Is there any way to find out who has blacklisted me and counter blacklist them fast? Not that I create giveaways here anyways atm, but still.

8 years ago

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The blacklist doesn't work as an ignore button, it simply blocks users from joining your GAs. Which is meaningless for you.
i guess they got you there :P

8 years ago

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Blacklist me then. The reason was that you never gave stuff away and actually thought that people who blacklist want to censor. I just don't want you to have a chance at the free stuff that I give out.
You leech in the community (which is mostly fine, as long as you stay humble), and yet you still have the audacity to just judge people who give free stuff.
If I'm misunderstanding something here, please go ahead and correct me.

8 years ago

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blacklist someone just because he blacklist you? hum

8 years ago

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Well, I give away a lot of games, while i don't enter much GAs. So if someone blacklists me I don't lose much, but if i blacklist someone, that person potentially lost a chance to win a game. So if someone blacklisted me for any reason, I would like to know who that was so i can deny them that chance. Since they don't like me anyway, I assume they don't like my games neither.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah I found you manually, no hate though.

8 years ago

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In my Opinion it should be standard anyway that if you blakclist someone that you cant enter his giveaways either. i mean you think he was worth a blacklist and so for not worth to enter your gas. so why do you think you should still be able / allowed to enter his giveaways at the same time? isnt that a bit hypocritical?

8 years ago

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+1, but you know everyone is going to hate hate hate hattttteeeeee you for saying it, they clearly believe when you get blacklisted that the person should be able to win your gas

its all about screwing that person in the ass, check this scenario. you blacklist someone (boom fuck you), you enter their giveaway and win BOOM BOOM BOOM DOUBLE TRIPLE ULTRA KILL FUCK YOU BRO*, its the ultimate form of go to hell, thats CLEARLY what its all about

(i had nothing to do with their comment, dont hate me, lol)

8 years ago*

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¯ \ (ツ) / ¯ i only state my opinion. if people feel to blackklsit / hate me for theres nothing i can do about

8 years ago

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Main problem with auto-blacklist is if I blacklist you and I see you giveaway game I want, I unblacklist you and enter giveaway and blacklist you again.

I guess it could be countered by making "auto-blacklist" disappear after like 3 months after you unblack list someone...

8 years ago

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The thing is most times you wont notice the ga then. atleast for the public ones. i doubt many people check regularly all people they blacklist.

8 years ago

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i had it already atleast one time. still sent the game, but was the first time i was near to not sent it.

8 years ago

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Yeah same that's kinda why I Made the thread. That comment will probably give you alot of blacklists though.

8 years ago

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+1 i check winner of my GA to see if iam in their BL but not sure if i would be granted a re-roll

8 years ago

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on the ground for being on their BL? nope

8 years ago

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you would not. You can get a reroll in 5 cases:

  1. Winner already owns the game or part of a pack if you're giving a pack.
  2. Winner rejects game himself and you can provide a proof of him doing so (screen of steam chat or comment in GA itself saying they want a reroll).
  3. Winner didn't activate a game in over a week and does not respond to your tries of contact with him.
  4. Winner is currently Suspended thus could not mark game as recveived.
  5. Winner broke the rules and was not suspended for it prior to your report OR broke activation/multiwin rules during last month.

Entering GA of someone who you have BlackListed is NOT against the site rules, so point 5 is not working here and all other points are irrelevant to this situation.

8 years ago

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Thats total bull :'(

you should automatically be unallowed to enter GA's of people you blacklist

8 years ago

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no you're not - whether X wants to use BL or not is up to him and should not be automatic. Explained in details here so I'm not gonna repeat myself ;p

8 years ago

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but wouldn't you want to know that people that blacklisted you weren't sneakily entering your gibs?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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no I would not, especially not at cost of all the problems I mentioned. Make a complex system, full of possible problems, exploits or very complex exceptions, additional rules and so on and on just becaus niceguyjon would like to know if someone is entering his gibs while having him BLed. So for your convinience, for something that is not even remotely important, because you can already check it yourself by clicking any GA of them, make life harder for everyone. pretty self-centred aren't we? ;p

8 years ago

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why would that make it harder for everyone? am why is that self centered to want a system that works

(you're acting like i'm the only one who would want this)

8 years ago

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"why would it make it harder for everyone?"
Read here and here as I'm not really going to rephrase two massive walls of text.

8 years ago

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I don't think we are going to agree on this , so lets agree to disagree

8 years ago

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but why? I provide you wits a set of valid arguments. when presented with set of valid arguments suddenly all you have to say is "we won't agree, let's agree to disagree"?

8 years ago

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it's really not worth going into so much detail about this.

8 years ago

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And no, I don't mean you're the only one who wants it. I'm sure there are more users who want it as well (especially rulebreakers and massive leechers, generally ppl who gets a lot of welld eserved BLs, not saying you are but saying mostly these ppl would profit from such system thus they would like it). But fact of the matter is that it's not whole, not even majority of community who wants it. It's still small minority. and just because small minority wants something whole community gonna be forced to use it and deal with all problems related to it. It is self centred.

8 years ago

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its happened to me, all it did was bring me a chuckle. you can blacklist me right now and i won't blacklist back and you're still welcome to win from me, idc. i don't do blacklist at all anymore. imo it's a pointless system that makes no difference at all. there are people who request blacklists regularly just cause they know how much it doesn't matter.

8 years ago

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I don't ask for that system, but otherwise I don't really mind it in most cases. If someone tells me in a friendly manner that he thinks I have enough games and no bad feelings, but would give others more chance at winning, I would be absolutely fine with the blacklist and I would be sad if the system would BL him out of my giveaways as well. On the other hand, maybe it would make people think twice before blacklisting for negligible stuff :)

8 years ago

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It is my blacklist and I don't want others adding themselves to it just as they are my giveaways and I will decide who may or may not enter them. If a user chooses to avoid them, I don't care but others should not be able to force a technical restriction on what I created.

8 years ago

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It will never happen due to the BL/WL limit. Imagine if someone were to blacklist 1000 people. If automatic mutual blacklists were a thing noone would be able to BL this person since it would have to go over the his/her BL limit and that can't happen.

Also to OP - haven't gotten a BL in nearly a month, so if you don't mind... ;)

8 years ago

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To say you don't create giveaways "at the moment" would require there to have ever been a time when you created them with any regularity.

I've no idea when I blacklisted you, nor whether it was simply for your terrible ratio or because you were acting like a tool - but the idea that anyone who blacklists you is obviously trying to oppress or censor you is beyond laughable.

Do you have any familiarity with Occam's razor? People don't blacklist you because of some devious conspiracy to silence your bold opinions; they blacklist you because you deserve it. Get over yourself.

Please, feel free to add me to your black list. I shall try not to lose any sleep over it.

8 years ago

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It's okay, you're just 1 in the masses.

8 years ago

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1st rule about Blacklist Club

Don't talk about BL Club.

8 years ago

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That's the main problem noone speaks againts it, I'm just a messager getting killed.

8 years ago

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People will BL you for breathing so cheer up, make GA (when possible) and move on.

8 years ago

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Yeah, but I still gotta find a way to blacklist the blacklisters you know. That's why I'm asking for giveaway eventhough I don't make them alot (poor student etc. etc. Dumb excuses you could say) I wouldnt want people who have blacklisted me to enter my giveaways you know, I trade for most of my games so it takes quite a time to get a good game, wouldn't want people who hate me win those.

8 years ago

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Is a waste of time looking for revenge, there are near 1M registered users on SG, believe me, just move on, you can survive with any BL amount (the limit if I remember is 1000 users on each WL/BL)

DUDE just checked your inventory and now I'm sad

8 years ago*

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now i'm sad too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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Welcome to FEELadelphia

8 years ago

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Well, you are in luck, I know most of the better users here refuse to enter giveaways for blacklisted members anyway. So even if you did actually make giveaways, you wouldn't have all of us entering for it in the first place. I've actually requested being move from the whitelist of some users for that reason, I wouldn't enter them anyway.

I do find most revenge blacklistings utterly pointless though, a lot of the users are either purely region locked or group / private exclusive (and one hadn't made a single giveaway in 3 years here, just leached and broke rules :P), that I'd never notice most myself if some of them didn't gloat about it as if it was something I'd care about.

Anyway, since you want to punish users with an action they will never notice, I first recommend checking your wins if you haven't already. Good chance that some of the blacklists are because of your ratio when you won from them, rather than whatever you did to get on mine (I don't suppose you would remember?).

8 years ago

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Yeah I don't remember when you blacklisted me, I blacklisted you a few days/weeks ago. It's a simple thing if you blacklist me I'll blacklist you (not talking about you just in general) I wouldn't want someone that doesnt want me to enter my giveaway if I can't enter theirs. Yes I know my ratio isn't good, but like I said (Yeah excuses I know) I'm just a poor student, trading for all of my games, I don't really buy games and when I do I usually have to trade for a bit to get the Keys for it. I know that alot of people would say that this is a bad excuse but it's simply true. Ofcourse I don't Mind people blacklisting me (if I did I wouldn't have Made this thread because I knew it would bring Mass blacklists my way) but I through it had to be done, believe it or not for the community I know alot of people who think this way but are simply too scared to ask/say something because they'll get alot of blacklists.

8 years ago

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I can understand not having a lot of cash, I'm unemployed myself, but I turned cards and trading into giveaway funds. :)

Besides, you don't seem to have that much issue getting stuff on Steam. Your inventory is public, and looking a lot nicer than mine. :P

8 years ago

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1st rule about unemployed club

Make other giveaway

8 years ago

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First rule of Street Countdown. Is that you really must try and tell as many people as possible about it. It's a rather fun game and the more people you tell about it the better!

8 years ago

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oh lol....

8 years ago

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I know I got some stuff in my inv, Yeah I trade and it has some Nice stuff in it, but like I said it's my only source for getting my games.

8 years ago

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"Yeah, I know I've got dozens of games in my inventory, but I can't afford to give away a single one of them because I want to use them to get more games for myself."

Seriously, I'm utterly delighted that you are on my blacklist. How could you possibly deserve it more?

8 years ago

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Here is a Small giveaway but it's not much don't enter if you've blacklisted me thanks.

8 years ago

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Yay for give.

8 years ago

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Pretty much true of me (before trading, if I wanted games, it was cutting into my food money, shame we get digital taxes destroying my trading as soon as Valve add it), but can't say either of us are short of games either. Admittedly, my library is more impressive (so I don't enter much now, outside of a few I'm invited to and certain groups for the most part). Ignoring wins, some people also just gift me stuff at times. Bloody awesome for me, bad for my backlog. :P

8 years ago

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Well I live at my parents House they pay for the food so I cant really cut on food cost ;p

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Threads like these.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It's sad how many people here don't get the purpose of BL.

8 years ago

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Sees topic.
Says "WTF?"
Still has 0 persons on BL, but strongly contemplated breaking that trend.

Sorry, but this is about as self-serving of a topic as I have seen to date.

8 years ago

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Here is a Small giveaway but it's not much don't enter if you've blacklisted me thanks.

8 years ago

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A funny fact: I don't blacklist leeches, but you've somehow found your way to my BL before this thread. Not long ago I've blacklisted all members of a certain group named "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG !", so I took a wild guess, checked the list of group members - and surprise, you were there! What can I say, some nice people are nice in all spheres. Please, feel free to blacklist me, I would be honored.

8 years ago

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1: You have an excellent ratio, and 2: you gave me a whole group of wonderful candidates to bulk out my blacklist!

Welcome to my whitelist :)

Not to mention being a fellow Psycho... Possibly! :D

8 years ago

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Thank you, a counter whitelist is in order :)
And yeah, we Psychos should stick together))

8 years ago

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I admit I had a dislike for the OP based on his previous comments and general behaviour in the forum, but that wasn't grounds for me to blacklist him. The membership in that group was, however.

8 years ago*

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Ah sorry I normally accept any group invites without looking. I've left that group now.

8 years ago

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You blacklist people based on a dumb 4chan meme?

8 years ago

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even if its a meme, its rather stupid

8 years ago

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I can't speak for the OP, but if you'll indulge me, I'll offer my own reasons here:

  1. I for one, was not aware this was a meme, but coming from 4chan, well that explains a few things, does in no way, however, excuse it in any way. I find the statement itself and what it implies offensive and an insult to common decency. Even when used in a supposedly non-serious or humourus manner, its usage is in extreme bad taste and demonstrates seriously poor judgment. I get that this may be the entire "point" of this degenerate little joke, meme, bait, whatever you want to call it, but I cannot abide someone who thinks it is a fun thing to "troll" with such a statement for shits and giggles.

  2. It is not immediately clear how serious this statement is supposed to be taken, as presented in that particular group. Looking at the group's curator page, they recommend (in their words) "Only products 110% jew free!". Whether this is in keeping with the meme or to be taken literally is unclear, but at this point I would not put it past the originator of that post to actually mean what they said. (Also see this group discussion here - classy stuff.) In this context, I have seen at least one member of that group posting in the forums on SG in a way that--if not outright condoned Hitler's actions--at least insinuated that he is a wrongly maligned figure. I find such Nazi apologists insufferable. Lest one forget, Holocaust denial is a punishable offence in several countries and not to be taken lightly.

So regardless of that group's origins or actual intentions, I will not trivialise it and simply laugh it off as some "dumb 4chan meme". I condemn and will continue to condemn such a thing with every fibre of my being in the strongest terms available to me, and that includes my blacklisting of the individuals associated with it, as is my right.

8 years ago

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This comes from someone who doesn't actually know the real origins.
but the entire joke/insult seems to be a bit lost within the group adm/mods, if that helps reinforce your point of view.
Still, had the joke came from a place of higher interlects , i would have a different opinion of it, on this attempt of black humor. though i understand some might have joined for being a well known 4chan reference. So i do give the members a pass, since it's not exactly supposed to be taken seriously, it's just not funny.
The problem is, its nothing more than a troll post. That kept appearing in conversations. Kinda of a lame idea for a group name,

On the other hand Mel Brooks has made great jokes about the atrocious, to the point people just burst out laughing at a simple Nazi salute.

8 years ago*

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Thank you, I just have nothing to add, you've expressed my thoughts better than I could considering my limited English skills. Whitelisted, of course.

8 years ago

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I have seen at least one member of that group posting in the forums on SG in a way that--if not outright condoned Hitler's actions--at least insinuated that he is a wrongly maligned figure.

I've seen two. At least one of them is a member of this group. Surprise surprise...

8 years ago

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Counter blacklist? Blacklist everyone :D

8 years ago

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Out of curiosity, how many more blacklists have you picked up from this topic?

8 years ago

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at least a revenge one o/

8 years ago

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If you mean I blacklisted you I already blacklisted you a couple of weeks/months ago.

8 years ago

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110 doubled my blacklists count, also got some whitelists.

8 years ago

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I don't know why you don't get added to user's blacklist automatically when you blacklist him. It should work same as friendlist on Steam or everywhere else.

edit: Well now I know!

8 years ago*

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  1. You have limited BL spots, what if 1000 people blacklist you, you automatically gotta BL them back and bam - you have no BL spots left to BL someone who really offended you.
  2. It would be easilly exploitable. I have Winny BLed but I see GA of his I want to enter? I unBL him, since my BL was automatic I get automatic unBL, I enter his GA, then I BL him again.
  3. People may BL for various reasons and you may not want to BL them back. Easy example - there's been cases of forum events events involving BL - like you gotta choose what Ga you enter because after you enter one you will be BLed from other GAs. Some Contributors also temporary BL their winners not because of something bad they did, but to give better chances to win other ppl in community. Like you won from me already let's give other people a chance as well. You may not want to BL these kid of people, but automatic system would do so even if you personally don't want to.
  4. Automatic system would show you who BLed you because you'd suddenly see this person on your BL. It would lead to potentiall harassment - forum/profile spamming for example.
  5. Both BL and WL are not mandatory, everyone chooses if and how he wishes to use these features based on their own perspective. Having any form of automation would be thus contradicting to the idea of each poerson deciding on his own how to use them.
8 years ago

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All those points are valid yet easily fixable. But I get it of course. The limit is 1000 then? I have a few spots left!

8 years ago

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everything is fixable - problem is that one fix leads to another possible exploitation or another problems, fixes for these leads to another and yet another and so on and on. It also makes system much more complicated - and a lot of ppl already don't get simple SG systems, not to mention complicated ones (see how many times we have to repeat over and over what 95% rule means when we take regional prices into consideration). The biggest plus of current system is that it's simple, easy to explain, easy to understand. The moment you add additional layers of rules and exceptions onto it the forums will get flooded with people not understanding them and crying about how unfair they are. You think BL threads are annoying? Imagine them 3 times more ;p

As for problem fixing leading to another problems - let's take point 2 as an example. Proposed fix would be 3-7 day cooldown before unblacklisting. But it leads to another problem, BL and WL buttons are next to each other, intoxicated zelg tries to WL Winny because he's having so much fun with group event they are currently having. But intoxicated zelg missclicks and BLs him instead. He realizes mistake right away and fixes it but bam - he's now on forced 3-7day BL from Winny and he cannot join any of GAs that made him wish to WL Winny in the first place. We already have a fix and another problem already. Ok so we fix this problem by adding let's say 10min cooldown - only 10min after you BL someone you get automatically BLed back. But then some clever programmer writes a BL bot to go around this system. BOT will keep people Blacklisted for 9minutes and 30 seconds, then remove them all and readd them resetting 10min timer. I will keep ppl BLed but without trigerring automated bidirectional BL. To fight this problem we develop another fix - if you BL someone more than 3 times in a day system automatically BL you back. But then it may generate another problems I don't think about yet, because now I want to show different thing - how quickly simple system became very complex and difficult to understand for a newbie. Currently you can describe BL in a simple way:

 "If you BL someone he cannot enter your future GAs. He still may win your GAs he entered before you BLed him." 

period. Nothing more. Two simple sentences. Now explain system we just developed

"If you BL someone he cannot enter your future GAs. He still may win your GAs he entered before you BLed him. You will also not be able to enter his GAs because you will be automatically blacklisted back. Only there's an exception that you will be blacklisted back not immediatelly but after 10 minutes to avoid missclick balcklisting. But even if you blacklist someone for less than 3 minutes if you blacklist him for no matter how short period of time but more than three seperate times during less than 24 hours you will get automatically blacklisted back anyway to avoid exploitation. You must also note that 24h period is counted from first blacklist that occured. Also if 24 hours since 1st blacklist passed but in this time there was instance of another blacklist another 24h period will occur starting from second blacklist and so on and on."

You see how complex and difficult explanation of the system became? Now imagine adding additional modifications and exceptions to the system to get rid of ALL potential problems I described, and imagine what a monstrosity of rules, exceptions, explanations etc the system becomes.

8 years ago*

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I said I get it Zelg! Jesus!

8 years ago

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I believe this has been pointed out massively, but that's being petty and childish. Let them blacklist you, don't take the time out of your day to both with them though because oh well things happen. Why inconvenience yourself because someone doesn't want you to enter their giveaway?

8 years ago

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I blacklisted you ;) (But you already knew that)
So you have about 65 left

8 years ago

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I'll make it easy for you, you can blacklist me.

8 years ago

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whitelisted :)

8 years ago

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