 min during thier kids nap a day to play it.

13 years ago

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Precisely what Wedge said. +1 Cult, yer awesome.

13 years ago

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This might not be a bad idea. I'm not sure at this point how many entries generated per day I would like to see though. It seems like with the amount of giveaways been created right now if people only had 1 giveaway per day some giveaways might slide through without any entries...

Edit: On second thought the creator could just make another giveaway. Wouldn't really matter.

13 years ago

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They could make it dynamic like the new invite system perhaps?

13 years ago

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With almost 11k users I doubt that very much.

13 years ago

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That is assuming all 11k users are logged in for most of every day. It mostly depends on how many users are visiting the site at a given time. I could see a common giveaway slipping through without any entries if it were only open for a couple hours though. Although that wouldn't really be that big of a deal as the creator could just create another giveaway.

13 years ago

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and if there are only 3 giveaways made in 1 day everyone enters? 10k people for 3 games? it wouldent work

13 years ago

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The new dynamic invite value system ought to keep the amount of giveaways being created fairly steady. At least more than before anyway.

13 years ago

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Rule out all those that have it/don't want it/spent their entry somewhere else, and it becomes manageable. Besides. Three giveaways in a day? Come on.

13 years ago

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You don't get to 3,000 comments on three giveaways a day.

13 years ago

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What about people who will make a fake giveaway to make people wasting their daily entry on a fake game.

13 years ago

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If points entered in a fake giveaway can be refunded then this could too.

13 years ago

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I don't think you all understand that you can save them up. You don't HAVE to spend one a day, you can wait, they would just regenerate slowly. I would also say that people would be required to buy them before the giveaway. So we can see they have a giftable copy. They want to wait to buy it? Too bad, I say.

13 years ago

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Now that would solve a lot of problems. If its a genuine giveaway they shouldn't have a problem with this.

13 years ago

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What would this mean for things like the Humble Bundles?

13 years ago

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If they would be required to buy the game before the giveaway then what's the point of this new system to stop the fake giveaways?

13 years ago

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Because points aren't doing anything at this point. They accrue too quickly, and there are jillions of entries for every submission.

13 years ago

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Fake giveaways are supposed to annoy people, not just generate some points. And you'll be annoyed even more if you spent your precious entry in the fake giveaway.
I like point system. And if gifter could set 300p (kijib's suggestion) as the price of entering Skyrim giveaway, I'll be glad to test my luck there.
Removing point system will not prevent 2000+ entries in giveways with most wanted games, but it will left Portal giveaways without any entries at all.

13 years ago

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The point system is not working with this many users. It's pretty clear. Also, I don't think you understand how many people are making secondary accounts to just pad their points with fake giveaways.

13 years ago

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Any system is not going to work with this many users. More people = less chances to win.

13 years ago

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I think it is a great idea, it will more than likely cut down on the fake giveaways and maybe even cut down on the people entering everything they can. I mean with the limit of how many giveaways you can do in a day, it might make people think twice.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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I don't really see this preventing people from entering giveaways they don't really want though. This will decrease the amount of entries by a LOT(not necessarily bad). If somebody sees a giveaway ending in the next couple minutes with only a few people entered in it you can bet they will enter it regardless of how much they actually want it. With such a decrease in entries people will be more apt to hop on opportunities like this. That isn't necessarily bad, it just means that this likely won't prevent people from winning games they won't really play much.

13 years ago

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I predict a majority will resist impulse entries like that because WHOOOO KNOOOOWS A Black Ops might be right around the corner

13 years ago

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Possibly. I say fuck it. Only one way to find out.

13 years ago

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What is the worst that can happen? Really? I know these are famous last words for many unfortunate people...But in this case, I cannot imagine how it will adversely affect any of us. MAKE IT SO!

13 years ago

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This won't eliminate fake giveaways because if I make an awesome giveaway for 3 copies of Skyrim that ends in 2 days then everyone will enter and I will have a much better chance to win giveaways that end before mine does and everyone discovers it was a fake.

In other words: fake giveaways now act as point sinks and with this they will act as "entry" sinks.

13 years ago

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Not if the site checks to see if you have three giftable copies of skyrim, and when it sees you don't, doesn't let you create the giveaways.

13 years ago

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Then you don't need this new system to get rid of fake giveaways as they will be vetted by the site checking. I'm not saying that switching form points to entries is bad, just that it has no effect on fake giveaways.

13 years ago

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His idea, though, applied simultaneously with the valid-game-check-thingy, will serve as a redundancy at worst. And redundancy isn't a bad thing in the case of this site.

13 years ago

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if numbers stay like this, there will be lots of giveaways with no participants.
and those with most time avaliable to monitor giveaways at their final minute will win the most.
and, as it was told before, there is a reason to make fakes — lure people away from real ones. (actually there is no point in fakes even now, because everyone gets those points, so the chances to win go down, instead of going up... but those cheaters seem to be too sily to understand that)

that might be interesting, but i'm not really sure, if that solves any problems...

my suggestion on points is here and also some recent comments here

13 years ago

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The problem with that is that it prevents users from actually visiting that giveaway. We want them to comment, thank, etc.

13 years ago

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oh, i see now.. the initial post was how to make it comfortable for users, but you have a point.
well, there can easily be separate threads for each of them, but once you enter one, you enter them all.
comments is not something that must be changed:)
also, if you want users to enter them separately and have a chance to thank every time, they enter, it is possible to make them actually enter it manually, but once you are in an active giveaway of the same game already, you can enter the second for free. and once, there is already an active giveaway of such a game, no points for the new one are genereated. In this case, there won't even be a problem with separating private ones, they will work exactly the same.
the only problem would be with returning points while quiting. so basicly, once you enter a second same giveaway, you should not be able to get your points back.

13 years ago

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and yes, i know, it doesn't really help with fakes. unless you can enter every giveaway, there is a reason to make fakes. and nothing but validation helps.
how about, users may only create validated (through steam trade) giveaways manually, and if they ever want to create an unvalidated giveaway, they must be interviewed by the staff to get such a permission. once they are known to be good users, they are allowed to create unvalidated giveaways by themselves.

an only exception would be, it might be possible to create an unvalidated giveaway, if there is already same giveaway active. in that case, staff might approve only one HIB4 giveaway and everyone else may create new HIB4 giveaways but those are free to enter (for those, who has entered the first one) and they don't generate points. everyone is happy:)

13 years ago

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With 1,500 participants in alot of popular giveaways, and the average being like 300, I think we'd be safe from "Oh no, no one has entered!"

The only giveaways in danger of that might be the Humble bundles, and those will continue to trickle away as we get further from the actual dates that people could buy them.

13 years ago

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if people can only choose one game a day without considering it's cost, they will mostly choose the most expensive. cost of the game is important.
and so, if most will choose the most expensive, cheap games will be rarely chosen, and might even stay with no entries. some people will enter those empty giveaways the last minute, but i don't think, it's good to give them such a chance.

13 years ago

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i would change 10 for some proportion aligned with created giveaways, so that one person can participate in, say, 30% of created giveaways per day

13 years ago

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This is the situation now. It's 10%. I personally think that this is a good system right now but the problem is the fake giveaways. This could be fixed by the upcoming update that will make the Steam Gifts system check if you have the gift in your bag.

13 years ago

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I would say that all the copies of Dirt 3 and HIB are accruing more points than fake giveaways. Maybe I'm wrong.

13 years ago

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Hmm. How about every three hours everybody who's not at the limit (say, 10 or 12) will get an additional entry.

13 years ago

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Which would lead to people going AFK for weeks and coming back to hundreds of entries? This is why we have the point cap.

13 years ago

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Um. Did you even read what I wrote? "not at the limit (say 10 or 12)" means that they'll get an entry as long as they're not at the maximum. Or the cap. Or the limit. Because they all mean the same thing. :P

13 years ago

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The problem with the current system seems to be that the general price is used, and points are given away for free games.

For example, a lot of the dirt 3 keys are coming from the AMD promotion. For each one of these everyone on the site is given 5 points despite the fact the value of the code is much less than the steam price. Also the Might and Magic keys. Every time someone gives away a multiplayer only key, it generates more points despite being worthless.

This is causing inflation.

Limiting the number of entries will cause expensive giveaways to have tons of entries, with cheaper games more neglected.

13 years ago

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yeah, agree with that. such system might make the problem even worse, with the cheap games. 10% of entries is just right, it should not go any lower. and the prices should count, to make people enter both expensive and cheap games.

what breaks the current point system is massive giveaways of one same title. even fairly legal giveaways of extra Valve games, like portal or HL2 lead to such problems. $50 Dirt3 was just a much bigger problem, compairing to them and HIB.

my suggestion is in the comments a little earlier:)

13 years ago

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Whatever sg team will add/change, I am okay with them.

13 years ago

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Just counted and at the moment of writing this I have entries in 36 giveaways and have 57 more points to spend. I have more points then the ones needed to enter every giveaway that I think I might play someday.

While the point management is a fun game, I think we all do have too many points, so this idea might be worth more than you give it credit for. The thing with the point system is, it works fine only if not for the:
Summer Sales, Humble Bundles, promo campaigns (like Dirt 3), mass fake posters, etc...

For the current system to truly work, a dozen or more people needs to work on the systems and moderation of fake entries at all times, two people can only do so much. If that kind of manpower is not going to be employed, then I'd go with the simpler idea that Cult provided here.

13 years ago

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i don't think, there was a problem during summer camp. there was a variety of gifts during that time, so there was just lots of giveaways, but there weren't enough points to enter each of them, unless you bought most of them yourself.

13 years ago

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I'm against it.
Let the people choose what they want and how much they want.
There is no doubt that we need to solve the fake giveaways problem. But, this is by limiting putting games for giveaway (as cg suggested) and not by limiting entries.

13 years ago

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I like the concept, but how would it be executed exactly? I am assuming you mean something like you have a max of 10 entries per a 24 hour period, as in every day at X time you are bumped back up to 10 entries? I'm not sure how to set this up and yet keep it from being exploited...

Maybe it should be that you can have 10 entries max and at midnight [some time zone] you regenerate entries daily. But you only get as many entries as giveaways you are not entered in?

13 years ago

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It'd be more like you get 10 entries total. Once you use those 10 entries you don't get them back until you remove yourself from the giveaway or the giveaway is over.

After the giveaway is over, you wait 24 hours to get that entry back. This is the idea that Cult is putting for and it would really help this community.

13 years ago

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Didn't see cult mention that second bit in the first post so I guess I missed it in a comment somewhere. That certainly seems like a less easy to cheese system.

13 years ago

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Cool system.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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+1 new system

13 years ago

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I like this idea. I think to add on to it, if you win a giveaway you should lose that entry 7 days.

Say for example I win Dirt 3. With this system I used one of my entries for it. When I win Dirt 3, I now have 9 entries to do with for the next week. Seven days after I won Dirt I would then have 10 entries to do with what I please.

This would make people more cautious with what they enter, it would also make people who win multiple giveaways in the same week less chance to win others. In turn, giving others the opportunity to win.

13 years ago

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I doubt people are actually entering giveaways they aren't interested in. Doesn't really matter what you say but we don't have enough points to enter every single one.

13 years ago

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for a while i did and i entered games i was only interested in as opposed to really wanting as i saw that not entering was to my disadvantage when i was near the 300pts limit.

13 years ago

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You registered yesterday, wait until you see the ebb and flow of the site. There are too many points.

13 years ago

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I could do so very easily. I have 226 points right now, am entered in 11 current giveaways... and nothing to spend the rest of those points on.
I could easily throw points into giveaways I have very little interest in, and by tomorrow I'll undoubtedly be right bank up to where I am now if not higher. As is the point system is in no way a limitation for me, everything I want I can enter for and have plenty of points left.
To either sit dormant, or spend frivolously on games I'd likely never play... and hence have a chance of depriving someone who might actually play it.

When this site was first created and before the point system, people were entering into every giveaway that was listed. That alone should be evidence that without any limitations people will happily enter into giveaways they have little interest in.

13 years ago

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Yea, I like that.

13 years ago

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Nice suggestion

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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I like it. I say let's give it a go.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Cult.